lightbulb moment #1956


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Been struggling with my irons and driver for quite some time. Main problem is dropping the club way inside under plane whatever you want to call it.

It has been a succession of fats and hooks. With the soft ground recently its been nothing short of pathetic. Scrapping it round and having to chip and putt to make a score. Rounds would go by without hitting a single clean iron.

I enjoy the challenge of this game and trying to figure it out for myself with the aid of videos. I've had a handful of lessons when things get seriously bad and was on the verge of booking one soon.

This week I stopped sliding hard with my left hip and this reduced my hook with the driver.

The fat irons remained. On the tenth tee I watched my mate practice swing who swings with a out to in swing. I wanted to copy his swing in a vain attempt to hit a fade with my hybrid. I focused on his right shoulder and tried to copy its movements. As I stood over the ball I got it into my head I would throw my right shoulder at the ball. BANG flushed it.

Same swing thought with every iron for the rest of the round and I was back hitting flush irons again. It reminded me of the lesson I had with Jason Dransfield where he pointed out to me that I needed to turn rather than slide, dipping my right shoulder backwards swallowing out the club too much and swinging out to right field. I didn't quite get it that day but its finally sunk in.

It also seemed to unlock an extra gear with the driver too. Felt a freedom of movement that wasn't previously there.

I will post a video I found on YouTube that pretty much says what I am getting at in a convoluted way.

Excited to work on this.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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Give him a chance lad. (in my best butch harmon voice) These are pearls I'm giving you, pearls. :rofl:

I like it, reminds me of Denzil Dexter.

There's some decent advice in there to help get a feel. Not too far away from what I'm trying to work on at the moment to be honest!

Although i don't need any more lightbulb moments to be honest, I'm rapidly catching you up already :eek:

Hope you're well :thup:


Journeyman Pro
Nov 24, 2013
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There good these lightbulb moments 🤔 💡😃

I had one the other week of keeping the shoulders out of the swing, today's gem was to keep the legs quiet. Only had a 9+52 but was crunching them.

Soon the only thing moving in my swing will be the arms 😂

Golf aint easy


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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I did a little digging and it seems that this is absolutely the right thing to be doing. Stops the arm getting trapped and allows the arms to swing in front of the body and deliver proper shaft lean.

2mins 33seconds here is exactly it



Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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And again. 7mins 00. exactly what I was feeling. "right shoulder directly at the ball.''



Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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This is funny but perfectly illustrates it. bam bam bam bam bam bam bam. :rofl:



Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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Gary, this where I am but...

None of this is any use if you are starting your downswing with your left arm (for right-handers) parallel to a point way right of your target (behind you).

The more your left arm starts the downswing parallel to the target, the less chance you have of getting trapped - blocking / fats / other rubbish contacts.

**Obviously this applies specifically to my wonky golf swing at this point in time, and is a summary of PGA Professional diagnosis and strategy to resolve**


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Gary, this where I am but...

None of this is any use if you are starting your downswing with your left arm (for right-handers) parallel to a point way right of your target (behind you).

The more your left arm starts the downswing parallel to the target, the less chance you have of getting trapped - blocking / fats / other rubbish contacts.

**Obviously this applies specifically to my wonky golf swing at this point in time, and is a summary of PGA Professional diagnosis and strategy to resolve**

Struggling to get a picture of this. Would right of your target not be 2 o'clock if the target was 12?


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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Struggling to get a picture of this. Would right of your target not be 2 o'clock if the target was 12?

Yes it would. But bear in mind the example is for me and I'm not overly flexible so, using the clock face...

Assume I turn a 90 degree shoulder turn then;

Good = Shoulders 3 o'clock/ L arm parallel to 6/12 o'clock

Bad = Shoulders 3 o'clock / L arm parallel to 8/2 o'clock.

In the bad example my club has effectively got stuck behind me, making it very hard to get it back in a good position without some serious manipulation of body and/or hands. Causes a lot of inconsistencies and all of the symptoms previously described.

If I can start the downswing from a better position (good example) all I need to do is then and let the momentum execute the shot.

Sounds great. But there's a lot of bad habit/ muscle memory that needs getting rid of!


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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Fantastic lightbulb moment, I owe you a pint!

Have been battling the hooks with driver and fairways all year, just about keeping it playable by swinging very slowly and deliberately which has been costing loads of distance.

At the range tonight (nothing to lose) I decided to hit a few with just this swing thought. Instantly stopped hooking. After a few more I decided to give it the full shoulder turn, plenty of width and swing hard and fast.... just nailed it - beautiful ball flight, slight draw - went miles. Same with the 3 wood. Hit loads more, no hooks!

My iron play has been really good all year but incorporating this seemed to help my accuracy there too.

Exciting stuff - hopefully not a false dawn....



Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Delighted for you. hooks it something I've been battling for quite some time now along with fats. I was diving so far left thinking I needed to get all my weight left. All it was doing was pushing my path miles right and my low point behind the ball.

It was catch 22, making it worse trying to fix the problem.

From the first time I tried this move it was if a switch was flicked. Ball on face with PROPER shaft lean. Small draw and no hook. Powerful flight.

I'm buzzing off this too. I finally get it. Been doing quite a few slow motion swings at home and it makes so much sense. Annoyed I missed this before but glad I have my head around it now. I watched loads of videos talking about having the arms infront of the body but could never get 'unstuck'.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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As another cursed by the big hooks I hit some balls today with this thought in mind.Started off hitting a lot of pulls but after a while it started to improve. Definitely helped with my body rotation and allowed my hands to be much quieter.

Will try some more with this when Ive a bit more time and try and video a few swings to see if the difference is pronounced