Leg movement


Q-School Graduate
Jan 25, 2011
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Practising my swing after a lesson, I noticed my legs are very passive on the downswing and thru, does anybody drive their legs thru impact, or is passive right,got another lesson in march so not seeing him till then.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Basically not doing anything, the top half just brings them to the finish, I make no effort to move them thru impact, not sure if right or wrong.

See I'm off a different opinion, but it depends what your coach has you working on and what feels he is looking for you to have.

My 2p on this is that from the top of the back swing the legs and lower body should be the main driving force in the downswing until the arms become involved last.

Talking from my own point of view, I drive hard with my lower half and keep my upper half passive. Here is a picture of me at impact from last months lesson.



Q-School Graduate
Jan 25, 2011
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what have the lessons concentrated on?

what are the biggest & most repeated issues/problems with contact & shot direction?
Basically extending my follow thru as coming round on impact, shots now going right, as he said the bad ones would, it just occurred to me when practicing in the garden, not hitting balls that my legs do nothing and wondering if they should be driving into the ball,


Q-School Graduate
Jan 25, 2011
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See I'm off a different opinion, but it depends what your coach has you working on and what feels he is looking for you to have.

My 2p on this is that from the top of the back swing the legs and lower body should be the main driving force in the downswing until the arms become involved last.

Talking from my own point of view, I drive hard with my lower half and keep my upper half passive. Here is a picture of me at impact from last months lesson.


Yeah, that looks as your legs are doing a bit there.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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I try not to think about it now as hopefully now automatic. But I have worked on keeping my legs pretty passive until the point of impact. Then I start lifting my right heel of the ground, right leg then moves alongside left, and finish with belt buckle pointing towards target.

You can do a drill without a ball and by addressing an imaginary ball. From there move club slowly towards target , keeping body down and start lifting right heel of the floor , right leg then moves alongside left as club moves towards target in your follow through.

You don't want to leave weight behind on your back foot during impact hence lifting heel and transferring weight to left side.


Q-School Graduate
Jan 25, 2011
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I try not to think about it now as hopefully now automatic. But I have worked on keeping my legs pretty passive until the point of impact. Then I start lifting my right heel of the ground, right leg then moves alongside left, and finish with belt buckle pointing towards target.

You can do a drill without a ball and by addressing an imaginary ball. From there move club slowly towards target , keeping body down and start lifting right heel of the floor , right leg then moves alongside left as club moves towards target in your follow through.

You don't want to leave weight behind on your back foot during impact hence lifting heel and transferring weight to left side.
That sounds pretty good ta


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Basically extending my follow thru as coming round on impact, shots now going right, as he said the bad ones would, it just occurred to me when practicing in the garden, not hitting balls that my legs do nothing and wondering if they should be driving into the ball,

not easy but would try and have the patience to work through what the lesson plan has outlined

know that's often times difficult for folks as the improvements can seem not to be coming quick enough

but that's usually down to not really monitoring practice so the 'feel to real' conundrum kick in - in that folks feel like they really are practicing what they been shown but it's real easy for the 'old' patterns of movement to reappear even though folks 'feel' it's the 'new patterns' of movement being down
- that's why always advise folks to record there practice and really compare it to video taken during a lesson when the 'new patterns' are definitely being used as it's under supervision

would be real careful of any real extra knee or hip drive/thrust as that tend to push the lower body to far to target to quick so then the upper body isn't supported for the rotation in the downswing so the upper body tilts back and down some and that has the arms and club a ways too far back so the hand and handle work upwards (making the shaft too vertical) and outwards a ways rightfield face is open to the path some so the ball goes rightfield

not saying do what this video shows but it gives an insight into what happens and why (re the above info) if the legs hips drive too much
yep there's a tad of lateral so folks don't spin the hips left too soon and spin out and back some

to be able to extend the arms and shaft fully through impact and into the follow through the upper body must rotate fully the right side had to come/rotate all the ways through
just an experiment no ball with a club get into impact - hips open - hands a tad ahead of the clubhead -weight onto the leadside then just fully rotate the hips and chest and shoulders so the chest faces a tad leftfield of the 'target' so the right shoulder is at least level with but preferably nearer to 'target' than the left shoulder - can see then how it's easy to have both arms fully extended through what would be the follow through position when the shaft is around horizontal to the ground
but do the same with the hips not facing target side and the chest not fully rotated so the right shoulder is back of the position of the left shoulder and you'll see how the arms cannot fully extend as the right shoulder is too far back and the right arms is blocked across the chest



Q-School Graduate
Jan 25, 2011
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not easy but would try and have the patience to work through what the lesson plan has outlined

know that's often times difficult for folks as the improvements can seem not to be coming quick enough

but that's usually down to not really monitoring practice so the 'feel to real' conundrum kick in - in that folks feel like they really are practicing what they been shown but it's real easy for the 'old' patterns of movement to reappear even though folks 'feel' it's the 'new patterns' of movement being down
- that's why always advise folks to record there practice and really compare it to video taken during a lesson when the 'new patterns' are definitely being used as it's under supervision

would be real careful of any real extra knee or hip drive/thrust as that tend to push the lower body to far to target to quick so then the upper body isn't supported for the rotation in the downswing so the upper body tilts back and down some and that has the arms and club a ways too far back so the hand and handle work upwards (making the shaft too vertical) and outwards a ways rightfield face is open to the path some so the ball goes rightfield

not saying do what this video shows but it gives an insight into what happens and why (re the above info) if the legs hips drive too much
yep there's a tad of lateral so folks don't spin the hips left too soon and spin out and back some

to be able to extend the arms and shaft fully through impact and into the follow through the upper body must rotate fully the right side had to come/rotate all the ways through
just an experiment no ball with a club get into impact - hips open - hands a tad ahead of the clubhead -weight onto the leadside then just fully rotate the hips and chest and shoulders so the chest faces a tad leftfield of the 'target' so the right shoulder is at least level with but preferably nearer to 'target' than the left shoulder - can see then how it's easy to have both arms fully extended through what would be the follow through position when the shaft is around horizontal to the ground
but do the same with the hips not facing target side and the chest not fully rotated so the right shoulder is back of the position of the left shoulder and you'll see how the arms cannot fully extend as the right shoulder is too far back and the right arms is blocked across the chest

Very informative, thanks.