Knowing your score can ruin a game.

How can you not know your score or at least a very close approximation in a medal as you are recording your own score in the markers column. I always know where I am and how I'm doing. I've let competitions slip by starting well and then trying to defend the score on the back nine and I've come close after a bad front with a more cavlaier attitide thinking I wouldn't make the buffer.
If I get off to a flying start, I make a point of not knowing my exact score, too many times I have been doin well at the 15/16th, looked at my card and WHOOPSIE! :D
Still, usually counting up till the 8th/9th
I only started not counting my card yesterday and that deffo helped me keep my focus on the game.

Mark my score, their score then stick it back in my pocket, in my best gordon ramsey accent... DONE
Again, I'm another who always knows my score, it means I can chase if I have too or play the sensible shot. Knowing where I stand score wise helps my course/shot management.
If after a good few holes you dont know your score to within one or two shots or exactly, how are you ever going to know if someone cheats you or accidentally gets the wrong recorded score on your card??????

If you think that does'nt happen frequently in comps, you have not played enough.

If you are marking a card do you put your score in the markers column?

At first I thought the OPs question was regarding not knowing the exact score which occasionally after 14 or 15 holes some may lose track depending on format, I do occasionally and have to look if I need to know, but I can't believe some of the posts here that of 'not wanting to know' and not wisjing to score your own results.

I played a round with an old boy once who did the scores for all four of us, it was only a friendly and at the end he had me down as taking 102 shots on a day I'd made 10 pars, 7 bogeys and one birdie. Thing was when we checked the card he had the other two scores wrong as well.

It happens, know your score always I say, especially in a serious round of golf.
I try not to concentrate on my score, when marking a card I will just put what a got on the hole and will not add it up till the end just work out my partners score. If they try to tell me how I'm doing I try to hush them before they get a chance.

Just me I know it's all in my head but it seems to help. (and I need all the help I can get)
I always know where I am to a ceratin extent. I know its been said before but I work of 5's for a hole.

If I hit 5 on the 1st then 7 on the 2nd. I would be 2 over, then if its stays like that for the remainder of the round I would know I had 92. But it doesn't stay like that though!!!!
You should always know where your score is. As Craw says it gives you the info to help you decide which shots to go for and which to not go for.

In stableford I think of being at "level 2's". That is playing to handicap. If I'm 1 over 2's then I'll shoot 17 on the 9. If I'm 2 under 2's I'll shoot 20. I don't then worry if I have a blob or a 1 pointer as long as I can keep to level 2's - works for me anyway.......
I normally have an idea where I am re the score. but after some poor holes on the front 9 and back 7 I had just put it completely out of my mind and thought I was out of the running. I just tried to enjoy the game, the craic with the lads and the weather.

Ah well. live and learn.
How can you not know your score as you go round??! :D

Each to there own I suppose but I always know where I stand.

Agree 100%, you should know if your over \ under par and by how many. Not that hard to keep a count going in your head.

I didnt know my exact score today playing Bobmac as I had given up on it after the first two holes and yet it was still a crap round. :D
I always just work off the par for the course ie my gross score. I guess thats easier for a low h/cap and not so easy for higher h/caps.
I'm like a lot of us on here in that I always know my exact score whatever the format being played.
It doesnt matter to me whether i'm 'protecting' a score or chasing one. The same shot will be played as I dont think you should change things just because of your score. This attitude says that you're thinking too much about your card and not letting your game flow as it should.
I'm one that doesn't want to know my score. If I'm playing well, then I know I'm playing well and I don't need scores to make me change the way I'm playing, and if I'm playing bad....then I just don't want to know. If I know I need to par the last 2 holes for a net 66 or so, all that does is puts preasure on me. The way I play, is if the shots on, I'll take it and if it's not I won't. The only time I personally need to know, is if I'm playing a match then I need to know where I am. am I
So many on here dont want to know the score, I'd hate to be in a 4 ball in a comp where no one knew the score :mad: :(