Keeping your eyes on the ball


Club Champion
Oct 18, 2015
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Evening all I'm having trouble keeping my eye on the ball while playing shots the more I try it seems the worst it gets and it's killing my game any suggestions paul


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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do you mean during the takeback/backswing - or coming into impact ?

have playing partners told you are lifting your head up & taking your eye off of the ball ?

as counterintuitive as this probably sounds to you if any playing partners have it's for sure the advice "keeping your head down" is the worst piece of advice than occurs in am golf

whether the issue is in the takeback/backswing or downswing approaching impact it will for sure be around what's happening with set-up positions/posture & balance & how this is affecting the dynamic swing motion - it won't be around "not keeping your head down" or "lifting you head up" per se

if it's more at the point of strike that's the issue - have you felt off balance so unable to hold a finish position ? weight forwards onto the toes ? & also finding yourself almost 'upright' with a 'straight back' into/at/& just after impact ?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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It's at the point of striking the ball i take my eye of the ball

as said earlier it's real unlikely that you are actively just taking your eyes up off of the ball

- far more likely as i have often times seen with folks is that the body motion the swing motion is causing the body & specifically the pelvic angle -so the hips most often in conjunction with the legs & the forwards spine angle to lose good dynamic posture angles which force the head & eyes up coming into impact

if you got a swing video you could post would be able to give you more specific help

the head though never for sure stays still - though sometimes 'feeling' it stay more centered & steady (but not rock still) through the swing can be a good thing dependent on the particular swing issues
