I've experienced similar both as participant and 'victim' in UK.Americans are culturally very different from us, we both see it as odd as we share a (sort of) common language.
I worked for an American Software Co and spent my entire life explaining cultural differences to both the American and British boards.
What we see as "whooping and hollering" is them expressing thanks or delight. We see it (incorrectly) as bogus.
Conversely we had a Californian, just out of university, do a presentation in Gloucester to an IT Help Desk. Afterwards, they all filed out and just said thank you. Afterwards she was practically in tears as she thought she'd bombed. I had to explain she'd done blooming well to get any reaction at all out of an IT Helpdesk.
It's the same the world over.
As for South Africa, well, ....????
I 'housed' (billeted was the NZ equivalent) Katrina Adams (later USTA CEO/President) for a local tournament. Super enthusiastic even though she'd lost in the first round of her last 4 events. Everything was 'No prarblem' and she was determined to win this last one - that included Annabelle Croft - before returning to the States. If not for an injury, I'm sure she would have won the Final that she got to. Wonderful social skills/attitude.
A South African 'colleague', son of a top executive of an unrelated company - so maybe that contributed to the attitude, was very frustrating to work with. Even after explaining how and why things were done a certain way, he continued to do it 'his' way!
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