Just when you think America can’t get any crazier…

Don Barzini

Assistant Pro
Jul 4, 2017
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…this happens.


The mind boggles. The USA is supposedly one of the most advanced nations in the world and then they take a backward step fifty years into the past.

Those poor women who will be affected by this. The phrase “crazy bloody Yanks” has never seemed more appropriate than now.

And they’ve gone and relaxed their gun laws as well. What the hell is going on?!
…this happens.


The mind boggles. The USA is supposedly one of the most advanced nations in the world and then they take a backward step fifty years into the past.

Those poor women who will be affected by this. The phrase “crazy bloody Yanks” has never seemed more appropriate than now.

And they’ve gone and relaxed their gun laws as well. What the hell is going on?!

It seems to me that it's the church community people who were on the news last night who were the most vociferous in bringing this about. It's like going back to the stone age imo!
They'll be burning witches next.

While watching Brian Cox's documentary about the Mars rover, it struck me that there are some unbelievably clever scientists and engineers in the USA and it made me realise that the gap between intelligent and stupid seems to be higher in the USA than anywhere else on the planet.
So much for "The land of the free" , cant get access to abortion but almost comical access to assault rifles ,it beggars belief .

So much reminds me of The Handmaids Tale series.
Worrying for me is that this, and the right wing Evangelical Christianity of too many of the Supreme Court, takes the US down a route that could end in ‘Blessed be the Fruit’
They'll be burning witches next.

While watching Brian Cox's documentary about the Mars rover, it struck me that there are some unbelievably clever scientists and engineers in the USA and it made me realise that the gap between intelligent and stupid seems to be higher in the USA than anywhere else on the planet.

This exactly. You begin to see it in this Country too. "Thinking with your hormones" instead of your brain is how I describe it. We are beginning a journey back to the 17th century.
Reading the BBC website it seems like this might be just the first step for the Republicans with talk already of a Federal law preventing Abortions in ANY state, and then looking at same sex marriages.

The place really is a mess, this from the writer of the article…America today feels like one country that contains two very separate nations, inhabited by two tribes that have completely different values, beliefs and goals. Now, they have just moved farther apart. ☹️
I always think that the Yanks are very much like us, except it’s still a new country. They’re more like us a few centuries ago.
Emotionally, politically, religiously etc immature.
They still enjoy a war & allow religion to rule politics.
It's complete madness and scary what this could lead to on so many levels.

In the same country you can pay $38 online and become ordained and marry couples!

I know this as my brother-in-law did just that and legally performed the marriage of his daughter and her fiance. Long story but true!
I don't like abortion one bit. It makes my skin crawl. So I would apply that view if a situation arose with my female partner (the chance of which has long since passed). Abortion available in every NHS facility is no concern to me or my partner, because we can freely choose not to go there.

But I do not think I have any right to tell someone else how they should behave. That is the problem with evangelism, sticking your views into other peoples' lives, and it makes the idea of the US being the land of the free laughable.

The true context for this decision was revealed by Clarence Thomas, the well-known Christian and sexual predator on the SCOTUS. He has declared that it is now time to also overturn contraception and same-sex legislation too. This is clearly a right wing [redacted] strategy and has been a long time in the making. The idea of States Rights harks back to segregation and is a dog whistle for racism and prejudice.
A few points might be worth noting before going OTT on this decision. All my own understanding/work, so there may faults in it.
1. Roe v Wade, the ruling that has been overridden, was always something of an iffy interpretation of the constitution anyway. It associated the 'right to privacy' to a women's right to abort. It doesn't make abortion illegal, just removes the ruling that it is constitutionally 'legal' - like the right to bear arms is.
2. Consequently to 1, this ruling only affects Federal law. With its absence/removal, individual States can make their own rules as to whether, and under what circumstances, abortions can take place. That's simply how While those in the, so called, Bible Belt are likely to impose severe restrictions - and even have legislation ready to be approved - others will continue to allow abortions as now, though that imposes significant costs on 'out of state' cases.
3. While Trump appointed 3 of the justices in his term, making a 6-3 majority of Republican v Democrat appointees, the 7-2 decision indicates it wasn't purely along party lines.
4. Some states have laws triggered by the ruling that have a reasonable 'lag' time (e.g. 15 weeks), while others, either deliberately or ridiculously, have one less than that where a woman is likely to realise she is pregnant.

The great late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg put it perfectly in an interview with BBC saying 'No women of means will ever lack access to abortion in the United States...so the brunt of all these restrictive laws is on poor women'!
A few points might be worth noting before going OTT on this decision. All my own understanding/work, so there may faults in it.
1. Roe v Wade, the ruling that has been overridden, was always something of an iffy interpretation of the constitution anyway. It associated the 'right to privacy' to a women's right to abort. It doesn't make abortion illegal, just removes the ruling that it is constitutionally 'legal' - like the right to bear arms is.
2. Consequently to 1, this ruling only affects Federal law. With its absence/removal, individual States can make their own rules as to whether, and under what circumstances, abortions can take place. That's simply how While those in the, so called, Bible Belt are likely to impose severe restrictions - and even have legislation ready to be approved - others will continue to allow abortions as now, though that imposes significant costs on 'out of state' cases.
3. While Trump appointed 3 of the justices in his term, making a 6-3 majority of Republican v Democrat appointees, the 7-2 decision indicates it wasn't purely along party lines.
4. Some states have laws triggered by the ruling that have a reasonable 'lag' time (e.g. 15 weeks), while others, either deliberately or ridiculously, have one less than that where a woman is likely to realise she is pregnant.

The great late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg put it perfectly in an interview with BBC saying 'No women of means will ever lack access to abortion in the United States...so the brunt of all these restrictive laws is on poor women'!

1. The case has been examined by previous SCOTUS and repeatedly reaffirmed. It is hard to believe it was fundamentally flawed as Alito described it, and this was not previously detected. The true context has been revealed by Thomas, a proposal to overturn contraception and same-sex decisions too, in a full-on right wing cultural shift.
2. States Rights is the cover for old school prejudice and racism, and the redneck states are going for this big time. Some others, like Ohio are following, unfortunately.
3. The vote to overturn was 6-3. The original Roe vs Wade was 7-2.
I’ll preempt the usual gross and ill-informed generalisations to note that very many Christians in the US will be utterly appalled that this is being done - and will reject completely that it is being done according to any idea of widely accepted religious and Christian principles. It isn’t. And the same will apply for Christians across the world who are equally appalled.
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1. The case has been examined by previous SCOTUS and repeatedly reaffirmed. It is hard to believe it was fundamentally flawed as Alito described it, and this was not previously detected. The true context has been revealed by Thomas, a proposal to overturn contraception and same-sex decisions too, in a full-on right wing cultural shift.
2. States Rights is the cover for old school prejudice and racism, and the redneck states are going for this big time. Some others, like Ohio are following, unfortunately.
3. The vote to overturn was 6-3. The original Roe vs Wade was 7-2.
Ah! A glitch in my numbers According to CNBC, the vote was 5-4, so Trump's appointments DID seem to have an influence (even with a 'deserter'). Previous 'reviews' were likely swayed by RBG's powerful argument(s) and her vote would have made the difference here. My view is that the SC appointment process is fundamentally flawed and appointments should be apolitical. But that's not going to happen any time soon!
I'm iffy about your point 2. To me, it's simply a consequence of US style democracy.
How old are you really?
Your official age + 9 months.

That's what many Christians believe. Your life started at the moment of conception.

Abortion happens quite naturally and the mother isn't aware of it means that if the world's population was never controlled this way the human race would have died out about 200,000 years ago.
Biologically it's called Darwinism, the adversary of all religious beliefs.
Abortion happens quite naturally and the mother isn't aware of it means that if the world's population was never controlled this way the human race would have died out about 200,000 years ago.
You'll need to explain that better to avoid it simply being categorised as your usual tosh!
Biologically it's called Darwinism, the adversary of all religious beliefs.
Certainly of some. But not incompatible with others!