Is it because i used a driver???


Tour Rookie
Jan 25, 2008
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I've been playing golf for 3 years now and up untill today my best score has been 95 which i have shot quiet a few times.

I would have to be honest and say that its only in the last couple of months that i've got my head round the game and grooved a consistent swing.... breaking 100 pretty much every time i play and looking like i'm finally going to get my handicap down.

Yesterday the pro fitted me with a driver (I never use one as i've never really been able to hit one), now my first mistake was all my old drivers had stiff shafts.

So my spec is 10.5 degree, offset, reg shaft and what do you know, took it out today and other than the first tee (hit it 100yds along the floor) I played a beauty, I'm probly only getting an extra 20yds out of it but that means i'm hitting two less clubs into the green.

Anyway, I ended up with a 93 today which i'm delighted with and now i'm thinking i should buy the driver and stick with it.
well imurg, i've been going along nicely with my 3 and 5wood so wasnt sure how much difference the driver would make.

i'm going to have a few more rounds with it to see how it goes i think.
It depends on whether you have the confidence and the game to use it. If you are too inconsistent with a driver it will inevitably cost you more shots than if you use a 3 wood. However if you are prepared to go through a few ropey rounds while you get to grips with a driver and maybe invest in a driving lesson from a pro I think it will certainly help your game.

It will undoubtedly make the longer par 4's if not reachable then more playable and will give you better options on par 5's. It seems to you have the right specs for your swing so my advice would be to go for it.
Assuming you keep getting along with the driver, I'd say its got to be a good addition to the bag. The fact that you've used stiff shafts in the past and struggled but with this regular and offset driver you havn't tells you all you need.

As you get even more used to it, the extra 20 yards could well turn into 40, making that approach even easier.

Got to be worth a punt!!

Good luck with it and keep us posted.
Stick with it, minty. You're putting yourself at a big disadvantage not playing the driver. It can make a big difference to your scores when you're hitting it well. Even it it's in the rough 40 yards past the 5 wood you should still be scoring better in general because the majority of your second shots will be shorter.

And good to see you're on a regular shaft. Too many stick with the stiff shaft out of ego when it's really only suitable for swing speeds over 105/110 mph

Best of luck with the new wand.
Even it it's in the rough 40 yards past the 5 wood you should still be scoring better in general because the majority of your second shots will be shorter.
John - not convinced this true, though it is dependent on the length of the rough. It's been a discussion point on several occasions on here as to whether you are better off on the short stuff but shorter, and it probably comes down to your course management preferences at the end of the day.
The key thing is knowing when to use the driver if you do put it in the bag. Its very easy to pull it out at times you would be better off taking an iron.

For instance, how many people have played a 320 yard par 4 with a driver and ended up in trouble when they could of taken a 5 iron off the tee and then a 7 into the green???
I hear you Tony.

I actually only used the driver on 5 holes, the first as I mentioned wasnt a good tee shot but the other 4 were all on the fairway and atleast 20yds further than my 3-wood. I used my 3 or 5 wood on the other par 4's as I was either playing for position or I knew i'd still have a shot into the green with a 200yd drive.
One word of caution, when i was trying a new driver and it was long and straight then once i paid for it it was as wayward as the rest!!