Is it April 1st

a chipper obviously isn't meant for all players.

But for some, chipping can be a real issue, a lot of people, me included, have spent a long time chunking or skulling chip. I could be a few yards off the green in 2 and walk off with a 6 because I hit through the green, chunked it back on, then two putted. It absolutely kills the enjoyment of the game when you play like that, you can have a great long game but when you have zero confidence when standing over a relatively simple chip it just ruins a round, and not being able to chip ruins any score you hope to put together.

Vast majority of players are not going to be pros, or even single figure handicappers, they may not have the time or inclination to spend hours practising chipping, they play golf for enjoyment, if this club makes the game more enjoyable then fantastic and good luck to them. Those of us who do have the time to practice or don't want to drop a club in order to accommodate a chipper, then great.
Agreed - the mate I mentioned earlier in the thread had a lesson for his chipping - it went exactly the way I knew it would. Very marginal improvement for a week or two before he forgot it all and went back to duffing his chips. As you say, some people aren't particularly coachable, or they don't want to spend hours working on something when they can buy a club that is much easier to use. It's no different to me having a 27° hybrid instead of a 6 iron, or a chunky SureOut wedge for bunkers. I just wanted bats that work for the task I need them for.

27* hybrid…. What ever next?

Do they make spack-handed ones, asking for an associate ?
If you take the driver out of the bag, you'll lose 30-50 yards off every tee used. No other club can do what the driver does.
If you take the chipper out, you've probably got 5 or 6 clubs that can do what the chipper does. And if you learn to chip, you'll have all that variety of lofts to chose from for all situations.

I feel confident on the tee with any club but give me a 25 yard chip then I’m shaking like a shitting dog and if a chipper helps then I’ll happily take the grief for using one
I feel confident on the tee with any club but give me a 25 yard chip then I’m shaking like a shitting dog and if a chipper helps then I’ll happily take the grief for using one
IM me your postal address and I'll sort you out with something.
Well a playing partner said to me today, “ you have a jigger” It as said not in a detrimental way. The chipper works for me and I feel confident with it.

From of the green and sometimes as far out as 30 yards on a links percentage wise I will get closer with my chipper than a 7 or 8 iron. I feel comfortable with the club and do not understand why there is so much derision if somebody uses one!

As the adage goes it is not how but how many.