Is golf really for me..?


Oct 22, 2019
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Something I've been pondering since picking up the clubs again after a 20yr break - is golf actually going to be a suitable pastime for me?

It's nothing to do with the actual game itself; I love physically playing it, being out on the course, and so on. It's all the nonsense that seems to come with it.

My main love is mountain biking, or any cycling really, and some of the things I like most about it are that it's time by myself, at my own pace, where I don't have to interact with people or be on a timetable or schedule, with any expectations required from me.

I'm not very good at small talk, I have no interest I meeting new people or making new friends (online is fine, IRL no thanks), I don't want to be part of a club where I'm expected to participate or not be a "car park golfer", as I believe the term is. I have no interest in competitions or the social aspect of golf. Yet I love the actual game of golf itself..!

Where does this leave me? Stuck just playing public P&P courses and getting paired up with random people if I'm not playing with one of the two people that I currently know who play (who also aren't members anywhere)?

Surely I can't be the only one in this position?


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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You can join a club, play in comps, don't socialise with the other players and go straight home - nothing stopping you from doing that at all if that's what you want to do. If you don't want to enter competitions though there's not that much point joining the club as you won't be able to maintain a handicap or anything. If you just want to play different courses and pay a green fee each week there's nothing wrong with that either. You wouldn't often be put with 'random people', you can just play on your own.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
I would have thought it would be perfectly possible to play golf and participate in nothing formal at all.

For instance, I am a member of a "Member Owned" club - at weekends, it is pretty busy pre lunchtime... anyone arriving after this peak time, could got out on their own on a virtually empty course. In the week, there are quiet times where its perfectly possible to do the same.

I work away and stay in a hotel two or three nights a week. There are a couple of courses I know where I can tee off at 4-30 in summer and not see a soul.

I like the social side of golf, but it isn't compulsory. :) I also enjoy playing just for the fun of being out of the course... find a club/course that meets your needs and have fun.

Deleted member 21258

Provided you are willing to play at quiet times, then it is very easy to play at most courses without playing with others. Play in the evenings or weekend later afternoons, tend to find not many others playing or around, its a great time to play.

Get out there and enjoy it and do what you would like to.

If you wish to play at peak times, then it will be alot more awkward.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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I'd just emphasise what others have said, it is perfectly possible to play how you want as long as you are flexible. At my course I will go out midweek after work and usually be the only one out there. Occasionally I will see other single golfers but we just wave at each other and carry on on our own. At the weekend, after 2pm, the course will be empty both days so again, fill your boots. Golf doesn't have to be sociable if you don't want it to be.

You need to find one near to you that is similar.


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 17, 2013
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Something I've been pondering since picking up the clubs again after a 20yr break - is golf actually going to be a suitable pastime for me?

It's nothing to do with the actual game itself; I love physically playing it, being out on the course, and so on. It's all the nonsense that seems to come with it.

My main love is mountain biking, or any cycling really, and some of the things I like most about it are that it's time by myself, at my own pace, where I don't have to interact with people or be on a timetable or schedule, with any expectations required from me.

I'm not very good at small talk, I have no interest I meeting new people or making new friends (online is fine, IRL no thanks), I don't want to be part of a club where I'm expected to participate or not be a "car park golfer", as I believe the term is. I have no interest in competitions or the social aspect of golf. Yet I love the actual game of golf itself..!

Where does this leave me? Stuck just playing public P&P courses and getting paired up with random people if I'm not playing with one of the two people that I currently know who play (who also aren't members anywhere)?

Surely I can't be the only one in this position?

Probably not for you if you're wanting to join a club. Go out on your own or with those whose company you enjoy and just pay and play - don't go out with Randoms and play on your own - if that particular club allows it.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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can't see why you couldn't, as long as you play at quite times or don't mind being stuck between a course full of 4 balls.

theres a couple of guys at ours who do this, one plays first thing, people have given up asking him to join them, he just plays his way and goes straight home afterwards and there's a guy plays on his own most days at the end of the day.

personally is goes against what is great about golf for me the social aspect of the game.

nothing to stop you though


Oct 22, 2019
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Thanks :) I've just reread my post and it does come across somewhat curmudgeonly and antisocial - I have potentially undiagnosed ASD issues and I find dealing with social stuff mentally exhausting sometimes - I promise I'm not an arse really!

That's good to know that I'd be able to get out on courses at quieter times - it's something I'd been worrying about. You never know, maybe I'll get drawn into the social side anyway..!


Club Champion
Apr 13, 2016
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I'm not too good in some social situations so playing golf at busy times isn't high on my list. I'll do it cos I love golf. However, I can get around it by playing in summer after 5pm (played at 7pm the other year anf got 15 holes in before it went dark) or in winter as all the fair weather golfers stay at home.


Challenge Tour Pro
Dec 17, 2013
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Thanks :) I've just reread my post and it does come across somewhat curmudgeonly and antisocial - I have potentially undiagnosed ASD issues and I find dealing with social stuff mentally exhausting sometimes - I promise I'm not an arse really!

That's good to know that I'd be able to get out on courses at quieter times - it's something I'd been worrying about. You never know, maybe I'll get drawn into the social side anyway..!

My son has ASD so I do understand that social situations can be difficult - but it shouldn't stop you enjoying golf even if it is pay and play.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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Something I've been pondering since picking up the clubs again after a 20yr break - is golf actually going to be a suitable pastime for me?

It's nothing to do with the actual game itself; I love physically playing it, being out on the course, and so on. It's all the nonsense that seems to come with it.

My main love is mountain biking, or any cycling really, and some of the things I like most about it are that it's time by myself, at my own pace, where I don't have to interact with people or be on a timetable or schedule, with any expectations required from me.

I'm not very good at small talk, I have no interest I meeting new people or making new friends (online is fine, IRL no thanks), I don't want to be part of a club where I'm expected to participate or not be a "car park golfer", as I believe the term is. I have no interest in competitions or the social aspect of golf. Yet I love the actual game of golf itself..!

Where does this leave me? Stuck just playing public P&P courses and getting paired up with random people if I'm not playing with one of the two people that I currently know who play (who also aren't members anywhere)?

Surely I can't be the only one in this position?

Personally I have no issue with the social aspect and I feel that adds to the enjoyment, but appreciate it isn't for everyone and in fact does put some people off who don't want that or enjoy it for whatever reason.

I guess you can't have your cake and eat it. But there are plenty of opportunities to join a club (so you can play a better product) and play solo rounds when it's quiet. Admittedly, not at 10am on a weekend morning, but you'd probably be surprised how quiet the 1st or 10th tee is at a lot of members clubs during the week and weekend late afternoons.


Sep 11, 2011
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I loved the interaction at the club but, equally, one of my favourite times to play was mid/late evening by myself. Sometimes I'd only play 9 holes or spend a couple of hours on the practice putting green.

Ye Olde Boomer

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Dec 30, 2019
An hour northwest of Boston
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Golf, like heroin or cocaine, isn't good for anybody but once we're hooked, what can we do about it?

The social aspect of golf is my favorite part, but if one doesn't care for that, the addiction is even more of a problem.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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One of the reasons I am a member of a members club is that I can go out at the quieter times (and as IanM mentions - as a member you get to know when they are) or of an evening and just play as few or as many holes as I wish - just by myself. I love being able to do a bit of 'mindfulness' when out by myself - just clear my mind of the worries of the day as I wander through lovely countryside enjoying nature and chilling. Because when I am out by myself such as my scoring don't really matter. What matters is just being there.


Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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Golf is either in your DNA or not.
It takes you to nice places.
It takes your mind off other things for a while, so probably good for mental health.
It's even better if you don't take it too seriously.

There is an advantage in not joining a club and just play when you feel like it.


Head Pro
Apr 20, 2011
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I’m not hugely keen on the social side of things but I force myself into it as I love golf and I love the comps and the handicap movements that go with it. I would quite happily go straight home after the game but I don’t as it always seems a bit rude, trouble is I’m quite deaf so in the noisy clubhouse it’s such hard work trying to keep up with the conversation, one to one on the course not such a problem. I too like going out early afternoon on my own and seeing nobody.