Is anyone underwhelmed by the Masters?


Jun 12, 2011
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Please note... This is after two days of play & its probable things will change.

Now the Masters is like Christmas for me this year, you look forward to it, you know it's coming then its here and your not quite ready for it.

I feel a little underwhelmed up to now. Big players have flopped and they don't seem too bothered, coverage has been limited and slow. Some stupid rulings are raising there head and a 14 year old has played his heart out and beat all of the other amateurs and been victimised for slow play nearly costing him making the cut.

It just seems something is missing up to now and I'm hoping the weekend sparks the tournament into life... for me at least anyway.
Not overly as its a tough course and nice to see some of th big name pros show what we see every weekend, daft shots, losing confidence, struggling with their game etc

Only downside is the coverage for me, they always concentrate on the same players too much and should show more groups, thankfully though the red button, I've mainly been watching amen corner
If Tiger is DQ then ill be hoping Scott can do something as he's the man I've backed but the Masters will be ruined if Tiger is out and probably is ruined anyway as if he was to win he would be branded a cheat by all of the haters anyway.
If Tiger is DQ then ill be hoping Scott can do something as he's the man I've backed but the Masters will be ruined if Tiger is out and probably is ruined anyway as if he was to win he would be branded a cheat by all of the haters anyway.

Stop your crying daveyboy, no one is calling him a cheat but he hasn't abided by the rules of golf and should be DQ'd regardless.

Deep down you know it but I wonder if you would be saying the same if it was another lesser known player, say someone like David Lynn for example.
Stop your crying daveyboy, no one is calling him a cheat but he hasn't abided by the rules of golf and should be DQ'd regardless.

Deep down you know it but I wonder if you would be saying the same if it was another lesser known player, say someone like David Lynn for example.

No ones crying mate so pipe down, couldn't care who did it no one deserves to be DQ from a major for that.
No ones crying mate so pipe down, couldn't care who did it no one deserves to be DQ from a major for that.

So taking it back a couple of yards for the lie he preferred, and maybe the yardage too, deserves only a slap on the wrist? He may well get that, *muses on VJ's current misdemeanor* but the truth is he should be DQ'd.
tiger should be DQ'd come on rory. i can't bloody stand tiger. his PR manager should be shot

anyway, perhaps the masters would be better if they cover it all! coverage starts at pm with most of the field finished or half way through
Despite issues people have mentioned it remains the best visual golf experience on tv.

I'm happy the field is bunched with a lot of players within 6 or 7 of the lead.
I put a few quid on Snedecker back when he won a couple of months ago and he's going ok, so for me all in all its been fairly usual for the first 2 days and good viewing. Decent mixture of oldies, former champs, usual suspects and young guns in the mix. I could watch the whole back 9 any time you like, all great holes.

Not sure what the OP was hoping for?:mmm: