Intermediate Golf


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I find rather tiresome any complaints about what others pay for their golf at my club - if I am happy, or at least comfortable, paying what I have to - and choose to - then that’s that. If others get their golf a bit cheaper then good on them.

Likewise, I don’t whinge about the cost of my golf compared to how cheap others get their golf in other parts of the country - I pay what I choose to pay and get on with it.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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If these young people wanted to play golf let them choose between a contract mobile phone at £30 a month or golf. Choices. That's what we had to make.

You do realise a lot of people don't actually have the latest phone? I own my phone outright , and the wife's . The contract for both of us is £17 a month combined.

Also now you can't not have a phone. It's a part of life. Life has changed a lot. Either move with the times or get left behind


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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I think another good point that's constantly overlooked when people say "look at young people spending this and that"

How many of these phones and cars are actually company phones and cars?

Lots of jobs supply them

I have never benefited from discounted membership, but don't begrudge those who get it. Think it's great

Why is everyone always saying others should get less rather than us all work to get more


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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If these young people wanted to play golf let them choose between a contract mobile phone at £30 a month or golf. Choices. That's what we had to make.

why this response may rub some the wrong way, I agree 100%. My membership at a kid was £300 (94-98) and I had to work weekends to fund it. As I moved into cult it was a balancing act between drinking myself senseless and golf subs which at 19 were the same as my current club charges almost 25years on.

Deleted member 15344

If these young people wanted to play golf let them choose between a contract mobile phone at £30 a month or golf. Choices. That's what we had to make.

Here is a scenario for you

So you want everyone to pay the same price regardless of age or access ability’s

So all those younger people who can no longer justify those fees so they don’t join , so the clubs then potentially lose multiple people due to cost -so there is a financial gap

Can you confirm how you expect the club to fill that gap ?

How about they increase your fees to ensure they don’t lose money ? So you end up paying a lot more to make up for the loss of revenue

Are you ok with that ?

Are you aware of all the research done by governing bodies and clubs - there was a huge issue getting people into golf clubs ages of 18 to 40

The flexible membership rates has enabled the clubs to improve this

Are you just being that narrow minded you just want people to pay the same as you


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Here is a scenario for you

So you want everyone to pay the same price regardless of age or access ability’s

So all those younger people who can no longer justify those fees so they don’t join , so the clubs then potentially lose multiple people due to cost -so there is a financial gap

Can you confirm how you expect the club to fill that gap ?

How about they increase your fees to ensure they don’t lose money ? So you end up paying a lot more to make up for the loss of revenue

Are you ok with that ?

Are you aware of all the research done by governing bodies and clubs - there was a huge issue getting people into golf clubs ages of 18 to 40

The flexible membership rates has enabled the clubs to improve this

Are you just being that narrow minded you just want people to pay the same as you

I feel like I have to reply to this just out of shock of how much I agree with this post.

Spot on.


Money List Winner
Mar 7, 2012
Dunfermline, Fife
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Just make it means tested.

Everyone has to have a credit check and submit 6 months of bank statements, to assess affluence, along with a forecast of how much they intend to play.

The club can run a calculation and charge a fee that is proportionate and fair. If you end up playing more you get charged more, if you end up playing less, you get a rebate.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Just make it means tested.

Everyone has to have a credit check and submit 6 months of bank statements, to assess affluence, along with a forecast of how much they intend to play.

The club can run a calculation and charge a fee that is proportionate and fair. If you end up playing more you get charged more, if you end up playing less, you get a rebate.
So if you're homeless and destitute you get free golf? Nice!


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Just make it means tested.

Everyone has to have a credit check and submit 6 months of bank statements, to assess affluence, along with a forecast of how much they intend to play.

The club can run a calculation and charge a fee that is proportionate and fair. If you end up playing more you get charged more, if you end up playing less, you get a rebate.

That's actually not a bad suggestion however those with cash will moan they have to pay more it's not fair etc.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Just make it means tested.

Everyone has to have a credit check and submit 6 months of bank statements, to assess affluence, along with a forecast of how much they intend to play

I did see a club recently where there was a stipulation that where you couldn't afford the fees, they would consider rebates in appropriate cases. Wish I could remember where it was...


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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Do you really think that's an actual choice? Do you never get embarrassed at the nonsense you write? :LOL:

Show me where it's £30 a month to play golf and I'll grab it with both hands.
I couldn't be bothered with full explanation, but ..Okey dokey. The 30 quid note is the extra that the person getting the cheap rate could add to that cheap rate and pay the full rate if they were to have to make choices.
Look I know this is basically an arguement I won't win as most on here are in favour of the reduction in fees. But will this get more young people playing? I don't think so. Will the ones that do sign up to play carry on. Again I don't think so. The cost of golf is rising. At my place we are cheap, yet still can't attract members in, apart from a load coming over from a nearby place after they had a spat with the owner. I just don't believe that offering cheap deals is the way forward. I would be very interested to find out if golf clubs actually were retaining players once full fee age was reached. And also if they actually had an increase in membership of those in the age groups that got the discounted rate. Sure any increase is good, but just actually how many in relation to how many they would normally have without the discount, if anyone can rember that far back.
It just a discussion.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I couldn't be bothered with full explanation, but ..Okey dokey. The 30 quid note is the extra that the person getting the cheap rate could add to that cheap rate and pay the full rate if they were to have to make choices.
Look I know this is basically an arguement I won't win as most on here are in favour of the reduction in fees. But will this get more young people playing? I don't think so. Will the ones that do sign up to play carry on. Again I don't think so. The cost of golf is rising. At my place we are cheap, yet still can't attract members in, apart from a load coming over from a nearby place after they had a spat with the owner. I just don't believe that offering cheap deals is the way forward. I would be very interested to find out if golf clubs actually were retaining players once full fee age was reached. And also if they actually had an increase in membership of those in the age groups that got the discounted rate. Sure any increase is good, but just actually how many in relation to how many they would normally have without the discount, if anyone can rember that far back.
It just a discussion.
Our full rate is only around £200 above the reduced rate. If they didn't have the reduced rate there's a good chance I would not have joined my current club. If you do join and take advantage of say 4 years of reduced fees, by the time you have to make the step up you may well be earning more than you were when you joined and in a better position to afford the higher rate. So yes, I absolutely think it helps bring members in, and most will stay when they get to full member age.


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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You do realise a lot of people don't actually have the latest phone? I own my phone outright , and the wife's . The contract for both of us is £17 a month combined.

Also now you can't not have a phone. It's a part of life. Life has changed a lot. Either move with the times or get left behind
Aha, but not all are like you, and me actually. We pay £14 for two phones. My grandsons gf pays, I kid you not, £60, and thinks that's fine🥺 She's a student!!! Not of money. Lol. Others will be the same. They want the monster screen and everything else and happily dole out the money