Increasing spin with loft.


Head Pro
Aug 31, 2012
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Just after conformation really. I currently use a 9* sldr driver, spins around 2200rpm and launches between 12 and 14* (GC2)

If I swapped to a 10.5* head I assume, in general, my launch angle would increase? Would my spin increase with it? I'm aware that it's all strike dependant.

I feel the launch angle is a little low (hence the post) it? If it was more like 16-18* would I see any gain (or loss) in distance? Alternatively I could try a high launch/low spin shaft? Those numbers were achieved with a speeder VC 6.2 shaft which is more low-mid in both areas.

Option 3; stop being an idiot and search for other crap on eBay?

Thanks in advance.



Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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can't really give the answer you looking for straight off those numbers

what's the issues with the shot outcomes, flight overall, curvature, ability to hit target aim ? what exactly that you are looking to change to get better results in, carry distance? accuracy?

as stand alone numbers, so launch of around those numbers & spin rate that's in a pretty decent ball park area for decent result given some of the other parameters that need to also fit in to the launch conditions to give best optimum shot results

stuff that influences what happens to the ball, is what dynamic loft & at what AoA with what path to face angle relationship along with the clubhead speed - location of strike being central to all the rest

Deleted Member 1156

I believe TM recommend a slightly higher launch angle for the SLDR as it is a low spinning head. Ideal launch would be around 15-16 degrees I think to obtain maximum carry distance (if that is what you are looking for?)

What type of course do you play? If it's windy then a more penetrating flight might be better? I don't think the 10.5 head would do you any harm.


Head Pro
Aug 31, 2012
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Only had GC2, no HMT during this particular session, only other number I remember was ball speed, around 148 +/- 2mph. Generally my ball striking is fairly good with driver.

Think it's the TM ad that's prompted this, saying that a launch angle around 17* is optimum. Mine being lower is making me think I could gain some yardage potentially.

My dispersion goes one of two ways, on a good day it's tighter than a ducks butt, on bad days it's left and right due to the flippy nature of my impact position- my timing has to be spot on, but my AoA is positive, although dynamic loft is high- around 20* with a 9* driver.
The worst misses are left. The ones that go right are generally high weak cuts that aren't long enough to reach any real trouble.

Course I play is usually windy, dry and hard in the summer months, softens up a little in winter enough to notice a considerable reduction in roll out.

I have tried quite a few shafts in it already, most of which are low/low I think-
Matrix 7m3
Axivcore green
Miyazaki kusala
Speeder 6.3 tp
Speeder VC 6.2 (current)
Rogue silver 70 110msi
Std speeder 65
Must be a few more on top of that too.


Head Pro
Aug 31, 2012
Visit site there's no real issue with the shot outcome. As I said it's just hit me thinking I could gain some yardage... Quite happy for anyone to crush those dreams- it'll save me £££! I just need to understand it all more I think.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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just need the shaft that fits the swing speed, your individual shaft load action & ball flight so if that was done all good
- only ways to know that for sure is a LMonitor with a real good Pro or top class fitter
- shafts despite what gets oftentimes spoken about can only really very fine tune to maybes 400rpms perhaps 500rpms max - but only then from a real good strike location on the face & with other sound launch parameters

much cheaper option buy a can of dry hair shampoo or foot spray & work to get a better & repeatable strike location that's goin to maximize the transfer of clubhead speed to optimum ball speed possibe

good drill is a Davis Love 111 one, his dad made him & his brother do most days with a driver

tee ball up (make sure you are teeing the ball 'up' as a general note) then swing through the full swing motion so not 3/4's but normal swing for you but at 50% (having sprayed the face light) hit 5 or 6 check the strike location

with the 460cc head you looking to hit around center but ideal around 1/4" above geometric face center & a similar !/4" amount towards the toe - between there & directly above geometric center

don't want any strikes that are heel side of vertical center & again ideally none below horizontal center

reasonable strike pattern at 50% up to 60% then in practice 70% then 80% max - any time the strike pattern isn't what if should be drop back to the last % it was good at.

ideally you want to work to a +AoA of between 1º to 3º, 0º level is acceptable

but unless your comfortable 80% swing speed can average say above 110mph you don't want a negative downwards AoA

things that give best chance of +AoA
- good set-up & ball position
- ball position off the lead armpit & good tee height
- head above sternum not at back of ball
- good secondary spine tilt aways from target

at impact ideal is a straight line condition from lead shoulder (around armpit) to driver face
- so lead arm, wrist, shaft & club face in a straight line
that ways you add a little dynamic loft to the static loft of the driver with a +AoA you get optimum launch conditions ...... if swing speed, strike location, face angle & path are good too.

given your description of what can happen at impact sounds like there's a bunch of 'underhand' flip release going on that right palm motion working upwards to look at the sky some so left wrist collapses some

- so that straight line at impact good thing to work with that ways if you can get that down a ways better you not gonna be adding a real bunch too much of dynamic loft at strike

& also the flip can easily angle/turn the loft & the face angle a ways to the left, then depends on the path too to what happens to the ball flight
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Head Pro
Aug 31, 2012
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Yeah there are a couple places local to me that have GC2, one has HMT too, just not sure about the knowledge they have regarding what all the numbers mean and how to change them to get the most out my swing.

Think I'll keep what I have for the moment, I recently had a go with a vapor pro driver, I know the strike wasn't my best, ball speed dropped to 142 but backspin went up to 4100! A bad strike with sldr sees spin rise to around 2800-2900. They generally "feel" like they're out the bottom of the face.

Think the majority of my strikes are in the general high toe quadrant of the face- again all timing dependant.

The flip is annoying, but I think it's a sub conscious fix to a fault earlier in the swing. Definitely some early extension, and a little twist "open" on the backswing too. It's just got to fairly reliable stage now, handicap is 4.7. Think I'd see a bigger improvement by swapping to more friendly irons/adding hybrids in.

Thanks for the replies, food for thought definitely.

srixon 1

Journeyman Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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The only real way that you will get more distance is to hit the ball harder. Fact. If you are hitting 240 to 250 carry off the tee and straightish you will not go far wrong.

Tour pro distance is not achievable for us weekend choppers.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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good luck with it

better strike location better transfer to ball speed with good launch conditions - optimum distance for speed produced

once good strike pattern then it's all about the good sequencing & balance - lower body able to support rotation - better the sequence the quicker the core & chest rotation that moves the arms & club faster

distance is really about balance & sequencing producing club head speed


Head Pro
Aug 31, 2012
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Ah thanks, I was looking for that flight scope thing the other day.

I shall stick with what I've got. The shaft experiments will no doubt continue though. Addicted.

Thanks for all your input.


Nov 16, 2011
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Ah thanks, I was looking for that flight scope thing the other day.

I shall stick with what I've got. The shaft experiments will no doubt continue though. Addicted.

Thanks for all your input.

:rofl: Thoroughly understand! :whistle: