...if you could start again.....

Absolutely and I think about it all the time. I spend more time unlearning things than learning them.

In round two I would find the right pro not just the first one and take a course of lessons with a lesson plan.
I wouldn't change a thing.

If I went back and did everything right from the start, at 42 years old now my best golf would be behind me. This way round, my best golf is still in the future.
Two weeks ago I would have said I like to go back and not chose to play this stupid game.
Today I wish I'd have but a bit more effort in and always live in hope that tomorrow I will wake up with all the determination and get up and go to see how good I could get.
Tomorrow is our club champs so who knows?! I have a good feeling though.

What I imagine to be a usual set of cycling thought process for your average frustrated golfer.
Spent less time and money drinking on a Friday & Saturday nights and more time practicing on a Saturday and Sunday mornings. That's just for starters...
Yes; Start younger and practice a lot more. I'd also consider playing left handed, i bought a cheap left handed wedge years ago on an impulse and got on alright with it, plus when i very first started playing i used a left handed grip- left hand low! sounds crazy but i didnt know any better until about 4/5 rounds later when my mate pointed it out.
Not sure I could of done anything different, golf was just not financially viable for my family when I was a youngster and my parents had no interest in the game.