I am the only one getting worse


Assistant Pro
Jun 22, 2017
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You're not the only one, after a distaster of a season I too feel like I am going backwards. Take a deep breath and don't think about golf for a few days. Then book some lessons.
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Head Pro
Oct 29, 2013
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You're certainly not alone, I'm so inconsistent it's frightening, I'm not sure what 'Brian' is going to turn up.
My biggest battle is between the ears, too many swing thoughts going on, instead of just hitting the ball.
I always feel better when I relax, try and let things flow instead of been rigid.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Things have to change. I can play great golf and then chuck car crash holes in. Need to get my head right. A few swing changes I want to work on but I'm going to do some NLP work this winter and see if I can think better on the course and make some smarter decisions


Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2010
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No, your not.

My game has completely deserted me, three rounds this weekend, and a total of 80 stableford points, but I've got to play through it. During the winter because it's too dark to get 9 holes after work I'm going to have some range time every fortnight


Aug 10, 2017
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What a daft game, quick nine this morning the same holes I shot 55 on Sunday, walked off with 41! bogey, birdie, double bogey, par, double bogey, bogey, par, par, par. Why could not do that in the dam comp! The double's where super unlucky, one lost ball in leafs and great shot that bounced into the trees meaning a punch out.


Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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Yep golf play is fickle. My club is a 9 hole par 32. I played 9 x2 and Shot 45 then 35 within an hour of each. My son is 10 he played off the men's this last week and shot 50 and I shot 46.

My play is so inconsistent this summer, frustrating as hell. Now my putting has disappeared it was good all summer now I need bucket holes.

Still having fun most of the time which is really what matters.


Aug 10, 2017
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Another disaster at the weekend a 100 shots off my 13 handicap. Ranked dead last. It's my first full year with an official handicap and I'm struggling bad. I've buffered once in 8 outings with a low of 83 and a high of 105! Average score is about 95 in medals.

I starting to think the handicap is my handicap. I am very inconsistent even without a card but of course more so with a card in hand. I'm capable of making par on any hole but also capable of a triple bogie. The worse part is I cannot fathom what is going wrong, slices, shanks, hooks followed by great shots that to me all feel the same.

I'm driving home thinking about how much to sell the club's for on eBay.

Do you just have to accept inconsistent play, is my handicap just wrong, are there others like this.

Options seem to be:
Get lessons
Suck it up and carry on
Stop playing comps
Become a social member only

Any advice welcome.

Just posting this a 5am as I can't sleep and as a note for others that are struggling (99% of us). I did take a few lessons and steadily improved over the last year or so. Of course I've still had a few looks on ebay to see what the gear is worth but I've finally got to single figures on Saturday! 78 gross or 6 over in the medal which should drop me from 9.7 to 8.9 or 9.1.

Last two comps I was pretty much last but was playing great social and pairs so kept believing.

Attitude has been the biggest change, it's just a game and we are lucky to even be playing. Bad rounds are just that a bad round, just a 0.1. Moral of the story is keep battling on if your struggling.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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Don't take this the wrong way, ,but your story has heartened me😀
Because I am in the same situation and clearly, from the posts, I am not alone.
As it happens, today I played and I played a lot better than of late, more like my old self. I had left my newest driver behind and went back to my old one, but I think the real reason was , I slowed my swing.
It had not been helping that my mate was a higher handicap and playing( or rather scoring) much better than me, for weeks.
I say scoring because he a short hitter, using hardly any irons but mostly hybrids. However, he consistently( read almost always) hits it straight and is a verygood putter. His tempo was what I should have been emulating, but I was trying so hard to hit the ball.
Today, I concentrated on swinging slow and didn't worry about hitting the ball hard.
And it worked!
I am convinced that tempo is almost always the answer if the player has ,at a time in the past ,been a good player.
Best of luck, but don't give up, it will come back.


Medal Winner
Feb 2, 2017
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I agree with the above.
When you start to get too many swing thoughts through playing badly I think most poeple subconsciously tense up and lose their rythem/tempo.
I have to feel like I'm hardly hitting it to get the right tempo, that's really difficult if I've loads of swing thoughts.


Aug 10, 2017
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Don't take this the wrong way, ,but your story has heartened me😀
Because I am in the same situation and clearly, from the posts, I am not alone.
As it happens, today I played and I played a lot better than of late, more like my old self. I had left my newest driver behind and went back to my old one, but I think the real reason was , I slowed my swing.
It had not been helping that my mate was a higher handicap and playing( or rather scoring) much better than me, for weeks.
I say scoring because he a short hitter, using hardly any irons but mostly hybrids. However, he consistently( read almost always) hits it straight and is a verygood putter. His tempo was what I should have been emulating, but I was trying so hard to hit the ball.
Today, I concentrated on swinging slow and didn't worry about hitting the ball hard.
And it worked!
I am convinced that tempo is almost always the answer if the player has ,at a time in the past ,been a good player.
Best of luck, but don't give up, it will come back.

I think you are 100% correct. The original post is from a while back so I was just updating in the hope that other people that are going though a bad patch can pull out of it. But you are right the harder you try the worse it gets. Trust your swing and think of nothing if you can, it is no coincidence the last three holes were bogeys as I was 'thinking' about the shots and the score on Saturday. Tempo it is..


Apr 25, 2010
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No, i too have seen my h/c go up 0.1 in the last 7 comps i have played.

Was really looking forward to playing yesterday in perfect golfing conditions, and started with a 9! In fact, when we were searching for my ball, i thought i was going to NR on the first - what nightmare scenario that would have been (and waste of £5).

This is my first year at this club, so have put some of my poor holes down to getting to know the course.

I cant put my run of poor scores down to one specific swing fault - it is due to inconsistency, havjng 14/15 decent holes with some shockers thrown in.

I have finished last in comps, and whilst people will laugh at the time, a week later it is all forgotton. I remember someone at my old club who was playing badly and on for a high score, not looking to hard for a lost ball on about tge 16th cos he would rather NR than have a 100 against his name! Ridiculous.

Just got to stick at it, things will improve - we are handicap golfers who have other commitments in our lives, and generally expect to turn up sat morning and play well despite having done little practice since previous weekend.



Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 16, 2014
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Answer to your question is no your not alone, can’t really give any advice except don’t give up it will get better.

I played 6 rounds this last week 4 of which was in competitions developed the Tom Hanks came out of nowhere and ruined my scores.

But I will persevere and it will get better.


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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Nope! 8 +0.1s back in 9 comps this year. 5.3-6.1 bring on 7 👍👍.
Been struggling out of the sand. I’m gonna play less golf & practice more.

Deleted member 16999

Answer to your question is no your not alone, can’t really give any advice except don’t give up it will get better.

I played 6 rounds this last week 4 of which was in competitions developed the Tom Hanks came out of nowhere and ruined my scores.

But I will persevere and it will get better.
This could of been me posting the above.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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There gets a point where you don't need lessons, usually around the low teens handicap.

Your already pretty proficient with the game and know all the basics. You CAN par any hole and frequently do.#

What you need now is coaching, someone to bring out your best, build consistency and keep a steady route and plan for improvement. Find yourself a coach!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I went to 12 from 15 in one hit earlier in the year after winning a comp with 44 points and I'm getting to the cusp of going back to 14. Definitely feel my game has regressed in many ways but actually feel the swing itself is better than when I won. I know it is in there, I just need to drag it out. Definitely think the only things I need to work on regularly is my short game and putting but the main focus has to be thinking better again on the course


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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The problem you are describing is the same for all levels of players ,no matter your h cap.
If you don’t play well it’s very hard to enjoy it , so end up frustrated.
A lesson will give you something to focus on.
As Bobmac is saying if you don’t change anything it will stay the same.