Hybrid hooks.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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For some reason I seem to have developed a case of hooks with the hybrid which is rare for me. Evening thing else in the bag is going well, but my hybrid seems to have 3 possible outcomes.

1) a push draw that starts right and draws back in to target, maybe 10 yards of movement..

2) a straight push that missed target by around 30-40ft to the right,

3) a monster snapper that starts pretty slightly right and misses 30/40ft. Left of target,

Any ideas.?


Tour Winner
Jan 21, 2013
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For some reason I seem to have developed a case of hooks with the hybrid which is rare for me. Evening thing else in the bag is going well, but my hybrid seems to have 3 possible outcomes.

1) a push draw that starts right and draws back in to target, maybe 10 yards of movement..

2) a straight push that missed target by around 30-40ft to the right,

3) a monster snapper that starts pretty slightly right and misses 30/40ft. Left of target,

Any ideas.?

buy a new one?

in all seriousness, and I'm hardly one to give advice but my instructor always says check ball position. To far forward and it's hooks, to far back it's a straight push. For my swing anyway.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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First check ball position has crept to far back towards middle of stance. & also check that your aim & alignment hasn't crept to to the right of target a ways.

All those swing problems can only happen if the swing is coming a tad too much from the inside.

After you pushed, push drawn a few that haven't found target.
It's pretty easy to not clear left side & not turn the body through properly which means there's a ways to much weight left on the right side & with not turning through the arms & hands are forced to wrap around the body that hasn't got out of the way, so you can them have all manner of real quick hooks.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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This has started happening to me again recently.

I know it's not the club, but I've never liked looking down on hybrids and always preferred irons.

Hence me buying an 18° Mizuno H4 last night :D


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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I think the issue comes from being told " hit it like an mid iron "

If you look at the ball position when hitting a 3 or 4 iron coated with a 5/6 iron , it's easy to get the ball a little too central on the Stance, next stop hooksville.

Don't want to junk the club as it's awesome when hit well, but just need a set up check list to ensure I don't allow it to creep central,


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Ball position is in the same area as you'd play a 3 or a 4 iron. So really just back say half a ball (as a guide to work from to find your own best position) from where you'd normally play a 3 or 4 metal.

But you still need to have a slight -AoA, so downwards as you should with a 3i & 4i. You have to strike the ball & have the lowest point of the swing arc at target side of the ball, so doing this some folks may just bruise or scrape the ground after impact, some may well take a thin divot, but this kind of strike is what you need to get the best flight + distance from these hybrids.

But if you try to hit it level, sweep it or scoop to help it up, either won't give you a good strike or distance or direction, sweep it you'll tend to come up off of it & it'll likely go right, try scoop it & it probably won't go any place you want it to.

But if you play ball back center the club head meets the ball too soon, & if you're coming from the inside a ways you'll put too much right to left curve on it.

Although still a lot of folks get confused about the starting direction of a true draw or a hook, & still think they are hooking the ball, but really they are coming out to in, swinging through a good ways left, do this but with a slightly shut face to this path, & the ball starts left of ball target some then bends even more left.

London mike 61

Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 18, 2013
Chigwell, Essex
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I don't know if it will help but i set up to a hybrid like this;

1 stand with feet close together parallel to target line

2 place ball so it's in line with right toe

3 leave the left foot where it is but flare it ot without moving the heel to 30 degrees

4 move the right foot out to about shoulder width

Normally at this point I take a quick practice swing to graze the grass to confirm a good ball position , then shuffle in and make the stroke.

Im not sure if that is what you are supposed to do but it works for me


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Having picked your aim points from behind the ball.

Would always advise that then the first thing you should do is put the club behind the ball aiming the club face where you want the ball to start out, in relation to your target. All alignments & positions are relative to that, face to aimpoint, target, & that only.

Then take your correct grip to that club face alignment.
Then take your stance to the ball, re ball position, body alignment, posture.

If you put your feet in first to take stance to the ball first, & then put the club in & aim the face thinking your aimed straight mostly you'll be aiming right of target, for most RH golfers.

Or if you are trying to heavily avoid one side of the course, because say of a slice, if you take stance first in to the ball getting feet in before club face aim first, you'll more likely be aiming a ways left & compound the slice shot shape you don't want, & vice versa if you trying to avoid a hook or over draw you'll be aimed a ways too far to the right & further compound the over draw.

Got to be club face direction behind the ball that has to there right from the get go, no question, before anything else, to give yourself the best chance of the ball at least starting in the direction you really want it to.