Hows your luck??


Aug 23, 2013
Stamford, Lincs
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Been looking forward to this weekend for months, away with nine mates to play at Telford, four games three days brilliant. What happens... I fall off a pair of steps, land on them and break my ribs, how's that for bad luck. Anyone else had similar bad luck. PS. new member, hi to all..
Hello and welcome.

The guys at my last club call me Lucky.

Knocked myself out after a ball rebounded off a rock, and then the ambulance broke down. Also been the passenger in a buggy that flipped over on the side I was sat. Also hit in the 'jewels.'.................I could go on but I guess you get the drift
Hello and welcome.

The guys at my last club call me Lucky.

Knocked myself out after a ball rebounded off a rock, and then the ambulance broke down. Also been the passenger in a buggy that flipped over on the side I was sat. Also hit in the 'jewels.'.................I could go on but I guess you get the drift

Well I was going to post that if it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all.

Then I read your post and my 'regular bad bounces' and 'playing from divots' seemed pretty trivial.....
When I first had lessons, my swing changed dramatically, forgot to warm up one day at the range and pulled the muscles in my ribs down the left hand side, couldn't swing a bat for weeks, hurt whe I coughed as well. Missed out on best golfing weather we had had for ages.
Hello and welcome.

The guys at my last club call me Lucky.

Knocked myself out after a ball rebounded off a rock, and then the ambulance broke down. Also been the passenger in a buggy that flipped over on the side I was sat. Also hit in the 'jewels.'.................I could go on but I guess you get the drift

I hope you penalised yourself accordingly.
When I first had lessons, my swing changed dramatically, forgot to warm up one day at the range and pulled the muscles in my ribs down the left hand side, couldn't swing a bat for weeks, hurt whe I coughed as well. Missed out on best golfing weather we had had for ages.

That injury seems to happen to me every other week, I have a mat in the garden and all to often I go out there for a few (too enthusiastic) swings after just dragging myself off the sofa :mad:

Something always seems to ache :angry:
Ouch, hope it mends soon & welcome.

Hello and welcome.

The guys at my last club call me Lucky.

Knocked myself out after a ball rebounded off a rock, and then the ambulance broke down. Also been the passenger in a buggy that flipped over on the side I was sat. Also hit in the 'jewels.'.................I could go on but I guess you get the drift

Do I need to sort out some golf insurance before Woburn...... :mmm: