How narrow a line am i walking?


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Played this morning and shot 36 points with the one sole thought that i was going to cut every shot i had...Well at least from the longer clubs.....It didnt last too long though... If the hole required a right to left off the tee...I set up and played it...... If i wanted all the trouble out of play and needed a fade i played it..... My tee shot on our 320mtr par 4 left me with 70mtrs in.... And that was with a fade....
Turned +4 with 19 points and returned +7 with 17 points.....

Now for my question..... A bad one on the fade setup was a definite slice.... But.... It wasnt bad enough to be lost or OOB.... Of all the left to right shots i played whether they were off the tee or approach shots only 2 were out and out slices and they were with the big stick off the tee...Its probably just a tweek of the path or maybe the feet line but i think with a little range time i might figure it out..... So how fine a line am i walking by playing this way and with this setup in comparison to what work iv put in all winter to rid myself of an out to in swingpath?.....

Is it very easy to undo all the good work in a few rounds of playing this way?......On a side note... I hadnt and of the unmentionables either...:lol:


Nov 16, 2011
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Remember the famous Lee Trevino quote - 'You can talk to a fade, but a hook won't listen'

Basically meaning what you have found - the hook is the more destructive bad shot!

If you are capable of playing both shapes, then great. The fade isn't necessarily shorter - if it's a push-fade - and does tend to be 'safer'. It also gives more control on shots into greens.
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Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Remember the famous Lee Trevino quote - 'You can talk to a fade, but a hook won't listen'

Basically meaning what you have found - the hook is the more destructive bad shot!

If you are capable of playing both shapes, then great. The fade isn't necessarily shorter - if it's a push-fade.

I can play the fade all the time Foxy..... I could play that with my eyes closed.... But i have this thing in my head that i need to be able to draw the ball as well to maintain a low handicap...... Maybe im a bit OTT but i think to be able to do it when i want would be a big advantage..... Also it would mean that i have a proper swing plane.....

Today i stood up on our index 3.. 390mtrs Par 4. A hole that you can fade a ball on easy enough but its a slight dog leg right to left with room out right and trouble all the way down the hole left into a slightly elevated green with run offs left and right and cabbage at the back... Short is safe but then your relying on a good chip and a putt for par if the flag is at the back...... I brought driver and 3 wood onto the tee with me.... A slight helping wind so decided to hit the 3 wood..... I hit a big high draw that i set up for and left myself with 170mtrs into the middle of the green....... I hit a 6 iron that missed the green left but about 20ft from the pin.... Chip and putt and walked off smiling with a Par....

Id like to have enough confidence in my swing that i could choose what shot i wanted to hit at a particular time...... I suppose thats a perfect situation to be in but its not always achievable... I may want my all my cake to eat it as well..... I hope its not the downfall of me though...

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Now for my question..... A bad one on the fade setup was a definite slice.... But.... It wasnt bad enough to be lost or OOB.... Of all the left to right shots i played whether they were off the tee or approach shots only 2 were out and out slices and they were with the big stick off the tee...Its probably just a tweek of the path or maybe the feet line but i think with a little range time i might figure it out..... So how fine a line am i walking by playing this way

you've answered your own question

you are now on the 'wide line' - the bad one's still in play!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Id like to have enough confidence in my swing that i could choose what shot i wanted to hit at a particular time...... I suppose thats a perfect situation to be in but its not always achievable... I may want my all my cake to eat it as well..... I hope its not the downfall of me though...

Sounds like you did.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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you've answered your own question

you are now on the 'wide line' - the bad one's still in play!

Sounds like you did.

I will hold my hands up to playing decent lads..... And I was plotting my way around.... But that fade just looked really sweet to me everytime I looked up and saw the flight.... I suppose learning the game when I first picked up a club 4 years ago I always aimed left for everything... Now though I'm much more aware and can swing a bit more freely and more confidently.....


Tour Winner
Sep 15, 2011
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I can play the fade all the time Foxy..... I could play that with my eyes closed.... But i have this thing in my head that i need to be able to draw the ball as well to maintain a low handicap...... Maybe im a bit OTT but i think to be able to do it when i want would be a big advantage..... Also it would mean that i have a proper swing plane.....
If you wanna practice hard and get a draw sorted then fine, but you need it .... I've never had the ability to call on a draw when I want to, you simply pick the holes when you can use your fade to best effect.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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If you wanna practice hard and get a draw sorted then fine, but you need it .... I've never had the ability to call on a draw when I want to, you simply pick the holes when you can use your fade to best effect.

Do you mean i do or i dont need it Pal...... Its nice to have it though If i need it.......


Tour Winner
Sep 15, 2011
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Do you mean i do or i dont need it Pal...... Its nice to have it though If i need it.......

Sorry, I appear to have missed out an important word, it should have said "but do you need it"

Basically, for me, the idea of needing to play a specific shape didn't stop me getting to Cat 1, and unless you really need to hit close to EVERY flag then it won't make much difference to most games. Hitting middles of tougher greens and going for the easy (fade friendly) pins is good enough for my game. I just don't need to attack everything to play well. If I could hit the same shape with every single shot I took then the game would be easy, and to be honest that's what I would like to do :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
only 2 were out and out slices and they were with the big stick off the tee...Its probably just a tweek of the path or maybe the feet line..

Club face was too open at impact. A fade starts left so the club face needs to point a little left.

If the ball DOES start a little left and still slices then your path is tooooo left.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Club face was too open at impact. A fade starts left so the club face needs to point a little left.

If the ball DOES start a little left and still slices then your path is tooooo left.

Thats all id say Pal.... Just not knowing how far left i needed to aim.... I was so preoccupied on the path after the lessons everything was aim right,right,right...... I forgot how to aim left and trust it.....
I had 3 drives this morning though measured at 260,257,268.... All after roll out on pretty solid fairways so not too bad for a hacker....:smirk:


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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I don't know any 10 h'caps that move the ball both ways, under control, at will.

I don't know any 5 h'caps that move the ball both ways, under control, at will.

In fact, I don't know many scratch h'caps that move the ball both ways, under control, at will.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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I don't know any 10 h'caps that move the ball both ways, under control, at will.

I don't know any 5 h'caps that move the ball both ways, under control, at will.

In fact, I don't know many scratch h'caps that move the ball both ways, under control, at will.

I can definitely move it one way at will Rob....... But thats about it...... I think i need to accept my limits for my swing and work my backside off with the short game to get the handicap down a few more strokes....