How much would you pay for a few extra yards off the tee?


Head Pro
Sep 11, 2010
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Longer post than I intended so skip to the bottom if you want for a summary!

A few weeks ago I decided to book myself in for a TaylorMade Tour Van fitting at Silvermere Driving Range in Surrey.

I haven't had my Ping i15 driver much longer than 6 months but I was convinced that I was launching the ball way too high and as a result had lost about 20 yards from my previous driver, the TM Tour Burner. I wasnt necessarily going to buy a new driver, but wanted to find out if my suspiscions were correct and whether there was anything that could be done by changing clubs.

I also wanted to see what all the fuss was about with all this white driver malarky!!

Anyways I hadnt hit a ball in about 4 weeks due to a shoulder injury so headed up there a bit early to get back in the grove. In the first bucket I could hardly get the ball off the ground... Hooks, low slices, thins, fats, you name it, I hit it. I was very worried the fitting was going to be a complete waste but luckily managed to start hitting it okay by the time my appointment came up

They said they were running late and so I hit a few more balls while I waited for about ten minutes. A Taylor Made rep called James then came over to apologise for the delay and gave me two sleeves of Taylor Made balls "as an apology" which I thought was really brilliant of them.

We headed over to the bay where he asked me a few questions about my golf. I explained my concern that I was hitting it too high and he handed me my driver and told me to hit a few.

I hit about 6 or 7 balls and was hitting it well. He said that the numbers looked fine except for the launch angle, which he agreed was a bit high. He said the shaft in my i15 was working well for me but that he thought it just had too much loft.

He then handed me an R11 TP which he had set to 8 Degrees loft with a shaft that he said was very similar to the shaft in my i15, a Blur 65 X. Ive never got on with X Flex shafts as they just feel too heavy and boardy for me, but this one was different. It felt great and the numbers were good too. The launch angle had gone down 3 deg's and had given me 3 extra yards of carry and 7 extra yards total.

Good, but not worth the £299 quid I had seen on the bottom of the club when I walked in!

He then put in another shaft that he thought would be "the one" for me. A Diamana Kai'Li 70 S. As soon as I hit it I fell for it and sure enough, the numbers backed up my feelings. The launch angle was 1.5 degrees lower than my i15 and I had gained 11 yards of carry and 17 yards in total!! And I was getting a more consistent flight with it and a slight improvement in accuracy. Result!

I asked for a printout of the trackman numbers but it wasnt available so I took a few photos of them on my phone:

As soon as I saw the increase I thought to myself that Ive got to get it. I said thanks to James and walked over to the till where they sort out the pricing and payment before the specs are taken over to the Tour Van for them to make your club.

He plugs some numbers into the calculator and says that the club would be £450 total!! I tried to hide the shock on my face but I think it mustve showed... He explained that because it was the TP version it cost £360, instead of £299 and the Kai'Li shaft is a £90 upgrade.

I said I was going to have to think about it and they gave me a copy of the driver specs and told me to call if I decide to get it.


Summary: Went to get fitted for R11. It gave me 17 extra yards on my current Ping i15 driver, but costs £450.


What would you do? Is an extra 17 yards with the driver worth £450? Thats almost £27 per yard!

If its too much, how much would you pay for a few extra yards?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Did you try the non TP version of the club. And no 17 yards to me would not be worth £450. thats 3 days golfing somewhere hot or 15 video lessons, with 3 playing lessons.

If im honest if it wasnt for the march madness that direct golf had i wouldnt have purchased the r11 at all, but it was cheap enough for me to be able to use it for a few months and resell if i didnt like it. as it is there is a sneeky possibility that the old burner may be going back in the bag.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I don't care if it gives me 100 yards more, I can't justify 450 quid on one golf club. If a change of driver would gain me 20 yards I wouldn't necessarily go for it either as distance isn't an issue with me. If the change meant I could get 8/10 on the fairway I'd part with 250 quid for that.


Head Pro
Sep 11, 2010
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Did you try the non TP version of the club.

To be honest I have no idea... The first one I tried may have been, but I dont know.

I didnt know that I was hitting the TP version until I got to the till, in fact, I didnt even no there was a TP version until then either.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 11, 2010
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HELL NO its not worth that kind of money. How many times do you genuinely whack it from the tee?

I think I use my driver on 12 holes max and even then on some holes it would leave a mid iron meaning I could change my attack. Taking into consideration I'm crap I would think you would use the driver less than me :D


Q-School Graduate
Nov 10, 2010
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With a handicap of 4.2 you will probably get a lot more out of such a club than some of us lesser mortals. If it felt right, had more consistent flight, was more accurate and also 17 yards longer then that is a lot of plus points. If like me you just play for fun then it would be a bit of a waste but if you are into serious competition then it does seem very tempting. If my wife gave me the nod for such a purchase (she probably would just say "Go for it" and so ease my guilt) then I'd definitely indulge.


Head Pro
Sep 16, 2007
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In simple terms......NO! however,I put the bsll out a long way anyways and often hit 3 wood to leave a favoured club into greens!

Would I pay that for the same distance but straight everytime???? HELL YEAH!


Tour Rookie
Jan 5, 2011
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If you really want it and you can afford it, and YOU see the value, then buy it.

Doesnt matter if noone else see's the value, its about you and your circumstances.

Are you going to be continually hitting your old driver and wondering "what if".. otherwise?

Just buy it, and let us know how it goes ;-)


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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Seems to be that for most people putting the ball on the fairway rather than booming it out there is what we'd be prepared to pay big money for.

I hope there's a TaylorMade Rep reading this,,,
and that they can produce the goods! :D


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 15, 2008
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I would spend it on a putter....... but only if every time i hit it it went in the hole :D


Assistant Pro
Jan 25, 2011
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Funnily enough I'm going to Taylor Made on Saturday to get fitted for said club.

And I've got to be honest and say I'll pay whatever it takes to get me the best results......

but in saying that I'm buying it through my Pro and I have about £150 lying in my account in the shop plus I've got a Titleist 910 D2 to sell that's been used about 5 rounds, so the £450 wouldn't be such a blow to me.


Tour Winner
Jun 3, 2009
North Kent
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I don't think any club is worth £450. I remember in the late 90s seeing the Callaway Great Big Berthas on sale for silly money.

Also, wait a season and that £450 will be on sale for £100 at AG/Nevada Bobs, etc.

I recall a story where a club golfer spoke to one of the head guys at Callaway. They were talking about drivers and the cost. The Callaway guy said that they could manufacture a driver - a good one - and sell it for less than £50 but no-one would buy it as it wasn't marked up at >£200. :eek:


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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17 yrds to me would be very redundant for bucks of the latest and greatest......According to their figures.....

But think of it this way EZ...... How would that 17yards equate if there was a slight breeze into you on a tee.....Bang goes the extra distance and with it half your wallet.....

Kepp the shillings my man and just hit 1 iron longer into the pin....Much cheaper ;)


Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2010
Northern Ireland
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I dont need the extra yards so i wouldnt pay anything. However if the dispersion was improved and it improved my accuracy i would consider a change but 450 is very dear.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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What a fascinating post. 259 vs 276 yards club vs club.

Do you need the extra distance? I don't know, but once you've got used to hitting a bit further off the tee and maybe shaving another stroke off the h'cap.....are you going to enjoy it more? :D


Head Pro
May 29, 2008
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I wouldn't buy it, that is a lot of money. Why not go for a titleist 910d3 fitting? They are a lot cheaper and they have a lot of shaft options available without the silly upcharges. Also you could do with getting the smash factor up your still leaving approx 9mph of ball speed on the table which is probably another 20 yards. I think I'm right in saying the Titleist has a shorter shaft which may help this, I've cut my driver down and I actually hit it further on average than I used to. Your absolute best might not be as long but you should find more fairways with a shorter shaft too.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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I'd say it's not worth it for 17yds, especially as the dispersion was worse than your current driver.

The distance is really the only improvement, and you put it down to launch angle.

Would it not be worth experimenting with your own driver trying to get the ball to come off it on a slightly lower trajectory?


Q-School Graduate
Jan 8, 2011
South Lanarkshire
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£450 is very expensive but I'm sure if you shop around (maybe get fitted by different brands) a similar improvement might be out there for a couple of hundred cheaper!