How long for swing changes to benefit your game?


Club Champion
Jul 23, 2011
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Hi guys

I am currently playing off an 18 handicap at the moment and I feel I have been improving weekly with the practice I have been putting into my short game and on the green.

I went for a lesson the other day and the pro within minutes found the breakdown in my swing. During the backswing my front leg breaks down and folds towards my right knee, this makes me look as though I am totally over swinging and leaning forward. It looks fine from the back but horrific from a front view.

He has put this down to my posture during address as I was a little stooped and sat back on my heels, ultimately causing an inconsistent swing.

I am now adjusting all my lower body during address and it feels totally uncomfortable and causing muscle discomfort in my lower back - is this normal?

All that said my drivers now are longer and straighter and seem somewhat effortless - iron play I am struggling to adjust to the new posture for some reason.

I went round a nine hole course locally last night and shot 38 on a par 32 - which in my view is working on a 12 handicap approximately so the changes must be making an improvement.

My question is to you guys - how long does it take for the benefits of adjustment to show in your game with consistent practice?


Challenge Tour Pro
Apr 26, 2009
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Hi, I started swing changes about 18 months ago and last season was the most successful in club comp terms ever! So my guess is 6 months you'll start seeing decent improvements, my swing was totally remodled that I've even got a little note pad in which I've maintained my changes, tips or whatever to help me maintain it. Just make time to practice and you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner... Good luck and stick with it!


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Depends how much effort you put in with this new changes IMO.

Science says muscle memory takes 1000 attempts to store something. I'd say this is about right.

As long as you are making quality practice swings/strokes then for as long as it takes you to bed in 1000ish I guess.

Don't over do it though, Quality, not quantity ;)


Challenge Tour Pro
Apr 26, 2009
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Depends how much effort you put in with this new changes IMO.

Science says muscle memory takes 1000 attempts to store something. I'd say this is about right.

As long as you are making quality practice swings/strokes then for as long as it takes you to bed in 1000ish I guess.

Don't over do it though, Quality, not quantity ;)

That's interesting, never heard that quote before. So I never hit more than a basket of about 50 balls so 20 visits or based on 3 50 balls a week making a change would take roughly 7 weeks... I'd tend to agree with that, prefer it to be immediate though ;)


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Depends how much effort you put in with this new changes IMO.

Science says muscle memory takes 1000 attempts to store something. I'd say this is about right.

As long as you are making quality practice swings/strokes then for as long as it takes you to bed in 1000ish I guess.

Don't over do it though, Quality, not quantity ;)

That's interesting, never heard that quote before. So I never hit more than a basket of about 50 balls so 20 visits or based on 3 50 balls a week making a change would take roughly 7 weeks... I'd tend to agree with that, prefer it to be immediate though ;)

I have found it to be about right.

Weapons handling drills, golf swings, golf drills, gross and fine motor skills at work..

I only ever hit 50 balls per range visit (Which isn't that often to be fair) But when I rebuilt, I took 2 pratice swings beofre each shot. That way, a 50 basket was more like a 150 basket and I got there quicker.


Head Pro
Apr 20, 2011
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I started a swing change two weeks ago and am still worse than before even if the hits and the shots "look" much better.

The problem with me is that I knew the distance of each club with my flawed old swing and the new swing has changed those dramatically. I gained more than a club in terms of distance so it looks great at the range but it's still bad on the course.

The first week was a nightmare as you might see in my previous posts but now I'm sure I'm going in the right direction and it's only matter of getting more consistency and knowing the swing better.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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For the time being, take one less club if your hitting it a club further.

Once you have it craked, you'll have to go out and pace your club averages!


Club Champion
Jul 23, 2011
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Well I am currently playing at least twice a week and I hit the range 2 or 3 times a week depending on commitments. I will generally have 3 buckets of balls on each visit and always practice with a reason.

Based on the 1000 ball thoughts it should not be too long :D

Interesting thoughts coming though - thanks everyone for the imput ;)


Money List Winner
Oct 20, 2009
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I decided to change my swing after getting down to 6.6 around 7 months ago.......went up to 9.4 then back down to 7 and now back up to 8.3. I've had some fantastic rounds in that time and some absolute shockers.
I usually have a 1 hr lesson a month.

I now know my swing better than ever and this week I've spent every day at the range and had a bit of a breakthrough! Went out tonight after work and knocked it round 9 holes in 1 under.

There were times in the last 7 months when I thought I'd cracked it and times when I wondered what the hell I was doing!!!!

This weekend I'm in 2 pairs board competitions, Saturday is the Autumn Cup which is Better Ball, (runner up last year and won it the year before), and Sunday is the final of the pairs knockout........feeling really good about my game and desperate to get on the honours board again.

So my swing change has taken about 7 months for me to really get to grips with it. Good luck with yours!!! :D


Club Champion
Jul 23, 2011
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Thank Rick - it is very frustrating when I felt previously I had been striking the ball really well.

It turns out due to my posture is was more hand eye co-ordination that was returning the club face back to square on impact.

I already feel this week that with these changes consistency will start to develop.

Congrats on your swing changes too - you must be very happy 1 under after 9?

Thanks Matt


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I dont think you can put a timescale on it. everyone adapts differently, also how much practice you put in to ingrain it.

Rick plays more golf than Bruce Forsyth (thought I would pick someone around the same age) so he will no doubt bed it in quicker than someone like me who plays once a week and practices about the same

My pro reckons around 1,000 balls aswell so based on my 100 a week on the range thats 10 weeks. Personally I find playing regularly helps just as much, its ok hitting a few balls with the same club as we can get in the groove but on the course you are hitting a different club every shot so maybe add that into your range routine.

good luck :)


Money List Winner
Oct 20, 2009
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Cheers G1BBO!!!! I think you'll find the interest has just gone up on those clubs!! :eek: :D :D

Thought we were going to win the Autumn Cup again today...went out in 23 points which included an eagle at our par 5 5th which is 552 yards. I was through the back in 2 :eek: and managed to roll in the nasty right to lefter from off the green....5 points thank you very much.

We fell away on the back 9 though and never really troubled the winners who came in with 46. Won a tenner each though for best front 9 score.

It's set us up really well for our knockout pairs final tomorrow.....tee off at 7 am


Head Pro
Sep 20, 2011
West sussex
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From watching a few playing partners and my own experiences, playing twice a week with 1 visit to the range a week, results are seen in around 2 to 3 months. I know with myself that after a lesson, you become more aware of your swing but i have found that sometimes I can understand it better a month down the line. At first you think you understand your swing but then suddenly something clicks into place and you then realise that maybe you did not! then you can improve.


Head Pro
Sep 11, 2010
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In my opinion you can improve your swing by leaps and bounds and still see hardly any improvement in your scoring. It takes absolutely ages to see results from improving your swing whereas the opposite is true for your short game, with which you can see quite big improvements in your scoring in a short period of time.


Q-School Graduate
Feb 6, 2011
Nuneaton, Warwickshire
Personally I find playing regularly helps just as much, its ok hitting a few balls with the same club as we can get in the groove but on the course you are hitting a different club every shot so maybe add that into your range routine.

good luck :)

Gibbo, make your range sessions more interesting than just hitting one club. Imagine your playing your course - play the clubs accordingly - if you hit a crap one off the range think where it would end up and play the required recovery.

This has helped me no end - just smacking the same club all the time is demoralising - you know a bit like running ;)