How is your club reacting to the new equality laws?


Aug 25, 2010
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We held our first equality meeting last week at Hazel Grove Golf Club in Cheshire.

What was clearly evident was that there were lots of uncertainty and speculation as to what is and isn't allowed by law.

the whole act seemed to much to tackle in one go so we have agreed to all go away and think about the major issue as we see it "FEES" there can no longer be male and female fees, we are all looking at probably a 5,6, and 7 day membership fee or a bronze silver and gold membership package

...the fees for this we have all taken away to muse over as it is clearly essential to achieve the current level of fee income for the club next year, nobody needs a mass exodus to another club locally. Its a finely balanced decision as most of the ladies around the table said that their section had already accepted that there was likely to be fee increase, their concern was more about what will we get back on tee times etc.

Another option which was bounced about was to simply only have 7 day membership for the club for everyone, that way all we needed to do was divide the clubs required fee income by the number of current members and get a figure.

by only having one level of membership it reduces the need for policing the 5 & 6 day members that might try to play on other days.

But there was then an interesting comment about the weekly winter league that is a shotgun start and occupies the whole course on sunday mornings. Would ladies be able to play....which they will be entitled to in their own competition if enough members join or how do we allocate tee times for ladies and other male members that simply want to play and not join in the competition...we have to somehow accommodate them.

It was agreed by all the the club competitions and tee times will require a complete overhaul to accommodate the new laws and we notified our comps secretary immediately as it could have implications on the diary being prepared for next year.

We also formed a small sub commitee to review the articles of the club to see where we felt the need for equality could be questioned.

All in all we had a very constructive and enlightening meeting, we have decided that this is so important that we are holding a weekly meeting to get ready to present a report at our AGM in October where any necessary changes should be made.

I realise that there are a lot of male golfers out there who have concerns about equality on the course, unfortunately it will happen at your club so live with it or pack up the clubs it appears were one of the specific case studies for the laws to be changed.

Anyone else got anything useful to report on how your club is addressing the equality situation.


Club Champion
Jun 3, 2009
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I did have to laugh the other day, the old boys network stormed up to the club sec reporting the crime of some junior male golfers wearing ankle socks, the sec said they now can as with the new equality law sats if the ladies can wear short socks so can the men, one old boy nearly swallowed his pint glass & they spent the rest of the afternoon slagging the sec, the ladies for wearing short socks etc


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2010
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I did have to laugh the other day, the old boys network stormed up to the club sec reporting the crime of some junior male golfers wearing ankle socks, the sec said they now can as with the new equality law sats if the ladies can wear short socks so can the men, one old boy nearly swallowed his pint glass & they spent the rest of the afternoon slagging the sec, the ladies for wearing short socks etc

That is strange, not least because the only clubs I've seen that make a pronouncement on socks have stated that knee length socks must NOT be worn with shorts. I don't really see what it matters one way or the other to be honest, there's nothing inherently smart about long socks or scruffy about short socks.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Interesting, as that means I could wear a wife beater.

No sleeves, no collar. Our women can wear them. Along with short shorts (not knee length).

Hmm, I can see the womens dress codes changing.


Tour Winner
May 3, 2008
Scotland via Ireland
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Its an interesting topic and something that all clubs have to get to grips with. Im sure my club is working away behind the sences.

Not sure if its going to change my playing patterns at all.


Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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I havn't heard alot about it but I'm for the equality.

I hate that the women have, juniours seniors all have set days, tee times etc as they always seem to be when I am on a rest day.

If anyone not fitting the criteria tries to play they say 'this is our time' But, they can play all the other times too. So how is that equal?

They can play on there own days, exclusivley, and on the other days as and when they can fit in.

I can only play on the other days, when I can fit in.

Bring on equality!


Money List Winner
Mar 3, 2007
The land of the Jock Frock
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I can't see the 'ladies' forking out £600 a year for the pleasure of playing golf as most of them only play 4 months of the year. They will be leaving in their droves ..... ;)

more time for the lads !!!!!!!!!!


Tour Winner
Jun 3, 2009
North Kent
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This is excellent news!! I can now fully embrace my femine side and dress a la Natalie Gulbis for our club championship........

I'll still look more manly than RickG........ :rolleyes:


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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haven't heard a thing about it, but . .
most ladies (at my gaff) are on package memberships with partners,
ladies add-on costs are higher because EWGA (or whatever) fees are higher,

I'd like to see some equality in dress codes; my syplh-like figure doesn't look at its best with a shirt tucked in, more like a matress tied up in the middle!

anyway, who's kidding themselves, equality will be one-way - again!


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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This is quite interesting as equality laws are generally aimed at strengthening the position of women yet where golf is concerned it may well make them far worse off. No reduced fees, no exclusive tee times, no leniancy on dress codes.

Most of the women at my course have said that they only play because they can play as one big group at the same time every week so will be interesting to see how this develops.

Personally I feel that it will be largely ignored and everything will continue as before.


Tour Winner
Mar 18, 2009
Surely this is a good thing as the ladies will now pay the same as men so should mean extra income for most clubs.

The only problem is at our club the average age of the women is 75 and the take 5.5 hours around


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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I think it could be the opposite with ladies giving up or leaving clubs that enforce the regulations. Less women mean higher mens fees (unless there are enough men to fill the gap)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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We have a small but active ladies section and whilst they can occasionally be a pain when you are trying to play through they are pretty good on the whole. They also add an awful lot to the club in terms of organising social events etc behind the scenes so if there is an exodus we will suffer from a lack of voluntary help.

Personally if everyone is on an equal footing I can see problems on both sides of the fence and have a feeling a lot of clubs where possible will be seen to do as little as they can get away with


Tour Winner
Jan 12, 2007
Putting all the (considerable) banter aside this is a serious issue and one which the EGU have been making clubs aware of for some time (>12 months).

It doesn't mean that you can't have differing levels of fees. It does mean though that you cannot say any particular structure is only available to certain groups. So, if you have a restricted membership category for ladies currently that's fine but you must allow men to take advantage of the same deal. Similarly you must offer full membership to women if some want to take advantage of that. Age is not a "protected characteristic" so there's no effect on junior/senior rates. It does get more complicated though when it comes to special deals to increase under represented groups.

There's detailed guidance for clubs with worked examples etc here

Well worth a read as there will be so much cack talked about this subject I would be surprised if some clubs don't make some really poor knee jerk decisions.