How far do you travel to work?

How far do you travel to work and how long does the journey take you?A week ago we received notice that my office is going to close in a few years time. Luckily I'm likely going to be able to transfer to an office about 50 miles away, however this is not guaranteed and redundancy is an option, though probably only if I turn down a move. Remote working is not an option apparently.
However, I'm concerned with the time the commute will take. Public transport links to the new office from my home is poor meaning the journey will take approx 90 mins there and 90 mins back. I've been up to the new office this week for meetings by car and the journey ranged from 70 mins to 140 mins depending on traffic. With a young family at home moving closer to the new office isn't really an option. The travelling this week took it out of me and made me realise I've got a massive decision to make. Being out of the house for this amount of time each day would mean I'd see very little of my 3 year old daughter through the week. However, I need to work and the comments on Bladeplayer's thread hit home a bit. I'm spoilt at the minute as I can leave my house and be at my office in 6 minutes. Is this length of daily journey common?
90 mile round trip for me. I leave at 7am and get there just before 8 most days. If I leave 10 minutes later I'm not there until almost 9am. On the way home it takes anything from an hour to 2 depending on traffic. The only saving grace is that I work at home on Mondays and Fridays.
My daily commute is about 6 minutes door to door. I am very lucky.

Before my current role I was travelling a lot and I can honestly say it was the worst job I ever had. Even though I took a slight pay drop and lost the company car the fact that I can be home in just over 5 mins is worth more to me (and my family)

Appreciate not everyone is so lucky.

To me, however, I think the times you've mentioned are just not doable. You'll burn out, mate.
As i said before I'm 80 mile round trip for a 12hr shift when I'm on days i leave at 4.45 and don't get him till 7pm the only other alternative is to work offshore and i can't be bothered with that nowadays
About 3.5 miles away. Saturday or Sunday it doesn't take long to get there at all.
Monday to Friday it's hell. Only one realistic route (A259 coast road) which is total gridlock, like driving in London.
New controversial link road being built at the moment, which "should" (should) ease the congestion a little, but the jury is out on that one.
Another home worker so about 10 yards to my office. Worked from home for years, does have it's downsides but the quality of life you get is fantastic. Especially if you have a child.
20 mins to the office - do a lot of work at Heathrow and in a couple data centres and they can take an hour
My office is in my garage about a 4 second walk from my kitchen. Occasionally in London which is 90 minutes to the office, or most frequently I travel within Europe. I cover Benelux, central and Eastern Europe so spend a lot of time at Heathrow!! I probably have 5 trips a month, sometime more.
8 miles for me in the car, usually about 25 minutes, or about 13 miles on the motorbike which takes about the same time. Used to be 22 miles, which only took 22 minutes unless the A3 was screwed.
Would flexi-time work for you? Start early early and leave early would beat the traffic.

My view is that redundancy should be a last resort, especially if you don't mind the company you work for. Yes, the commute would be harder but not unrealistic against the typical commuter - especially those on the train into London from where I live.
50 mile round trip for me. Good day 45 minutes and a bad day 90 minutes. Have to use the 3 main motorways M5,M4 and M32 :(
used to drive 30 odd miles to work, when I started doing the trip in the early 80s it took me about 50 minutes. By the time I stopped doing the trip it had gone up to 90 mins.
Like Smiffy I drive to work on the A259 but have the benefit of a 15 minute run through an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Can get busy in the summer when the tourists arrive and the winter can be tricky over the hills but I wouldn't swap it for anything. Done with long distance commuting for ever.