srixon 1
Journeyman Pro
1 mile from work and the golf course is 1.5 miles in the other direction.
90 mile round trip for me. I leave at 7am and get there just before 8 most days. If I leave 10 minutes later I'm not there until almost 9am. On the way home it takes anything from an hour to 2 depending on traffic. The only saving grace is that I work at home on Mondays and Fridays.How far do you travel to work and how long does the journey take you?A week ago we received notice that my office is going to close in a few years time. Luckily I'm likely going to be able to transfer to an office about 50 miles away, however this is not guaranteed and redundancy is an option, though probably only if I turn down a move. Remote working is not an option apparently.
However, I'm concerned with the time the commute will take. Public transport links to the new office from my home is poor meaning the journey will take approx 90 mins there and 90 mins back. I've been up to the new office this week for meetings by car and the journey ranged from 70 mins to 140 mins depending on traffic. With a young family at home moving closer to the new office isn't really an option. The travelling this week took it out of me and made me realise I've got a massive decision to make. Being out of the house for this amount of time each day would mean I'd see very little of my 3 year old daughter through the week. However, I need to work and the comments on Bladeplayer's thread hit home a bit. I'm spoilt at the minute as I can leave my house and be at my office in 6 minutes. Is this length of daily journey common?
Either downstairs for a coffee then back upstairs to my office or to London which is about 2 &1/2 hours each way.
Hopefully not for too much longer.