Assistant Pro
Good Lord !!!!
Life is for living. Have a look at yourselves!!!! Sit down, assess your finances. Do you really need to have that brand new car? Do you need the top TV package with all the movies/sport etc? How much on the latest Nike/addias/UA stuff? What a month on a mobile phone!!!!!? Iphone9 for HOW MUCH????? Jesus I could go on and on. Stop chasing the dream!!! Your kids will only end up doing the same, if fact probably already are. You've bought them what phone now????????? On how much a month????
'Life is for living' is a nice mantra to go by. As long as you can afford it. Not much use if you can't afford to do anything to 'live life'. At 36 years old I've still got the majority of my working life ahead of me and with a young family to provide for I certainly need to work. Whether that is just down the road or thousands of miles away, that fact remains unchanged. I also want the best lifestyle I can afford for myself and my family and make no apologies for that. I work hard so why not have nice things? What that has to do with how long it takes me to get to work though I'm struggling to fathom.