How far do you travel to work?

Had 17 years of a 23 mile commute along 'A' roads, which rarely took over anything other than 30-35 mins as I was heading against most of the traffic. They shut the office and I got relocated to one just 7 miles away, but in the middle of the city. Now takes anything from 20 to 45 minutes depending on the traffic.

I would have thought that anything more than an hour would be difficult on a long term basis.
Used to travel across to either East Kilbride or Uddingston from Midlothian, a nightmare nose to tail journey across the M8. Eastkilbride also entailed the Bellshill Bypass and the A725 up to East Kilbride, Morning run could take between 1hr and 1hr 30mins and the evening return could take as long as 2 hrs if the Edinburgh City Bypass was stuffed.

Eventually decided enough was enough and found another job. Too much commuting time certainly doesn't help a harmonious home life. Missed too many parents nights, school shows & concerts. Those things you can never get back.
Varied over the years from a 3hr round trip to 100yd walk, now it's 15 mile by car or 13 mile on bike during the summer.
If someone offered me £100K to commute to London and back (ie: at least 3 hours wasted every day) I'd ask them for £40K and only work Monday and Tuesday :thup:
A guy on my watch who's just retired planned to sell his house and move to spain. 10 months before he retired he got a stupid price on a Spanish house and baught it early. For the last 10 months of his career he travelled from spain to Birmingham for 4 days then back to spain for his 4 days off!!!! Feck that!
Ten mins walk to the station, 40 on the train into Town, ten mins walk at the other end.

So an hour each way.

Pretty standard London commute I'd have thought, but pretty much everyone here seems to take a lot less.

The only saving grace is I get a mile and a half walking as daily exercise and I listen to podcasts on the train.

But I certainly won't miss it come the retirement.
Today's commute is 309 miles, and 7 hours, inc. a ferry trip. Interviewing in Ireland this week, and sneaking my bats along for 9 holes
A few more details have emerged from my employer. They will cover my additional travel expenses to the new office for 5 years. Either per month or by a one off lump sum. No bump in salary though. They would also consider contributing to relocation costs, but as mentioned previously this isn't really an option for me. I've been travelling to the new office every day for 2 weeks now and the journey isn't becoming any more bearable. One night took almost 3 hours to get home due to a bad accident, with an average journey taking about 90 mins.
Thanks for the replies above. I have to say I'm a tad jealous of those that work from home or that only have to make an occasional visit to the office. I've tried to go down this route but it isn't an option my employer would consider.
From some of your comments I can see that doing this type of commute over a long period of time can be draining and also impact family life. Neither of which are ideal. I would hate to look back in 10 years time and realise I wasn't around much while my little girl is growing up. You can't get that time back. However I suppose you have to weigh it up against having a decent job, especially in today's climate.
It's a bit of a worrying time but also exciting as I genuinely don't know which way I'm going to go yet. Luckily I've got a few years to think about it and plan before my current office closes.
Do you have to do 9 to 5, or could you do an early start/early finish. That'll give you family time in the evening.
3.5hrs a day for me from Wokingham to London Victoria, if everything works - normally it is coming home if it goes wrong on the trains. 17 minute walk, 1 hr to Clapham, change trains to Victoria and 8 minute walk. We are probably moving next year to Euston/ Regents Park area so will need a new plan for the Paddington line - the obvious route is drive to Twyford (10 minutes), 30 minute train to Paddington and 3 stops on tube - potential journey around 75 minutes, so a 30 minute improvement - but when I checked it out I found that there are no spaces for car season tickets at Twyford - or Maidenhead!! So plan C is probably walk to Wokingham and train to Reading - then change and fast train to London!!
I am another of the home workers, takes me the time from the kitchen after breakfast to the office upstairs. I am also self employed so never have the need to go to head office for meetings.
Live in Canvey Island; office located in Enfield Lock (just off A10, inside the M25). Must be about 40/45miles single way journey depending on route taken. Work in construction so hours are long 7:30am - 5:30pm (try and get in for 7am and leave at 5pm). Mornings are fairly easy as long as the M25 is behaving itself so the journey time is between 55mins -1hr10mins; Evening journey is bloody diabolical - can take anything from 1hr30mins to 2hrs. The A12/A127 and A13 are carparks after 5pm.

Just put myself in a good mood now for the journey home!! :rant:
Good Lord !!!!

Life is for living. Have a look at yourselves!!!! Sit down, assess your finances. Do you really need to have that brand new car? Do you need the top TV package with all the movies/sport etc? How much on the latest Nike/addias/UA stuff? What a month on a mobile phone!!!!!? Iphone9 for HOW MUCH????? Jesus I could go on and on. Stop chasing the dream!!! Your kids will only end up doing the same, if fact probably already are. You've bought them what phone now????????? On how much a month????
Life is for living. Have a look at yourselves!!!! Sit down, assess your finances. Do you really need to have that brand new car? Do you need the top TV package with all the movies/sport etc? How much on the latest Nike/addias/UA stuff? What a month on a mobile phone!!!!!? Iphone9 for HOW MUCH????? Jesus I could go on and on. Stop chasing the dream!!! Your kids will only end up doing the same, if fact probably already are. You've bought them what phone now????????? On how much a month????

Need and want are two very different things. Aspiration is another. I want to provide the best for my kids so i work hard. OK i am lucky when it comes to an actual commute, but as i posted ages ago, one week i can be home every day, take the kids to school and the next week i will be in a hotel in Europe somewhere all week. Its balance, you get out what you put in.

If you are happy to settle for mediocrity then fair do's. I however want my kids to go to uni without crippling themselves financially, have a nice holiday or 2 and drive a decent motor thats parked up outside a nice house.