How do I get less draw with my driver?


Club Champion
Oct 16, 2013
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I had the opposite, slicing the driver. I just couldnt work it out as my swing path seemed fine but then I videoed my swing and my club face was open at impact. Now I close it slightly it goes straight(most of the time) but if i close it slightly too much i get a massive hook.

The video definately helped though and can hit longer now as more confidence

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I've had a little time to reflect on last nights 9 holes and have been wondering, could my aim and alignment be out?

On the holes where my 4 wood was performing well I felt my aim was correct.

On the 2 holes where the driver over drew, I was wondering if I wasn't aligned to my target as I thought.

And example being I thought I was aligned to the bunker on the right side of the fairway, so I could draw the ball of it to the fairway.

Thinking back, I have a sneaking feeling I was aligned too far left.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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On the 2 holes where the driver over drew, I was wondering if I wasn't aligned to my target as I thought.

You mentioned that both these driver shots starting direction was straight, so straight to wherever the face was aligned too, flew straight then turned left to whatever degree, so neither could have been a draw or overdraw.

They didn't have, if starting straight, the more parabolic shaped fight of a draw/overdraw that first started out to the right a ways so initially flying away from target line then curving back to target line (draw), or starting out right flying a ways from target line then curving back to target, but carrying on, crossing back over target line & continuing on in a leftwards direction (overdraw).

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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You mentioned that both these driver shots starting direction was straight, so straight to wherever the face was aligned too, flew straight then turned left to whatever degree, so neither could have been a draw or overdraw.

They didn't have, if starting straight, the more parabolic shaped fight of a draw/overdraw that first started out to the right a ways so initially flying away from target line then curving back to target line (draw), or starting out right flying a ways from target line then curving back to target, but carrying on, crossing back over target line & continuing on in a leftwards direction (overdraw).

So not alignment then. That's, kind if a relief.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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So not alignment then. That's, kind if a relief.

If ball with those 2 shots did start straight to your aim point, then curve, then no, but alignment something we all need to keep a constant check on. Can't be definitive but sounds more like a timing issue from transition, one of the things i mentioned in first reply.

A vast majority of issues do start with problems with set up, alignment.
The way most folks swing, however that is, as a generalization tends to be more ingrained than folks really think in terms of path etc, tends not to vary that much if you get them on a LM.
But the timed sequences of folks swing can vary a lot given the players internal dialogue about how the game is going, pressure of a particular shot etc. Getting the sequencing right & in good time a ways more complicated, get some of this adrift it can lead to all kinds of impacts & shots.
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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it may well be the grip. I am hooking / over drawing my driver something awful. I cant seem to find a neutral grip. I try weakening it and I can never find a middle ground. I can weaken it so much but it just turns into a slice.

I am on the verge of seeking professional help. it is probably the easiest answer for both of us!

Would say you are very probably over rotating the face through impact.

The swing is making the clubhead approach the ball from the inside face open & between say 4 or so inches before contact & the 4 or so inches after the face is rotating open to closed in a very short distance.

So dependent on your timing of this with various swings you''ll at best draw, but because it's a ways violent rotated club face through the impact area you'll overdraw, hook, & if very closed so also a ways heavily de-lofted, smother hook/duck hook.

Check some slow motion backswings to top & stop, & note where your right elbow is at top of your swing.

Could well be that it's well back behind your body, so pretty deep behind you.

What happens then is as you come down, the right elbow location as it comes back down to the delivery position is either at or towards the back part or your right hip, so still deep behind, right elbow stuck.

What this then does is force the right arm to shoot out from the inside which gives you higher hands through impact & everything is forced to rotate over so rotating the face heavily through the impact area in a very short time frame & amount of travel.

If this is happening you need to work to take the club back in front of your chest more in the backswing.

So check point when left arm is horizontal to the ground & angle to shaft is around 90º your hand location is in front of the middle of your chest.

So then on completion of the turn to top, your right elbow location won't be deeper behind your back, but a ways more in a location that's vertically below your right shoulder.

This will then mean that on starting transition from the leftside ground up first as you turn down to ball, your elbow at delivery (PP3) will be now a ways nicely in front of your right hip. With this there's now room for elbow & arms to swing they're not trapped so clear path to impact they are no forced to turn over any & raise up through impact.

So space for the arms/hands to get to impact on a swing path that's a lot nearer the 0º ball target line so the face is just moving naturally to square through impact, there's no heavy face rotation open to closed going on. Much more neutral face angle coming in to square through impact.