how do i do that

power fade

Assistant Pro
Jul 24, 2012
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hi everyone, sometimes when driving (usually with my 3 hybrid atm) i can hit a shot that start off with a low penetrating flight and stays that way for the first 50-100 yards then soars steeply through the air continuing of before landing softly away in the horizon - note this is only sometimes.

My question is what i am doing at impact in respect of swing plane/striking ball which part of ball etc to follow this flight.?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Do you tee the ball quite low? If you do and hit down fairly steeply then you will produce high spin rates with the ball, the forward momentum will send it off low but the high spin will then lift it up higher. You used to see this more in the past when drivers had a much smaller head and the ball was teed lower than is normal today.