How can my friend fix his shank?


Head Pro
Mar 16, 2012
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Very simple tip that I've found to work. Just try and hit it off the toe. Don't change anything in the setup of swing, just try and hit it off the toe on the way through. Stops you from over complicating things and gets you focussed on club head control at impact. Sounds far too simple but it does work.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Got to be something about dropping the club too much inside on the downswing.

Be interesting to hear how to stop this.


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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Got to be something about dropping the club too much inside on the downswing.

Personally, I'm impressed that given how 'open' the club is at the top, that he feels he can still shallow the path. My instinct would be a huge over the top move to somehow square the face at impact.

Equally interested in a pro's interpretation.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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looks like his initial take-away is 'outside the line' and then coming back he is inside to compensate and reaching for it as he knows his take away was wrong.

Get him to lie a cane on ground just other side of his tee ball - pointing down direction of play and get him to make sure he takes the club away inside the cane from the word go - and get him to address the ball almost at the hosel - it looks frightening. This is the 100% cure to my shanking.

If this doesn't work then his problem isn't the same as mine :)


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I am not seeing that at all.

I'd love to see a side on view of this swing.

Just maybe the first few inches - that's all it is/was/took for me. After that it looks OK. Maybe different issue. I'm just looking closely to see if there are any similarities to my chronic fault. I certainly end up 'reaching' for the ball as I know (subconsciously) in my golfing head that my backswing has taken the club to the wrong place.
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Medal Winner
Apr 15, 2015
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Invariably the shank will come down to two things:

1. The swing path is too much from inside to out, therefore meaning the hosel has more chance of impacting the ball than with a normal swing path. When practicing, place the shaft of a club on the outside of the ball (about 3-4 inches away) facing towards your target and ensure you swing along that line. If you continue to swing from in to out you'll either hit that shaft alongside the ball or come very close to doing so.

2. You have too much leg movement, meaning you are moving around a lot in your swing. Try hitting plenty of nice easy 3/4 shots with your feet together, ensuring you keep a nice tempo. Remember to swing along your target line, not in to out.

It'll take time but it will work. Good luck :)


Tour Winner
Aug 1, 2014
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Practising feet-together is great for getting rid of the shanks. It was a drill my pro got me doing, and it really worked. I even had to use it on the course when I was having a particularly bad round. Didn't look pretty, but at least I was striking the ball. The shanks are seriously frustrating, but if you persist, and do the right things, they will go away.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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initially would put a headcover or square water bottle just an inch & 1/2 outside the ball parallel to target line. just turn back then swing down & through to miss obstacle keeping verticle height.

feel throughout these swing motions, that if there was a chairback in contact to the butt at address in the backswing the right butt cheek would stay on the chair then at transition the left butt cheek would return to the chair & stay on the chair & have pushed it back some at finish position.

just turn through against a firm left side head behind the ball - don't try to manipulate the hands into & through impact - currently what is happening.
if you watch what the hands do in the vid both at & just past impact, there's a flip leftfield going on which will be a reaction to the ball going rightfield from the socket.

have a look at some preset 'feel' impact drills. then get into & feel what that impact is like a bunch of times. then swing to repeat that 'feel' through impact just let the hands 'hold' the handle.

doing a bunch of small shots like this should help some also.



Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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initially would put a headcover or square water bottle just an inch & 1/2 outside the ball parallel to target line. just turn back then swing down & through to miss obstacle keeping verticle height.

feel throughout these swing motions, that if there was a chairback in contact to the butt at address in the backswing the right butt cheek would stay on the chair then at transition the left butt cheek would return to the chair & stay on the chair & have pushed it back some at finish position.

just turn through against a firm left side head behind the ball - don't try to manipulate the hands into & through impact - currently what is happening.
if you watch what the hands do in the vid both at & just past impact, there's a flip leftfield going on which will be a reaction to the ball going rightfield from the socket.

have a look at some preset 'feel' impact drills. then get into & feel what that impact is like a bunch of times. then swing to repeat that 'feel' through impact just let the hands 'hold' the handle.

doing a bunch of small shots like this should help some also.


This is 'butt cheek' thinking is good for me I think coach - my biggest problem was lack of hip turn (hardly any at all through the swing) 'caused' me to immediately take the clubhead away outside of the target line. So with a line of tee pegs in the ground as you suggest - I knocked the very first one out of the ground on start my takeaway. I really haved to focus on hips turning together with arms from the very start.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Try bringing the right elbow closer to your body on the downswing.

Hands are getting forced out towards the ball through the hit exposing the hassle.

Once you hit a couple of these the instinct is to go deeper and deeper to try and hit from inside. Coming now from way inside and it isn't helping matters.

Really think this could be a quick fix as you really should be able to hit the ball. I think it's the downswing causing the problem. There are many worse backswings making contact with the ball.

Look for wide narrow swing videos. Pretty sure you have he wide part but it stays like that throwing the club out and flipping.

Again would like to see a side view of this swing.

Could be wrong but again it could be a simple fix.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
He has a mahooosive stall thru impact because the shoulders don't turn properly (they get too flat and the club is thrown to the outside) because he stalls he has a massive rolling of the wrist thru the ball (shutting the clubface down)... horrible!!

He needs the right shoulder to go more forwards and down... not out.... (described in this vid) so get him to do this drill.... hopefully other parts of his swing will then begin to fit



Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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That doesn't look like a shank to me?
i thought the same ,

whats going on with his shoulders a 4 seconds . looks to me like he gets to top of swing then starts to pull the club down instead of swinging it through

Just my view of it ,For the record ive a terrible swing & know nothing of swing mechanics