hitting woods


Aug 16, 2017
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after improving my golf swing and stricking of my irons I am no longer able to hit any woods.it started with my driver and has now got so bad it now effects any wood.i feel it's more a mental problem i.e. the same as the yips with putting.getting more and more frustrated to the point of giving up the game,have tried a couple of lessons with my local golf pro, but still no improvement.two months ago my Sunday best drive was around 220yds.has anybody else been through anything like this and found any cures?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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after improving my golf swing and stricking of my irons I am no longer able to hit any woods.it started with my driver and has now got so bad it now effects any wood.i feel it's more a mental problem i.e. the same as the yips with putting.getting more and more frustrated to the point of giving up the game,have tried a couple of lessons with my local golf pro, but still no improvement.two months ago my Sunday best drive was around 220yds.has anybody else been through anything like this and found any cures?

so now what's happening with the ball flight with the driver and woods? (pull type shots and big fades/slices?)

with driver what's the tee height (is the tee set pretty low?) in relation to the driver face at address & what's the ball position relative to the lead heel

& also importantly ball position to your head position with driver (do you move your head to be near the back of the ball & at this address position are your shoulders pretty level)

with irons though the bag & more so from the 6i down the swing angle of attack has got to be somewhat down so ball first ground second
it's a fairly common occurrence after folks working to improve the strike quality with the irons so getting that tad of downwards AoA that then the swing with the driver & 3metal or whatever also gets a tad too steep so too much down - this is often times emphasized by the set-up address position & ball position with the driver & metals getting a tad out of whack too

would tend to think a big issue with this is around set-up & ball position and the driver(metals) swing being a tad too steep