Hitting off the toe - yes again !!


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Worse than ever yesterday and much of today :confused: Bob's words of wisdom which had worked (solid turn and stay down on the shot until hands past face) didn't seem to work and my driver was terrible and barely making contact. Usually it's just been my irons that are towards the toe. When I did middle my drive I hit the biggest push slice I've ever managed - not sure I've ever hit one in my life actually.

Had a lesson yesterday on my backswing position (avoiding an overswing) but don't feel that was to blame as this is something that has become more prevalent in my strike.

So I got home yesterday and surfed the net for casues and fixes which is unlike me but it was very bad! Found this http://www.golfdigest.com/golf-instruction/mental-game/mclean_gd0709 and today on the 16th I remembered it so tried the 2 tee pegs on the mat a few times and was very adept at hitting the 2nd one. Said to HID "not sure what the hell that's teaching me" but then hit my 7 iron as sweet as I can possibly hit it. Stunned I hit another and the same result. Drives on 17 (hit 2) and 18 were back to my best with a bit of draw and nice distance. Approaches to both greens also excellent strikes (7 iron/gap wedge) although strike slightly heel side of centre.

So my question is - what do you think this has taught me? Is it as simple as keeping my arms extended? On video I think there is a small element of chicken winging and perhaps in an attempt to keep tighter on the backswing there has been too much tension in my arms (so on reflection perhaps the lesson was having an impact)...

I'm a bit confused although a lot happier with my strike. I have another lesson on Tuesday so will chat through with my coach but any thoughts guys?


Oh - one more thing. My grip felt all wrong for a time but couldn't figure why. Established (I think) my right thumb was too far over to the left of the shaft and not providing any stability at the top. That did help a bit and meant toe shots were at least on the toe and not threatening an air shot!


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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You most probably begun to swing out to in which can certainly result in toe hits.

This drill is helping to reverse this and to hit more from the inside, dont over do it though because you may start to then shank.

I think this is why they say shanks are a "better player" fault because its better to swing in to out then the other way around.


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 24, 2009
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Hi Amanda,
I definitely suffer from this fault as well as my "bad" shot. my aim to resolve it was to actually look ahead of the ball, about another imaginary balls width which gives me a better contact as long as I remember to do it. Its probably like Bobs idea of staying down on the ball.
I hadn't seen the drill in the link before but will give it a go at the range tomorrow, I don't think solid fairways and temporary greens will be something I will benefit from but I might from this.