Help in comps


Mar 15, 2016
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Hi, I currently play off 26 (25.5) and really struggle in stroke play competitions. In stableford or matchplay it's not too bad because an expensive hole can be forgotten about.
The thing that gets me is however from standard Tees, not comp, I am usually around the 90 mark but when it comes to the weekly medal I'm pleased to avoid getting .1.
I'm having my first lesson of the year this morning on shots from 100 yards in as this and putting are my downfalls so hopefully this can be something to build on for the summer.
Any other advice would be appreciated

Thanks jonny


Journeyman Pro
Mar 21, 2012
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All in your head. If you can do it socially, there is no reason why you can't do it in a competition. Just a little added pressure maybe causing you to grip slightly harder, swing slightly faster and try too hard...forget all that. It is just another round of golf.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Hi, welcome to this mad world!

Lessons are the was to go for sure along with lots of practice

It seem it's the old "card in the hand" syndrome, that problem is pretty universal as there is some added pressure mentally, but in reality, a card or no card makes absolutely no difference to your mechanics. You need to try and play with the same mental freedom that you do in other games - not easy, but it us just a frame of mind. I also think that always taking the easiest way from trouble pays dividends in a medal as you're less likely to compound your errors.

Good luck!


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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Remember that your handicap is calculated using stableford. Try to have this mindset when playing in medals.

If you're the kind of person to keep score on every hole, then it would be a bit demoralising to shoot:

1st hole: 9 (par 4)
2nd hole: 4 (par 4)
3rd hole: 7 (par 5)
4th hole: 3 (par 3)
5th hole: 6 (par 4)
6th hole: 5 (par 4)

That's 10 over for 6 holes and by this point in the round, you'll maybe think that your chances of winning the medal are dead and buried.

However, if you think of it in terms of stableford scoring, you'd be looking at around 11 points, which, if you repeat the same form over the last 2/3 of your round, will see you hit the buffer zone comfortably.

Try playing your next medal with a stableford mindset- it may just help a little.