Help For Heroes charity golf day - Hayling Golf club Tuesday 18th October


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Results from Hayling

Winner: Imurg 38 points
2ND : Dufferman 37 points
3RD : ADB 36 points

Best gross score: Drive4Show

Guest prize: James Hill (BattleBack) 41 points

Nearest the pin 5th hole: Imurg
Nearest the pin in two 13th: PNWokingham
Longest drive 18th: Sawtooth

Rickg Memorial Trophy: Pokerjoke

Other scores(30 points and above)

Drive4Show 35 points
Richart 35 points
Evemccc 35 points
Elliott Heath (GM) 34 points
Mike Harris (GM) 34 points
Paperboy 34 points
DeanoMK 34 points
SwingsitlikeHogan 33 points
Sawtooth 33 points
James Grundy (guest) 33 points
Liverpoolphil 33 points
Dando 33 points
Rob Smith (GM) 32 points
Polly Perkins(guest) 32 points
Pieman 32 points
Andy Sumner (guest) 32 points
Midnight 32 points
Patster1969 31 points
Radbourne2010 31 points
Sandy 31 points
PNWokingham 31 points
Aztecs27 31 points
PeteMa 31 points
IanM 31 points
Bratty 30 points
Swinger 30 points
Oddsocks 30 points

Congratulations to Imurg for a great round of golf off 5.5 handicap. (y)

Well done to all the other winners, as well as everyone else that played on the day. Your support was gratefully received and look forward to seeing you all next year.

I will update the amount raised when we have completed all the counting, and had all the auction items paid for.(y)
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Active member
Oct 5, 2021
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Nonsense, your putting was obscene and you hit some absolute belters. Was a thoroughly enjoyable round with great company. If you're ever over this way, give me a shout, would be good to get a round in - Apologies for getting your name wrong btw FFS! :oops:

Haha, don't worry you got my name right (I'm Kirk for anyone who met me over the two days). Will definitely let you know if I make it out to Gloucester!

where in London are you?

I'm in North/East London!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2010
South Wiltshire
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As others have said I can only echo the responses of a truest fantastic day, as always well organised and I feel hayling done well to accommodate us. I’d love to go back.

The highlight has to be the force in which @Swinger ’s jaw hit the green on 15 as my putt dropped, the pitch mark was huge!!! Thanks to @Swinger @Shamalamdingdong and GM’s own Elliot for a great 4 hours! ?

We were having a nice time until that happened. It was good fun and good company for all 16 holes. The last two definitely didn't count!

Great to catch up with a lot of guys and well done to Rich and the team for organising everything so well.

Looking forward to next year already, and the possibility of revenge!


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 3, 2015
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Thanks to Rich, Vicky and everyone else involved in the organisation of the day. Superb as always.

Many thanks to SteveW86, Old Skier and his guest Steve for your company in making it an enjoyable day.

The only slight disappointment was that nearest the pin was not on the 1st. SteveW hit a great shot bang on line which stopped just six foot short, which would have been a worthy winner of a nearest the pin prize. I followed it with a lovely five iron which having kicked slightly left on pitching would have been close to going in, but stopped just 18ins short. Very happy to have got a birdie though.


Princess Pouty (Queen of Fish Lips)
Aug 22, 2010
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Thanks to Rich, Vicky and everyone else involved in the organisation of the day. Superb as always.

Many thanks to SteveW86, Old Skier and his guest Steve for your company in making it an enjoyable day.

The only slight disappointment was that nearest the pin was not on the 1st. SteveW hit a great shot bang on line which stopped just six foot short, which would have been a worthy winner of a nearest the pin prize. I followed it with a lovely five iron which having kicked slightly left on pitching would have been close to going in, but stopped just 18ins short. Very happy to have got a birdie though.
And I love the very generous omission that SteveW missed the putt! ??


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Thanks to Rich, Vicky and everyone else involved in the organisation of the day. Superb as always.

Many thanks to SteveW86, Old Skier and his guest Steve for your company in making it an enjoyable day.

The only slight disappointment was that nearest the pin was not on the 1st. SteveW hit a great shot bang on line which stopped just six foot short, which would have been a worthy winner of a nearest the pin prize. I followed it with a lovely five iron which having kicked slightly left on pitching would have been close to going in, but stopped just 18ins short. Very happy to have got a birdie though.
You didn't want to get a hole in one with 90 players. Now that could have been a bar bill.:eek: