
Head Pro
Sep 7, 2008
Swindon, Wiltshire
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Hi I recently took up golf again after quite a long absense and have recieved my new handicap of 15. What is a realistic mark I should aim to take off my handicap each year? I practice regular and am very determined to get this figure down!!!

Any thoughts???
All depends how good you were before your long absence. Off 15, within a year, maybe get down to 12 then look to get into single digits. Lots and lots of variables in there though.
I got a handicap of 12 after a long time off. At the time, I thought it was good and accurate, but in reality I was playing to 15 or 16 (ave) on a good day and just got unlucky with a harsh secretary or dodgy system. In the last year I've improved quite a lot and am 3 or 4 shots a round (ave) better. 3 or 4 shots may not sound a lot, but I'm hitting the ball straighter and a tad further. Also, on a good day, I can play just into single figures.
For me, a good achievement is knowing I'm a better player than a year ago. The handicap will have to wait.

If they gave you 15, chances are that's worked out a bit low, so try to really play to that first.
Depends on your course, how often you play, what you practice (i.e. the right things and not just ingraining bad habits), how you practice (putting, chipping as well as belting balls at the range) and how good you were before the break.

If you were high single figures or just above that would be a reasonable goal to aim for by this time next year. Bear in mind the courses will start to play longer now the wetter weather and colder temperatures are coming
Aim for Scratch within 2 yrs, why aim for peanuts? Are you going to improve aiming for one or two strokes in a year or will you still manage that aiming for scratch in 2 yrs? My first official H/cap was 16, I aimed for scratch every year and within 2 yrs was a 10,the following yr 9 next yr 8, then a short break and when I came back went to 6 after 2 yrs and began playing around a 4, then disillusionment and frustration made me play just for fun and held a 7 for a while before age and MS made it harder for me to compete at that and I was gifted a 9 when i asked for an 8 at my last club.Dont aim low as your commitment will be less than it could be.
I say don't rush. As Realgolfer said if you've been given a 15 that should be based on your best of 3 cards. Therefore you should aim to play to that for the first few months and be heppy if you can. Once you've settled in a bit you can look to improve it. Aim for a shot or 2 a year. Aim too high - 5 or 6 a year - is unattainable for the majority and then you'll just get frustrated.

Golf is for life - not just for Christmas.

Sorry I've mentioned the "C" word in September!! :( :D