handicap ramblings


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Do you expect to play to your handicap whenever you go out?

I have read a few comments recently (on here and elsewhere) regarding whether 36 points is a reasonable expectation when ever you play, and to me, it is.

My handicap is based off the very back tees, with the pins tucked away, and the pressure of my name in the competition book. In these conditions, I have to play within my buffer zone of two shots off standard scratch in order to maintain my handicap. If I shoot better, I get cut 0.2 per shot, if worse I go up 0.1. Therefore ignoring buffer zones, for every round I am 1 under, I will shoot two rubbish round to go with it.

However, most bounce games, and most games away from my club, I am at best off the middle tees, and often off yellows (society games). Since there is no SS for bounce games, I would expect to shoot at least 36 points, since I am playing an easier course where SS would be 2 or 3 shots under par if it was calculated.

In our Saturday roll up, my average for the year is a poor 32.4 points off the white tees, but not the medal tees. Disappointing really. The best average is a guy on 37, which is pretty good, and the worst is on 24 points which is tosh. Most are between 30 and 33, which makes me decidedly average. The stats are skewed however by winning. If you win, you get cut one per shot plus another for winning, and then you get one back per week until you are back where you started. I would guess the guy on 37 has never won, as a 42 pointer (needed to win, minimum) will loose you 7 shots, and take you 7 weeks to get back level. If this is factored in, I would guess most of us in the swindle average close to 36, and have won once during the year, and maybe a couple of second places too (only lose one shot for coming second). I would also guess the guy on 24 is never going to win anything (how he plays to a 15 h/cap is beyond me).

So unless I play a strange course, which is notably tougher than mine, I would expect to shoot around 36 points pretty much every time I play (not medal, and clearly not round RCD either).

I played with a guy earlier in the year who I would imagine always cards 36. He is off 19, and uses all his shots, even laying up from 150 on one hole, because he got a shot there so might as well use it. clearly with some risk, he could do better, but he never will, as he plays to his handicap. Odd. Cheating? Not really, as he never goes for it in comps either. Better to be steady. Can't see what he gets out of it though. No fun.

My last few rounds have included 39 in our medal, 33 at Copthorne (new track for me), 35 swindle, 38 with HTL and JustoneUK at my track, and 34 in the last swindle, which kind of backs up my theory as that averages 35.8.

So what would you expect to score in your next round?

Me, I am looking at a 36 in the swindle on Saturday, followed by a total disaster round Bearwood lakes with Smiffy as I haven't had a really bad round recently, and he saps all the skill out of my game. It must be all the time I waste looking for his ball.


Tour Rookie
May 22, 2009
Heswall, Wirral
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I can't get near my handicap at the moment, it's like I'm playing foursomes with a 28 handicapper, every other shot is pathetic. Played yesterday, 1st hole perfect layup from the tee with iron, then missed green by 20 yards to the right from 80 yards !

2nd hole drove 275 yards, which is big for me, then duffed my 7 iron 20 feet. 3rd, disaster drive, then good second to find green.

And so it continued, only played 3 holes well, and 2 of them were par 3's


Q-School Graduate
Nov 19, 2008
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The average is to play to your handicap one in 3 times you play if not your handicap is too high not sure how close you should be getting to it on the other occasions.


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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It isn't that I want to remember my scores, I just do. Might explain why I can't sleep at night.

Smiffy, please bring your G15, you know you'll need it on left hand dog legs, and it makes me laugh.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
My last few rounds have included 39 in our medal, 33 at Copthorne (new track for me), 35 swindle, 38 with HTL and JustoneUK at my track, and 34 in the last swindle, which kind of backs up my theory as that averages 35.8.

How do you remember that stuff? Do you keep your cards?
I can't remember what I shot in my last round, I can't remember what I shot at your place (apart from the closing eagle)...20pts? :p

I might have to get a diary or something... :D

You scored 38pts even though you toe-shanked one into a bunker with a practice swing and appeared to play comfortably within yourself... reeks of bandit to me :p :p


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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Smiffy, please bring your G15, you know you'll need it on left hand dog legs, and it makes me laugh.

You are playing Bearwood Lakes Murph.
They don't have doglegs there, they are too common.
I think they are known as "curvatures"...
I've lent the G15 to the mate who purchased the G10 off of me. Negotiations are underway where I may be able to keep my losses to a minimum and start hitting the ball straight again.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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The average is to play to your handicap one in 3 times you play if not your handicap is too high not sure how close you should be getting to it on the other occasions.

But Murph's point was that your handicap is based on scores from the back tees and under the pressure ofcompetition, so should you play to your handicap off the yellows without the pressure?

Personally speaking, I'm reasonably happy if I play to within a couple of my handicap from SSS (which from our yellows is 2 below par).


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I always go out with the intention of shooting to my handicap or better. We all know it is but a dream but there you go. To be honest if I hit the buffer zone its not the end of the world and if I've had a good ball striking round but maybe my putting has been off and I end up with 331 or 32 then I'm disappointed but not the end of the world. If I've hit the ball badly and my short game has got me to 31 or 32 then I'm hacked off as I know I've played poorly.

I rarely play off the yellows at my course even in a bounce game but when I do I am not happy if I can't shoot my handicap or better from the easier tee boxes


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Do you expect to play to your handicap whenever you go out?

Unfortunately for me, our course off whites is bonkers. I'm not talking about longer, I'm talking about 4 holes which are almost unrecognisable....

I have seen my scores on the internet site masterscoreboard and it comes as no surprise that my worst holes (6/10/16/17/18) off whites are generally "eating" up 6-9 of my 11 shots. 6 and 10 I play for bogey off yellow...the others (last 3) I expect to par or play 1 over everytime more-or-less off yellow.

So, my best guess is that I'm currently 3 or 4 shots worse in a comp, and sometimes (like last Sunday) even more.

I've been playing to my h'cap for ages off yellow, I scored 38 points away last week and had a 77 around the other course in my town off their whites.

I'd fancy my chances of playing to my h'cap around Royal St David's or Little Aston (both serious courses) more than around mine off white....


Journeyman Pro
Aug 8, 2007
Norn Ireland
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I always go out trying to beat my handicap. Just looked at this years scoring on I had a run of 8 points back in 8 competitions. Not so good, A bad run is normally followed by a good run.
I started the year at 2.5 and thats were I finished, so not all that bad.
After winning 5 trophies the previous 2 years this year was a disapointment. There's always next year. Plenty of range work this winter. Here's hoping anyway.


Global Moderator
Oct 4, 2007
Bangor, Co. Down
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Same here, I never go out thinking "around my handicap will do", I go out to beat it and if I beat my partners, then all the better. I have yet to come of the course thinking I couldnt have done any better, its always work in progress, good or bad haha.


Tour Winner
Mar 18, 2009
My handicap never really comes into my mind, I try to score the best I can whenever I play, I find it is dangerous trying to shoot a pre determind score.
It is a cliche but one shot at a time add it up when you finnish.


Medal Winner
Apr 2, 2009
Talking of which, that was something I was deliberating over when I played yesterday

Do most players here add up their score (and points) as they go along, check their totals at the halfway mark, or just write down their score on each hole and then add it all up (stroke play and stableford points score) at the end?

I never used to add it up as I went, but then had a couple of rounds where I was on 34-35 points going into the final hole and either messed it up, when I should have played more conservatively to guarantee 2 points, or left a putt short when holing it would have meant 37 points and a reduction in handicap.

What is the general method used by everyone on here?


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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I can't help it, it is in my head. I automatically count how many over par I am, even if I don't want to. I don't tend to count points, as in my head, I am always playing stroke play. I can't see how I am going to keep my score a secret from myself.


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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I know what my gross score is wherever I am on the course. Don't see the need and definately don't feel the urge to add it (or the card I'm marking) up at the turn.

It's actually one of those petty little things that bug me during a round if the person marking my card feels the need to confirm the half way score just as I'm pegging it up on the 10th. :(


Tour Winner
Mar 18, 2009
Knowing never helps you need to learn to forget about score - if you are doing well 9 out of 10 times it will make you play more defensive, if you are doing bad you will either give up or try to hard.

The only score that actually matters is the one you sign for, we all have stories were we are doing really well after 10 but ended up scrapeing into the buffer zone.