Halfway houses


Medal Winner
Jul 14, 2017
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Do you play at courses with halfway houses, and if so what can you get there?
I‘ve played at a couple, mainly Spain or Portugal, and I also remember one where a girl drove around the course selling soft and alcoholic drinks, and ice creams. I think that was Vilamoura.
I’ve played at lots of courses with a halfway house but never buy anything. Just something else to slow the round down.

I‘ve never drunk before or during a round, but have bought an ice cream and water on occasion in Spain, but I’m amazed at how much booze some groups are swigging in their buggies when we’ve played abroad.

I’m not being puritanical, i just think “is golf not hard enough?“ ??
I‘ve never drunk before or during a round, but have bought an ice cream and water on occasion in Spain, but I’m amazed at how much booze some groups are swigging in their buggies when we’ve played abroad.

I’m not being puritanical, i just think “is golf not hard enough?“ ??

(My) extensive testing has worked out that 560ml of alcohol is the perfect amount to remove any anxiety or tension a player might otherwise expect to experience through their swing (y)

I rarely had a drink playing uk courses (especially not in a solo round) but there's a different social vibe with golf in year round sunshine
We have a halfway hut which is open some days of the week … fewer days in the winter. It does teas, coffee and beers, along with snacks and bacon/sausage baps. When in mid-round I just have a coffee to go, which seems to be the usual. It is after the 9th (not all are), which is by the clubhouse, and so those playing don’t need to go into the clubhouse and up the stairs. The beers tend to be bought by players, me included, coming off at the 18th or those just doing 9 holes.
We have one and it never gets used only on the odd occasions. People moan it’s never open then once in a blue moon it is an nobody uses it ?.
Very similar to @Canary Kid . We have one open during summer, just after the 9th. Teas, coffees, pop, oat bars, chocolate, bacon / sausage baps. I don't think it sells beers but it might. I don't look for them. People tend to buy and then walk, not buy and stop.

It isn't compulsory to stop there and it doesn't hold up the course. I think it's an asset to the club in the summer.
When I played the queen's course at gleneagles we where told there is a mandatory stop of 10 minutes at the half way house. That was a first for me. We didn't stop!!!!
We have one by the 10th tee box, it used to be open every weekend with hot and cold (non alcoholic) drinks and a few snacks, in winter they did some gorgeous soups, unfortunately a few complaints that it being open slowed down play has resulted in it only being open a couple of times a year now, Captains Day and Presidents Day.......I really miss that soup on a cold February morning!
@Whereditgo - were people not automatically called through if not stopping? Seems crazy that a club would lose revenue.
Tbh. I think most use slow play as an excuse to hide the fact that halfway houses are a loss leader. Even with the extortionate prices the belfry charge I was told they just about break even mid week once they have paid the staff and other running costs. Apparently they can make a decent amount when weather is good and the tee sheet is full though
When I played the queen's course at gleneagles we where told there is a mandatory stop of 10 minutes at the half way house. That was a first for me. We didn't stop!!!!
In that case you missed a lovely stop off. It's a treat course, why not stop for a treat?

Equally, when I played it, everyone stopped so you had to stop or otherwise you would simply be stood waiting for 10-15 minutes. Instead we sat, had a lovely hot chocolate and a chat before moving on, it's the halfway house for King's and Queen's course so you get 2 sets of golfers stopping at any one time (that was more info for others who have not played there than yourself as I am sure you worked that out).
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I'm a big fan of the half way house - maybe because my home course doesn't and will never have one..

If I play at a course with one, I will absolutely use it.

Worcester Golf and Country Club do an amazing bacon baguette in theirs - order as you get to the tee, group tees off - collect foil wrapped baguette of dreams and continue on your round...
So is it a case that the half way huts are there to support the membership and are not actually profit making.

Courses like the addington invested huge amount into a hwh and it seems to work, I recall camberley having a nice one as well as many others. I can see it as a selling point when attracting new members
We have one, none of the members use it, though American visitors expect one and its for them really. Mainly problem with it is it has no power so only sells a few bars of chocolate or beers from an icebox. It's not profitable with what it sells and doesn't cover the wage of someone being there all day. If it had power and could sell a range of hot and cold snacks and drinks I'm sure more members would use it. Abort of catchb22.

Castle Stuart one is pretty good, sells hot dogs ,hot drinks and a selection of cold drinks.I'd say the majority passing use it. Not many other clubs up here have one, Dornoch does and is pretty good.
Gleneagles has a mandatory stop on the Kings and Queens, the food there is good but it can be a huge blockage at time. Remember playing with Jimeroid on the Kings we hung around for 30 mins or more, just gave up and carried on.
We have one but is only open on Saturday ( compday) . I usually have a sausage roll & coffee now it’s getting colder. I never have a beer although lots do
Why do people associate stopping at a halfway hut with slow play? They are two entirely different things. Yes, stopping may add 5 or 10 minutes to a round but that isn't slow play.

Slow play is hanging around on tees or on the fairways waiting to play your shots.
For me if there’s a group who have lost a hole with the group in front they shouldn’t be allowed to stop . It’s a way of catching up
Why do people associate stopping at a halfway hut with slow play? They are two entirely different things. Yes, stopping may add 5 or 10 minutes to a round but that isn't slow play.

Slow play is hanging around on tees or on the fairways waiting to play your shots.

It adds to the time taken to get round and can cause a bottleneck, which in turn causes slow play.