Had an absolute shockkkker


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Nov 19, 2018
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This is the easiest one of all to answer.
Anything works for 3 holes. What worked yesterday won't work today. It won't work tomorrow, either.

I agree. Other day played like single figure handicap.
Today I packed up after nine holes. Played only one anywhere near right.
Complete disaster. Tragedy was , I knew what I was doing wrong but couldn't correct it!


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Club champs is a hard one.

I was up there with a shot at being ours (at a failing club where most of the members had left) but couldn’t back the pressure and NRed. Was just a marker for the actual champ after that.

Medal play is hard but always good for a first comp as it hardens you up. I shot 103 in my first one.

Then won two weekly stablefords in a row.

You will bounce back, it’s not a matter of if, it’s when (likely when you have given up all but a sliver of hope).
Mar 9, 2017
West Sussex
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Club Champs messes with people's heads.

I did similar back in June; practiced Tuesday and Thursday... -1 standing on the 7th tee on both occassions. Club Champs rolls round... +7 through 6, no shots left for the remaining 12 holes, and the first 6 is a piece of cake!

Why was I 8 shots worse? I'd missed a fairway which ruined a birdie chance, and 3 putted 4 out of the first 6 holes - Tricky pins, tees further back, and greens like glass.
Then you try and chase, and make it even worse.


Club Champion
Mar 18, 2010
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I joined a new club recently and played the club champs. At my old club the course set up never really changed much for this event but at the new one it was brutal.

That said, and despite shooting my worst round for quite a few years, I actually enjoyed the challenge.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
A round like that gets to you, doesn't it? I had one in our city championship this year (sounds grander than it is ... basically there is only one golf club on city grounds and all their members as well as every other player who lives in the city can play in it ... two rounds of stroke play on two consecutive days. And I think you have to have a handicap under 28.) I played a 113 on the first day. Sounds worse than it is ... my handicap index is 26.5, but it is a hard course and with the slope rating, I play off 33 there, so I was 8 over nett par. So I thought: well, I'll just do better tomorrow. And then I played a 135 on the second day. I came in dead last. I felt so deflated. Part of me is still recovering emotionally three months later and I haven't been able to get a score together in any comp I played in. I played a few half decent rounds on my own, but I find playing in comps much more nerve wracking than before.


Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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Complete disaster. Tragedy was , I knew what I was doing wrong but couldn't correct it!
Problem with that is there is always more than one thing you are doing wrong. Otherwise it could be fixed.
Also they don't build many courses to suit your game. I played yesterday and on the 18th is a lake to the right of the green. The wind was blowing from left to right. My approach only about 120 yards. Ever mindful of the lake, guess where I put it? Nearly always happens and still no idea why I do it, but I've only been playing for over 30 years.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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We've definitely all been there. My first year as a club member (2017), in the first round of the two-day Club Champs I shot my worst round for a calendar year, of 108. One year later, once again in the first round of the Club Champs I topped it and shot 109. :LOL: Some days it goes to pot early, and whatever you do to try and fix it makes it worse and you're past the point of no return. All you can do is write it off and live to fight another day.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 16, 2014
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Had a shocker as well today in last comp of year, started when I had to take a penalty drop out of a bunker because it was full of water, not happy with that penelty,and on next hole long walk back to tee as I couldn’t find a ball, waste of time as my next went into the sea.

Rare for me but I must admit I let it affect my mood and only ended up with 24 points , worst score of season.

But I did get a good putt with a 9 iron😂


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Part of me is still recovering emotionally three months later and I haven't been able to get a score together in any comp I played in. I played a few half decent rounds on my own, but I find playing in comps much more nerve wracking than before.
Easier said than done but let it go. It's history now and you can't let if affect your game going forward. Clean slate and start afresh


New member
Apr 7, 2019
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Depends what went wrong - you said putting was good, so assume it was off the tee and poor 2nd / 3rd shots. Imagine nerves possibly played a role; and if it was from the tips and that's not your usual tee box to date, that can make a massive impact. Similarly, club championships tend not to have the easiest set up. It gets easier. I wouldn't over analyse if it hasn't went as you normally play. This happens. Don't make knee jerk changes as a result!
The tips is my regular tee box but they just felt a loooong way back that day