Had an absolute shockkkker


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Apr 7, 2019
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Played in the club championship the other day, my first tournament. I play off 19 and in preparation played a round and shot 18 over which was a nice one under my handicap.
Comp day comes around and my game fell apart, I shot 123 (53 over) no idea what happened, on my day I can shoot mid 80s😂
Anyone want to laugh at me and anyone want to give me some advice?😂


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Apr 7, 2019
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Play more comps and get used to playing comps.

Scorecard in the back pocket is a totally different game.

Nobody's laughing as its happened to all of us at some time. Stick at it and play more comps. Think about how you course manage your ball round.
The plan is to enter another soon, luckily the fellas I played with were alright, and on the plus side my putting was brilliant😂


Club Champion
Feb 26, 2016
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Absolutely happens to us all. Played yesterday around a course I find difficult, but had a plan for each hole, lots of irons off the tee and trying to be sensible and using my shots. What did I do? Managed a career best (!) 13 points and played some of the worst golf i've ever seen, let alone played myself. But, it was a monday out on the course - I could have been at work!


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Nov 19, 2018
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Of course, it's the fact that it's a competition, and we've all been there.
Even trying to tell yourself you are on the range and so on, doesn't help.
Stage fright has many forms. 😀
Best of luck. It'll get better, the more comps you play.


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Apr 7, 2019
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Probably too much expectation on yourself (fuelled by the one under handicap). It happens and the more you try the worse it gets. Sometimes you have to recognise golf will kick you in the rear
The three rounds before had all been +18, so I was feeling good, you’re right I was expecting a decent round.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Big ask anyway to make the club championship your first event. With such big events come bigger expectations (even if sub-consciously) and my only real advice is to simply find a routine that works for you and stick to it. Some like to get to the club early and hit a few balls, a few chips and putts, make sure they've signed in as per club requirements (signed into PSI if your club uses it). Others like to rock up and have a coffee and go out a few minutes before their tee time. Whatever you find that works, stick to it and make every competition feel the same, ideally the same as a non-comp round but basically go out and enjoy the golf and don't worry if it goes well or not


Head Pro
Oct 9, 2012
South Shields
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Its happens!
It sure does... I shot a 87 and then a 93 in our club champ for a total of 18 OVER handicap. Finished second last and last of those who didn’t WD through injury.
My proudest moment being a four putt, and finished with 78 putts over the 2 rounds. 38 and then 40.... yes 40 putts in a round.
Jul 7, 2018
Lombardy, Italy
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Play more comps and get used to playing comps.

Scorecard in the back pocket is a totally different game.

Nobody's laughing as its happened to all of us at some time. Stick at it and play more comps. Think about how you course manage your ball round.

More or less this and this again

The week before my 1st comp to get my handicap I played our 9-holes twice - 4 over and 3 over par - so was wondering how low my single figure handicap could be

Played 18 holes in the comp = Hcp of 35!!

Even now after playing most weeks I still lose it and blow a relatively good score for me - I murdered 11 holes at the weekend but butchered the other 7 :(


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Happens to us all.

No matter how good you get at this game there will always bee nerves and pressure.

The best bit of advice I was given was to not write the winners speech before I had even hit a shot.


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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Depends what went wrong - you said putting was good, so assume it was off the tee and poor 2nd / 3rd shots. Imagine nerves possibly played a role; and if it was from the tips and that's not your usual tee box to date, that can make a massive impact. Similarly, club championships tend not to have the easiest set up. It gets easier. I wouldn't over analyse if it hasn't went as you normally play. This happens. Don't make knee jerk changes as a result!


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Apr 7, 2019
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Depends what went wrong - you said putting was good, so assume it was off the tee and poor 2nd / 3rd shots. Imagine nerves possibly played a role; and if it was from the tips and that's not your usual tee box to date, that can make a massive impact. Similarly, club championships tend not to have the easiest set up. It gets easier. I wouldn't over analyse if it hasn't went as you normally play. This happens. Don't make knee jerk changes as a result!
My grip went to pieces and I was holding it in my palm so I struggled off the tee.


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Oct 5, 2018
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A couple of years ago when I was off 12 I went out and shot a 79 on a Friday afternoon with 2 mates. Came off thinking "I've got a great chance tomorrow".

Went to bed early to get 8 hours of sleep, had a coffee, breakfast and did some warm up stretches. Got to the practice area and hit 30 or so balls, hit them all great. Walk to the first tee full of confidence.

I swapped those numbers round from the day before and shot 97.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Come what may, 53 over or 10 over, at the end of the day it's 0.1 back. If I was 20 over after 9 holes I would of nr'd and just played the game. Just tried to hit my shots without counting. Am sure you would not of been the only one to NR on the day, especially as one old stooge says he has never seen the course play so hard. I would not lose much sleep.


Medal Winner
Oct 21, 2016
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This is the easiest one of all to answer.
Anything works for 3 holes. What worked yesterday won't work today. It won't work tomorrow, either.