Great result for Murray - however!

You won't make a living betting against Novak Djokovic.

Murray is no better than 50/50 to beat him in any match.

Absolutely don't disagree with you one iota. However it is fair to say that Murray, and we, now know that he can beat Djokovic and Federer in Slam or major finals. Has he yet beaten Nadal in a 'major' final? Don't think so - yet. But as it happens my post is not actually about comparing him with Nadal or anyone else - I'm talking about the guy himself and how we see, understand and appreciate him - or not as the case may be.
Doesn't stop you agreeing with me :) But if you have no interest in tennis, and have never seen, heard or read anything about him, then you won't have an opinion on any aspect of the guy - which is fine...

Having never met the guy, I've tried not to form an opinion of him personally. It's hard sometimes as he is someone that appears to attract a lot of criticism from certain quarters... I will say that he obviously is the best British Tennis player for a long time, and thats something for us all to be proud of.. His Mrs is quite easy on the eye as well..;)
This all day long.The Scottish male is a complex creature, the most reserved and spiteful human ever to walk this planet.A deep contempt for anything overtly positive and a withering look used on a daily basis.

Except when in the company of peeve and fellow Scotsmen, then we're absolutely barry.

I've got zero interest in Tennis, but Andy is Scottish and Hibby, therefore the finest example of sporting ability GB has.

fwiw, i'll cheer Farah,Ennis,Wiggins etc all day long, I'll ever support the cricket team.I draw the line,however, at rugby and football where I hope you get pumped.

and Phil Mickleson has to be the most glaiket looking chavric ever, cannae stand the bawbag.:p

LOL - and for me this likewise all day long. And we also cannae stand those who spout pompous bulldoo or hypocrites (though in the latter that may more because we recognise something of oursleves a bit to much than we'd care to admit :))
Absolutely don't disagree with you one iota. However it is fair to say that Murray, and we, now know that he can beat Djokovic and Federer in Slam or major finals. Has he yet beaten Nadal in a 'major' final? Don't think so - yet. But as it happens my post is not actually about comparing him with Nadal or anyone else - I'm talking about the guy himself and how we see, understand and appreciate him - or not as the case may be.

I have a sneaky feeling it will be Nadal vs Djokovic this time so Murray will have to wait to next year to see where he's at now against Nadal in the majors.
Having never met the guy, I've tried not to form an opinion of him personally. It's hard sometimes as he is someone that appears to attract a lot of criticism from certain quarters... I will say that he obviously is the best British Tennis player for a long time, and thats something for us all to be proud of.. His Mrs is quite easy on the eye as well..;)

Good response :thup:
I can see why people say they don't like him, he doesn't have much "charm" in front of the camera's, he is in my opinion a shy bloke. I actually really like him, he has a fantastic sense of humor and is obviously passionate about his sport. Having seen him on things like "league of their own" and other chat shows, then we watched the documentary on him a while back and that was fascinating! I knew he grew up in Dunblane, but had no idea how close him and Jamie were to being in the sports hall and Julie M knew the guy, such a tragedy, there was a tear in my eye watching Jamie talk about it (which was VERY difficult for him)

All in all, Andy Murray, I like him! i would love to go for a night out with him and get a few shandies down him! i bet he is a great crack! (craic)
i would love to go for a night out with him and get a few shandies down him! i bet he is a great crack! (craic)
I would hazard a guess this is only department he would shame Scotland in.Being unable to handle the peeve is not an attractive feature in any self respecting Scotsman.
I can see why people say they don't like him, he doesn't have much "charm" in front of the camera's,

...and isn't this a sad reflection on our society today. What has happened to 'don't judge a book by it's cover'. And has nobody heard of 'dour Scots' - in fact I get accused of being a miserable so-and-so much of the time. But I just dont go about grinning and saying how wonderfully fantastic everything is - I just smile inside. And just on the basis of the 'cover' some folk form vehemently vituperative opinions of Andy. Pretty sad and shallow views. Pity.
..and so Andy marches on in the US Open towards a Slam final showdown with Nadal - having proven he can see off Djokovic and Federer in Slam and 'major' finals

Searching for 'Murray' threads before posting here it is interesting to see how views on Andy - the man, Andy - the Scot and Andy - his ability have changed - or not - over the last few years. Hopefully by now most will appreciate Andy for what, and who, he is. A driven and fantastic tennis player - easily the best Britain has every produced, and a really nice and decent guy off the tennis court and in life in general - a true ambassador for Scotland and the UK (if the rest of the UK will acccept him ;)). What's not to like about Andy Murray...and that's a statement not a question.

There's certainly a couple of pretty capable opponents before that happens. And with them still being behind, there could be a fitness issue for Nadal. He might have a hard time against Ferrer in that semi. Murray has been a bit loose as well, so I'd pick Djokovic to beat Murray in that semi - not the result I wish for though.

Been a fan of Murray for a long time - since hearing how badly Jamie was treated as a Junior and Judy's decision to take on the coaching role herself!

And of course the coverage is miserable. Football, even with very little going on, gets the no1 spot - and probably 2, 3 and 4 as well!
i'd love to but his spends his game looking at shouting at the floor (what a tool) people often say ''why doesn't he have a good following like henman?'' well, henman might have been a grade A knob but when he was on TV his painted a good picture. after all, thats all we see. but we're not talking about his skill as a tennis player i'm talking about his likeability factor. look at phil mickleson, probably the best sporting personality there is. would we say the same if he cried and resfused interviews because he lost? no! take a man up pill and get on with it.

Would that be the Big Philly who was nearly greeting after the first round at Muirfield, an event that he went on to win.
.....and now for listeners in England.

Peeve = urine [as in 'out on the urine']
Barry = brilliant.

As in an earlier post I will support England in almost anything other than Fitba and Rugger.
My reason is historical arrogance and disrespect by English media and fans of those sports.
Examine the history of results of those two sports between the countries and you will find that there are only a few matches in it.
you are well within your rights to support or not support who you want! fair enough reasons doon. I have my reasons for not supporting Scotland in the world cup football.. I wonder what they are?! ;)
you are well within your rights to support or not support who you want! fair enough reasons doon. I have my reasons for not supporting Scotland in the world cup football.. I wonder what they are?! ;)

Bad as Wembley was at least Scotland have yet to be banned from International and European football.
England seem to have swept that dirty little episode under the carpet.
Bad as Wembley was at least Scotland have yet to be banned from International and European football.
England seem to have swept that dirty little episode under the carpet.

I think you missed the point of Rooters post. Why would he not support Scotland in the World Cup?

Oh, and nice little dig there. Wonder if this thread is gonna go off track like all the others....:rolleyes:
Bad as Wembley was at least Scotland have yet to be banned from International and European football.
England seem to have swept that dirty little episode under the carpet.

I dont want to get into some xenophobic argument especially with football as the core topic, i merely posted about my admiration for Andy Murray and thought i would just give a bit of friendly banter on the footy..

Lets get this BTT, I for one am supporting Andy tomorrow night!

EDIT:removed potentially argumentative response.
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