golf swing


Assistant Pro
May 5, 2016
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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my take - bang for buck improvements initially would look at aim & set-up & body angles alignments, ball position where the head is relative to ball - speaking to driver set-up

if filming for your own practice or posting would always put at least one alignment stick down midways between the toe line & the ball - gives a better check point when viewing back plus aligning up prior to swing

look here at the 2nd swing (around 3+ minutes in of the new swing video) when the body is more in the frame prior to takeback the shoulder line is pretty leftfield (open) of what the target line 'appears' to be and the foot line seems a tad rightfield (even allowing for parallax)

looking to & at the body angles (how the upper body stacks up on top of the hips/legs) so having an educated guess at what this may look like from face on
would think the upper body looks a tad angle twisted as if the head and upper chest shoulders have been moved towards target some to be more back up level with what appears to be a ball position someways off of the lead toes there

with a driver the head and sternum should be somewheres around 4" or so back of the ball position so from face on the spine angle is tilted back away from target, not either vertical spin angle or tilted towards target)
- this all plays into the motion & the swing path/swing direction through the ball & also the attack angle of the club head into impact so where the low point of the swings arc is (with driver that's optimum some inches before the club arrives at impact - moving the head/sternum back up to ball position adversely affects that secondary spine angle at set-up which tends then in motion to make the attack angle a tad steep)

it's these set-up issues that then play into when the motion starts the upper body completing the turn in the backswing when the hands are only just about level with the trail shoulder
so then to get to the top of the swing the hands/arms club have to continue on moving a ways after the body turn has stopped

would get set-up alignments, body angles so head and sternum position relative to ball position looked over by the Pro and take some video so there's some reference 'optimums' to work with during practice

it's likely that the ball position, body angles and alignments have materialized through subconsciously reacting to where the ball has been going

the frame is pretty athletic and there looks to be some physical height so with just a tad better set-up those pluses could be better utilized and with less effort to provide better strike conditions, and better set-up also makes it easier to make a sequenced turn back and through the ball