Golf swing


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Just a quick one to say that Neil Plimmer will check the site and offer some coaching advice a couple of times each week. Keep uploading your videos - his expertise is well worth calling upon!

Neil Tappin

Neil Tappin
(GM deputy editor)


Club Champion
Mar 19, 2009
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Thanks for posting your swing

Before I comment on your swing, one really important point to remember

I see people practice every day the same way that you do. On the range, dragging and hitting. I have a massive problem with my pupils when they do this. You are NOT practicing golf. Repetiion is the nt the way to practise golf. I like my golfers to go through their routine on EVERY single shot, on the golf course and when practicing. That means moving off the mat after every shot. It would also be advisable to practice like you play, ie, change your target and club after EVERY single shot. This is extremely difficult to do but will give you the best possible chance to take your range game out onto the golf course.

I am going to post an article that I wrote that was on the PGA website a couple of months ago. I am sure it will provoke some talk.

Back to your swing
2 things to look at, balance and weight transfer.
The most importnat position in the golf swing for me is the follow through. If you end well you can expect to be in a good position at impact.
Try and hold your balance/follow through until the ball lands on evry shot. Sounds easy, difficult to do!!

At the top of your backswing 65/70% of your weight should be on your right hand side. this will create power and also allow you the room to ove through to a balanced finish position
It may well feel like a bit of a sway to start with but stick with moving weight in your swing. It will give your more room to swing the club on the downswing which will limit teh pull/fade/fat shots

Look out for the practice article

Let me know how you get on

Neil Plimmer