Golf Psychology


Feb 3, 2018
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Thanks for the suggestions, statistics isn't really my forte currently so my supervisors will be aiding me in that area. Thankfully the software i will be using will do much of the work for me!
Ahh so you have some population bins or some other grouping?

ANOVAs are rarely suited best to survey data without some kind of binning. Remember to run some sort of pre tests like an F test or similar to determine normalality.

You can transform but I would guess you would end up running some non-parametric alternatives...

Is it age, gender or some other binning you have in mind?

Man I miss talking stats, I’m far from an expert however, rank amateur really.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Thank you to all of you have participated already, the response has been really amazing.

Whilst well worded and stimulating I have to agree with coach that there is a huge difference between a competitive situation as a whole, and specific instances within one.

Simple example to illustrate.on a shot basis the visualisation of a successful outcome is a significant positive - from a competition perspective is can be disastrous (getting ahead of the moment).
Approaching a shot with a positive mindset (I'm a good iron player, putter etc is good, believing yourself be good when you are really poor is bad long term!

I also found the early question regarding training to be far to open to interpretation to deliver anything meaningful- does this include participation or is it specific golf practice and/or dedicated physical training?

On balance it's way better than most that turn up here, but I also believe it leads the witness a little too much!

Good luck in your endeavour


Feb 3, 2018
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Thank you for your comments, I agree it's quite a general piece of research, it's my first official piece of research that i'm conducting so we decided to keep it quite general. In terms of the training, it was just to gather a bit more background info on participants and isn't a significant factor for the testing.
Whilst well worded and stimulating I have to agree with coach that there is a huge difference between a competitive situation as a whole, and specific instances within one.

Simple example to illustrate.on a shot basis the visualisation of a successful outcome is a significant positive - from a competition perspective is can be disastrous (getting ahead of the moment).
Approaching a shot with a positive mindset (I'm a good iron player, putter etc is good, believing yourself be good when you are really poor is bad long term!

I also found the early question regarding training to be far to open to interpretation to deliver anything meaningful- does this include participation or is it specific golf practice and/or dedicated physical training?

On balance it's way better than most that turn up here, but I also believe it leads the witness a little too much!

Good luck in your endeavour

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Thank you for your comments, I agree it's quite a general piece of research, it's my first official piece of research that i'm conducting so we decided to keep it quite general. In terms of the training, it was just to gather a bit more background info on participants and isn't a significant factor for the testing.

Appreciate that re training, but would suggest something more along the lines of a playing/practicing/training deliniation to gain meaningful insight into the individual and how they currently approach the game.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Appreciate that re training, but would suggest something more along the lines of a playing/practicing/training deliniation to gain meaningful insight into the individual and how they currently approach the game.

I had a look through the questions, what are you looking for as you have no data to correlate thinking to performance. I guess your looking more at trends between two types of questions. As some questions you score high and others you score low for a “positive” mental approach I guess these are where the line is drawn.

What is your hypothesis here? I can see this data being useful in correlating positive mental approah and maintaining that?

This says to me more of a ranking type of test. If not it’s missing some key performance data.

Maybe a follow up should take this and collect the last three rounds performance and their mental approach. I really like the questions here and I can see potential for doing the above or taking it in a totally different direction of pre, during and post round mental states. Do they change for better, worse or stay the same based on how the round is going.

The questions you have so far lend well to the latter.


Feb 3, 2018
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Thank you again to all of you! The final paper will be completed by the end of May when i have to present my findings. To those of you who wish to read the final paper please DM me for details so that i can forward the paper onto you. Thanks again.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I've completed it. I felt like there were a few repeated questions though. The question about 'do you psyche yourself up for a competition' was there twice and also 'do you set yourself performance goals/targets' was there about three times with slightly different wordings.


Jan 31, 2018
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I've completed it too.

Found some if the questions quite interestingly worded. Personally after studying (for personal interest only) sports psychology over the past 20 years my perspective is a bit different to how you are presenting your questions. For me I want to almost down play the importance of competitive rounds (whether that be medals / matchplay or interclub matches), and deliberately not psyche myself up for them, doing this does not help me to achieve optimal performance I have found. The saying practice like you play and play like you practice is one that has always resonated with me.

One thing is for sure there is plenty to discuss when it comes to Sports Psychology and learning techniques - all the best with it.


Tour Rookie
Jul 3, 2013
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I've completed it. I felt like there were a few repeated questions though. The question about 'do you psyche yourself up for a competition' was there twice and also 'do you set yourself performance goals/targets' was there about three times with slightly different wordings.

That's quite normal in surveys to check that the subject is being consistent with their answers. Quite a good sign actually! Inconsistency is a bugger to deal with in the data sometimes.

Nice questionnaire, please let us know when the results are available.


Feb 3, 2018
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This was an intended measure, this simply creates sub sections for my results and creates averages and helps prevents people filling out the same answer for each question. This hopefully therefore provides greater accuracy and validity for my research.​

I've completed it. I felt like there were a few repeated questions though. The question about 'do you psyche yourself up for a competition' was there twice and also 'do you set yourself performance goals/targets' was there about three times with slightly different wordings.


Feb 3, 2018
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Thank you, I find psychology within sport is neglected area and can make massive impacts upon performance, no more so than within our game of golf. Much of the game is played between the ears.
I've completed it too.

Found some if the questions quite interestingly worded. Personally after studying (for personal interest only) sports psychology over the past 20 years my perspective is a bit different to how you are presenting your questions. For me I want to almost down play the importance of competitive rounds (whether that be medals / matchplay or interclub matches), and deliberately not psyche myself up for them, doing this does not help me to achieve optimal performance I have found. The saying practice like you play and play like you practice is one that has always resonated with me.

One thing is for sure there is plenty to discuss when it comes to Sports Psychology and learning techniques - all the best with it.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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This was an intended measure, this simply creates sub sections for my results and creates averages and helps prevents people filling out the same answer for each question. This hopefully therefore provides greater accuracy and validity for my research.​

That's fair enough. As a person who's completing the survey though, my feedback is that I find it annoying to be asked the same question several times. :lol: Good luck with the results and whatnot.


Feb 3, 2018
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Thank you, your participation and your feedback has been much appreciated.
That's fair enough. As a person who's completing the survey though, my feedback is that I find it annoying to be asked the same question several times. :lol: Good luck with the results and whatnot.