Golf MTRx Deceleration


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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Can anyone familiar with Golf MTRx help me out with this one?

I gave it a go today and found that pretty much all my numbers were good, except for deceleration. Now reading up on it, that's saying that my hips aren't slowing down and stabilising as fast as they should be into impact. Presumably having my hips still moving fairly fast at impact can lead to all kinds of inconsistent shots.

Does anyone know any thoughts, feelings or maybe even stretches (if it's a flexibility issue) that I can try to work on to help sort out my sequencing.

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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Can anyone familiar with Golf MTRx help me out with this one?

I gave it a go today and found that pretty much all my numbers were good, except for deceleration. Now reading up on it, that's saying that my hips aren't slowing down and stabilising as fast as they should be into impact. Presumably having my hips still moving fairly fast at impact can lead to all kinds of inconsistent shots.

Does anyone know any thoughts, feelings or maybe even stretches (if it's a flexibility issue) that I can try to work on to help sort out my sequencing.

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If you getting you are getting your 'peak' time (with your pelvis) too near to impact. It could simply be down to the fact of the way you are making your backswing. If you are starting your backswing with your hips, torso and shoulders all moving back at the same time at the same speed there is no disassociation between hips (pelvis) to your abdomen, chest and shoulders which means they will all start back together so you'll get no separation going back to and through impact so your hips won't stabilize through impact, hence your peak time number will show up as just before or at impact, which is not what you want in an efficient and powerful swing motion.

If you are 'winding up' in the backswing the correct way it then could simply be that you are over-rotating your hips too much on the downswing, their are a number of reasons that could cause this.

If you are winding up correctly but then don't have a small lateral move towards target (2 or 3") of your hips at the start of transition, and if your weight is not on your left foot (or lead foot) sufficiently so your lead leg is not really posting to create resistance as your left hip turns and clears. This will mean that you are just turning your hips left straightaway as the downswing starts (this is called spinning out the hips and will tend to lead to also coming over the top and an out to in swing path through impact) which will mean your hips will just keep turning (over-rotation) and again it will mean your 'peak pelvis (hip) time number will either at or to near to impact.

Have a look at this vid.

If you feel any, or even all of the things described above may be a problem for you have a look at my posts on the 'Upper & Lower Body Disassociation' thread, as it's all part of the same problem and hopefully it will help to sort this out for you.


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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never heard of this until now, looks good though. How have you found using it? I did a google and reviews are pretty good

Seems pretty good and with the lite version being 69p it's worth a go, I think, just to get an idea. It's no wonder I have issues with inconsistent strikes if I'm not hitting off a solid base, but I'd never have known without checking.


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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If you feel any, or even all of the things described above may be a problem for you have a look at my posts on the 'Upper & Lower Body Disassociation' thread, as it's all part of the same problem and hopefully it will help to sort this out for you.

Well the weird thing about it is my peak time is absolutely spot on. From looking at it, what's meant to happen is your hips go, then your torso fires and slows the hips, then the arms go and slow the torso. For me, it's like my torso isn't going enough to slow my hips. I should probably practice by feeling as though I fire my hips then almost bring them to a complete stop, just to get the idea of what it's meant to feel like.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Well the weird thing about it is my peak time is absolutely spot on. From looking at it, what's meant to happen is your hips go, then your torso fires and slows the hips, then the arms go and slow the torso. For me, it's like my torso isn't going enough to slow my hips. I should probably practice by feeling as though I fire my hips then almost bring them to a complete stop, just to get the idea of what it's meant to feel like.

Okay, though you said in your OP that the hips weren't slowing or stabilizing through into impact, which is what happens if you don't make a correctly wound up coil going back and/or over rotate the hips through impact and everything hips torso chest and shoulders all go through at the same pace at the same time. Or if you're spinning hips left as the first move.
How does what's happening affect the flight, direction, distance of your shots and does it affect the shorter and longer clubs ball flight in the same way?


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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Okay, though you said in your OP that the hips weren't slowing or stabilizing through into impact, which is what happens if you don't make a correctly wound up coil going back and/or over rotate the hips through impact and everything hips torso chest and shoulders all go through at the same pace at the same time. Or if you're spinning hips left as the first move.
How does what's happening affect the flight, direction, distance of your shots and does it affect the shorter and longer clubs ball flight in the same way?

My normal miss is either a push, or a bit of a high, weak slice.

Next time I head out I'll try and get some video to complement the MTRx data, so you can see which of the above I'm doing.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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My normal miss is either a push, or a bit of a high, weak slice.

Next time I head out I'll try and get some video to complement the MTRx data, so you can see which of the above I'm doing.

Okay video a DTL view camera at hip height at 90 degs. to target line but from a position directly behind and in line with your hands at address plus a view at 90 degs. looking face on camera/phone again at hip height directly opposite centre of you chest. both that show the club-heads position at the top of your backswing would be the ideal. Camera or phone as steady as possible. A good trick, if it's either cam or phone (& you've no tripod) is to get a friend with a sand wedge vertical and steady the cam/phone on the top of the grip, makes the shot a bit steadier and it's about the right height, make sure they get all the club in the shot so you can see the club head at the top too

Take it you mean your push starts right of target line and carries on straight right on that line? Which would indicate your club paths coming from the inside.
But there again true slice would start left of the target line and then bend back over the target line to finish well right, is that what happens? Or does this shot as well start right of the target line but then slice away further right? A push slice. Does the perhaps (push) slice happen more with the longer clubs?


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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Yeah it's usually either push or push-slice. There's probably a few normal slices in there too, depending on where my hips are at impact - if they're still moving quick then every fraction of a second off will put me in a much worse position compared to if I got my movements under control.


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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Well tried it again today, focussing on stopping my hip from spinning out too much. Managed to get some good numbers on the app and contact was much improved and more consistent, but boy does my swing feels armsy now.

I suppose that's to be expected having had such spin-y hips for so long. Just have to stick with it.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Well tried it again today, focussing on stopping my hip from spinning out too much. Managed to get some good numbers on the app and contact was much improved and more consistent, but boy does my swing feels armsy now.

I suppose that's to be expected having had such spin-y hips for so long. Just have to stick with it.

Glad it seems to be going better, if your getting the lateral left hip movement and then clear against posted left leg better, this should give you better hip stabilization into and through impact.
It shouldn't however feel over armsy though, the top of your left arm should feel more attached to your chest as you go through impact.
If your happy with impact, flight/direction of shot now, then all good.

But if not and you think it could be improved.

It may be that your arms & club are getting a bit stuck behind you in the downswing so you're having to work them harder to catch up, if so, try to feel when you take the club back that the shaft ends up over the top of the arm side of your right shoulder, then as you come down feel as if your arms and club are in more front of the middle of you chest (sternum) rather than behind you, as well as the little lateral hip move left before the turn and clear of the left hip.


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 11, 2011
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I suspect it doesn't look armsy - there's not enough room for a decent video at the range so I'll have to wait til I can get outside again - but compared to my previous swing it's a lot more armsy feeling. It could be that 'more attached' just feels that way to me.

Let's hope, but knowing this game I doubt the answer is that simple.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I cant get the app to work on my Iphone 4. I stupidly said no to it accessing my recorder when it asked and now realise that I should have said yes - any ideas how to change the setting?



Head Pro
Jan 20, 2014
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I suspect it doesn't look armsy - there's not enough room for a decent video at the range so I'll have to wait til I can get outside again - but compared to my previous swing it's a lot more armsy feeling. It could be that 'more attached' just feels that way to me.

Let's hope, but knowing this game I doubt the answer is that simple.

I would bet its an issue with your hip speed. Most people have very slow hips. The mtrx was saying the same for me, so i practised firing my hips with arms out for balance. You need to fire hard but make sure you warm up as they are big muscles and prone to injury.

Also you will find firing hips first is not efficient as the energy should start from ground up. Extend your right knee then hips.

Watch the somax videos on youtube for best explanation out there. I highly recommend them.
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I would bet its an issue with your hip speed. Most people have very slow hips. The mtrx was saying the same for me, so i practised firing my hips with arms out for balance. You need to fire hard but make sure you warm up as they are big muscles and prone to injury.

Also you will find firing hips first is not efficient as the energy should start from ground up. Extend your right knee then hips.

Watch the somax videos on youtube for best explanation out there. I highly recommend them.

Have to remember though the hips have to move a little laterally (2" to 3") first before they turn, clear and stabilize against a firm left (lead) leg.
If you just fire and turn straightway you'll spin out, your right thigh and hip will move outwards towards ball/target line (rather than through in the direction of the balls travel and target) and this will just throw your shoulders arms/hands out and over the plane, resulting in an out to in swing path and no way of getting a solid strike on the back of the ball or the ball starting at or finishing at target.


Head Pro
Jan 20, 2014
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Have to remember though the hips have to move a little laterally (2" to 3") first before they turn, clear and stabilize against a firm left (lead) leg.
If you just fire and turn straightway you'll spin out, your right thigh and hip will move outwards towards ball/target line (rather than through in the direction of the balls travel and target) and this will just throw your shoulders arms/hands out and over the plane, resulting in an out to in swing path and no way of getting a solid strike on the back of the ball or the ball starting at or finishing at target.

Yeah thats why you fire your left knee initially ala Jones, Snead, Palmer, Nicklaus.