Gokart v Powacaddy v Motocaddy

probably, but the more chance i get to use smaller, independent british companies the better the service levels i seem to get (ie orka, golfstream etc)

I think i followed Alex the other day when on the way to Millbrook
I use my GoKart 3 times a week and I love it.

I have had the following interactions with aftersales:

-Battery charger stopped working (replaced next day)
-Bag zip burst after a week (replaced next day)
-Lost elasticated bit at bottom of the bag (replaced for free)
-Asked to buy some more Go Kart pencils which says 'No Knobs' on them (sent for free)
-Complained that the umbrella holder was too short (offered any other accessory for free)

So the aftersales service works perfectly but I think you knew that.

As for the automatic, don't even think about it, pay the extra. When you boom that SLDR 300yards down the fairway, you'll be glad to just amble behind your GK whilst marking your scorecard.

Oh and the battery has only once failed me on the course (charger was broken). The batter itself is excellent. You'll only need the 18 hole one. I played 13 holes followed by a couple of hours break, followed by 18 holes and it was still going strong.

Lithium batter would be great but it's very expensive and I certainly couldn't justify the cost.

Improvements that could be made to the GK in my opinion:

-The umbrella holder is too short and you cant walk under an attached umbrella without looking like a hunchback. It may be slightly better on the manual version as the handle is slightly higher. I'm quite disappointed that following my feedback that GK haven't re-designed this. I'd buy one immediately.

-There is no 'run-off' feature i.e. press it and the GK runs on for an extra 10 yards. This would be handy

-The GK is louder than its competitors IMO. Not to say that it's 'loud', but it is loud-er.

-Needs a brake. If your ball is on an uphill or downhill fairway, be prepared to take 20 seconds to steady your cart across the slope carefully. This is my number 1 gripe.

No product is perfect but if I was to buy again, even taking the above into account, it would definitely be the next generation GK.
Cheers folks - for those who've had problems sorted out by good service how did your problems occur - I know one of you had a broken wheel but how else did people break their trolley?

As I mentioned earlier, melted the battery connection on the battery housing, but think that was me not connecting it properly.

Snapped the bungee strap at bottom of trolley (old design was rubberised tubing, which wasn't durable), but a replacement was sent free of charge (new design, more corded, no problems).

Wiring sheared from folding handle up and down (haven't heard of other having this problem), so wear and tear, as with other products.

On the whole, I'm very happy with my GoKart.
Had to reply on some of the comments above. Have had a GoKart now for 7 years - and it has never let me down. It’s a shame that Val’s comments appear so high up on the listing as he has never owned one and is sharing an opinion and not fact.
The after sales service of GoKart is 2nd to none - I only wish that other British companies would emulate their example. I have only used them for bi-annual service (extending warranty) and upgrades to the trolley. Each time their level of contact and service is fantastic.
I definitely recommend the auto version and the upgrade for the lithium battery. Both superb options - its really good to start the trolley off at your walking pace and replace the club head on your club as you walk along before putting back into the golf bag.
I have no connection with GoKart other than being a customer and using their aftermarket department - and think the unit and the service is excellent.
Like other owners I do think the umbrella holder could be altered to be higher.
I loved my go-kart and had nothing but excellent service. Easy to send back for an MOT, bungee cable snapped and replaced FOC, wheel nut had come loose and fell off somewhere (probably something I did when cleaning it) and replaced FOC.
I only got rid when I needed something slightly smaller to fit the boot of my car along with clubs, so went for the Powakaddy CT6, which is about 20% smaller. I would never have changed it otherwise, and have nothing buy good things to say about them.
I gave the go-kart to a friend, who sent it off for an MOT and he now loves it.
The only downside of the automatic is I couldn't find a way to clean the wheels by running up to full speed, tipping back and holding onto the handle (works like a treat on the manual version!).
Ha ha - as someone who is very wary of posts reappearing years later as a result of a first post on the forum by someone it's interesting to have my own seven year old question emerge from the forum archives in this way, usually it's spam - hopefully Bas isn't a GoKart bot.

Just for the sake of answering my own original question in part - My missus got the GoKart Automatic seven years ago and it is still going strong - helped in large part I suppose by a lithium battery being purchased about three years ago to replace the original (non lithium) one - and she sent it away for a full service in the autumn - it's come back pretty much good as new.
Glad this thread has been resuscitated, I'm was looking for options for a new trolley as I find the MK1 gokart a bit cumbersome to get up and down, especially with the battery having to be removed. I been looking at the newer models from motocaddy and powakaddy and am staggered at how much they cost these days ?
Ha ha - as someone who is very wary of posts reappearing years later as a result of a first post on the forum by someone it's interesting to have my own seven year old question emerge from the forum archives in this way, usually it's spam - hopefully Bas isn't a GoKart bot.

Just for the sake of answering my own original question in part - My missus got the GoKart Automatic seven years ago and it is still going strong - helped in large part I suppose by a lithium battery being purchased about three years ago to replace the original (non lithium) one - and she sent it away for a full service in the autumn - it's come back pretty much good as new.
Sh*t! I didn't even spot the date! I just assumed it was a recent post all round. Memo to self: check the dates before replying! ?
My wife has had a GoKart for nearly 10 years and it's been excellent. Yes, there have been odd occasions that required after sales, and that has been first class.

The only gripe I have about the GoKart is that when folded up it's a very inconvenient shape that doesn't fit sensibly in the boot and when you try to stand it up is very unstable.

In contrast my PowaKaddy C2 folds up really neatly, but everything else about it sucks. When the central clamp failed (due to being held together with self tapping screws into plastic!) the entire trolley collapsed in a heap and stranded me on the course. It's a shocking design.
Had to reply on some of the comments above. Have had a GoKart now for 7 years - and it has never let me down. It’s a shame that Val’s comments appear so high up on the listing as he has never owned one and is sharing an opinion and not fact.
The after sales service of GoKart is 2nd to none - I only wish that other British companies would emulate their example. I have only used them for bi-annual service (extending warranty) and upgrades to the trolley. Each time their level of contact and service is fantastic.
I definitely recommend the auto version and the upgrade for the lithium battery. Both superb options - its really good to start the trolley off at your walking pace and replace the club head on your club as you walk along before putting back into the golf bag.
I have no connection with GoKart other than being a customer and using their aftermarket department - and think the unit and the service is excellent.
Like other owners I do think the umbrella holder could be altered to be higher.

Like I said it's only an opinion and I'll stand by it. Right away people comment on their after sales and customer service being great, that for me has always been the barrier. If you need after care them it normally means you have had a problem. I've had a powakaddy 9 years and have never spoken to them. Deduce from that what you have to.
I loved my go-kart and had nothing but excellent service. Easy to send back for an MOT, bungee cable snapped and replaced FOC, wheel nut had come loose and fell off somewhere (probably something I did when cleaning it) and replaced FOC.
I only got rid when I needed something slightly smaller to fit the boot of my car along with clubs, so went for the Powakaddy CT6, which is about 20% smaller. I would never have changed it otherwise, and have nothing buy good things to say about them.
I gave the go-kart to a friend, who sent it off for an MOT and he now loves it.
The only downside of the automatic is I couldn't find a way to clean the wheels by running up to full speed, tipping back and holding onto the handle (works like a treat on the manual version!).

How do you find the CT6? I fancy it might be my next one
The good (specifically when compared to GoKart):
Folds really compact, even without flipping the wheels.
Really easy to put up/take down. [edit: I've just looked at Go Kart's website and the Mark 2 looks easier than before and likely easier than the CT6]
Battery light and fits in golf bag making carrying to and from car easy (I don't have a driveway).
Battery more compact.
Trolley can be folded with battery in situ, meaning I can leave it the car overnight if playing two days in a row.
[edit: I've just looked at Go Kart's website and the Mark 2 battery is a lot smaller than the old one, but still not as sleek as the CT6. Not sure if the trolley can be folded with battery in place though.]
The bad:
Even in the trolley bag, it has left a dent mark on my boot liner (when folded, the front wheel housing obviously has something sharp that is pressing down) and trolley can't be stored any other way.
Wheels not as good as the GoKart in slippy ground.
Cost. Work paid, so didn't care this time, but I'm not sure I'd spend £600 of my own money! And that's not even the GPS version.
I feel guilty for leaving GoKart!

None of the pros are significant bar the first one [edit: looks like even some of those aren't actually issues with the GoKart now] and I was more than happy with the GoKart other than the size. I also have to wait and see how easy it is to get wheel bearings for front (our paths are terrible so this is a thing!) or when the bungee cord snaps.
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Luckily I live near GoKart so I'm going to go and have a look , the Mk 2 has a different folding design and the battery stays in. I'm also able to see the motocaddy M1 at a local pro shop. whether the M1 is worth another £150 is the only consideration as I have plenty of bootspace in the civic
Lithium batter would be great but it's very expensive and I certainly couldn't justify the cost.
Cost is the only reason not to go for Lithium, and even then it may be false economy.

Lasts longer, charges quicker, part charge if you're short of time, smaller, lighter.

I've just gone to GK from two Motocaddies, the last I had for 9 years on original 18 hole lithium battery, could still do 36 holes, tho would struggle for power going up a decent hill. For the amount of golf I play (+/- 150 rounds pa) a standard battery would have been long gone.
I'm still on my Mk.1 GoKart, which is over 10 years old and is one of the originals. In terms of excellent service then, when required it has been excellent service but in response to @Val , I haven't called upon GoKart for assistance years and when I did, it was basically to replace a bungee strap and to have it serviced. However, it is nice to know that there is good customer service there should it ever be required.
In terms of getting it up and down. I can get my GoKart up and running, once out of the bag, in less than 60 seconds. Unclip the holding hook, it opens up into the right shape and I slot the battery in. It's as simple as that.
I really can't justify getting a new trolley as it does everything I want it to.
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The new GoKart (Mk II) is much, much better than the original.
Had both. The newer one is much quicker to put up/take down, battery removal is a doddle, and it's so much quieter it's unreal.
Would recommend without hesitation.

How is the Mk2 held together, on the MK1 it was held in place by the battery, which was to me a pain in the arse in the process.