G425 7 wood adjustment


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Feb 20, 2022
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I’ve recently bought the above club . I wasn’t fitted because about a year earlier I sort of was from my club Pro for 5wood , ( poor fitter in my opinion). I’ve been slicing or big fading my 7W if I alter the settings to a flatter lie would this help ?
No..a flatter lie will make it go further right...
You've either got to work on your delivery or raise the loft - that will close the face which will help but getting your swing fixed is a longer term solution
No..a flatter lie will make it go further right...
You've either got to work on your delivery or raise the loft - that will close the face which will help but getting your swing fixed is a longer term solution
Thank you . I won’t mess with it then 👍
Do you miss right with your other clubs? Is the shaft right for you?
My TM woods I guard against going left, I could do with changing to stiff maybe. Though I’m normally straight sometimes left tries to creep in. My longer irons I guard against leaking right. I think I’ll tweak a degree upright in those.
I’ve been hooking my irons recently. It’s definitely a swing problem which I am trying to address. Thanks for your reply
Or perhaps the lie of your irons is off?
I’ve only just been fitted & purchased my irons , and the fitter had me +2 . I definitely think it’s a swing problem , they are usually a snap hook when it happens but my general shape is a fade/ slice
I had my first ever custom fitting at PING last week. I must say, it might have been an absolute game changer.

Over the years, my swing has become awful. I really drop my hands low, bring club inside and try to shallow it out through impact. All I can do is draw / hook the ball, and fat it often. When I went for fitting, they did my static measurement and apparently I need white dot (3 degrees upright). My clubs I've been using for years are black dot (standard, basically 3 colours flatter than what I "should be")

Because of my horrible swing, the fitters only tested me with black dot, saying a more upright angle would make my hook worse. That is fine, but I couldn't get the thought out of my head that my awful swing has developed by having clubs so badly fitted for my body shape.

So, I spent weekend trying to swing with club more upright, including through impact. Suddenly, I just felt my swing was so much more comfortable, albeit my black dot clubs were hitting ground toe first, as expected. I then saw my pro on Monday, and he got the dynamic lie board out, and got me hitting some more upright clubs (with my new swing thought). This showed that, with white and green dot (2 degrees upright), I was actually grounding the club in the middle, and it was indeed a much better fit. So, decided to order the green dot clubs in the end, with the view to keep an eye on it, as I could change it to white in the future.

Moral of the story, if you buy poorly fitted irons then it could be doing more harm than you think. It is worth checking your irons are a suitable lie for your static body shape. If they are miles out, you could ask yourself the question - are they the reason I have introduced subconscious flaws to my swing?
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