should people get fitted from day one?


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Put it another way, is getting fitted going to make you worse?

IMO there are 4 main things the average golfer gets from a fitting, grip size, club length, lie angle and shaft flex. So grip size and length is a constant for any adult golfer through their golfing life. Lie angle might change over time as their swing inproves, but that can be changed very cheaply by your local pro.

Shaft is something that IMO will be the biggest changing thing as a swing improves. But even if you get off the shelf kit that will still be a problem as your swing improves. So TBH I can't see why anyone would say getting fitted is a waste of time for a beginner. If I was starting out now I would be screwed with standard clubs. I would develop a crappy hunched over type of swing, as my fitting on clubs is 1" long and 1* upright, with standard fitment I dig the toe in and swing too steep, hitting the ball high to the right.

Chances are are whatever clubs you buy to start with are going to be with you for a couple years, so if you can justify it go get fitted as I have never heard anyone say "custom fit clubs will make you worse".................:thup:


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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I played my best ever golf about 25 years ago. Came down from 23 handicap to 10 over the course of about 2 years, and although I say it myself was pretty handy off of that too. Would have come down lower I reckon, but had to leave the club due to relocation and didn't really play "seriously" again for another 10 years or so. Used to hit the ball a long way too!
Most of that handicap reduction was achieved using a set of Tandric irons and woods that I picked up "off the shelf" for peanuts from the pro at Crowborough.
If I had mentioned "custom fitting" to Dennis Newnham then, he would have looked at me as if I was a weirdo!
In those days you had three choices of shaft.... soft, regular and stiff. That was it. You picked one of the three and got on with it.
The "game" of golf hasn't changed that much in 25 years