Forum guidelines, moderators etc

It's sad it has come to this but recent events have no doubt dictated that these guidelines are now a necessity. It's great to see that GM are hot on the case though and again doing what is required to maintain / improve the quality of the forum. Long may it continue.
Point proved.

I believe this is what happened to Mono aswell, he continued to offend so was then banned for a week. I'd expect the same to happen to me if I continued to offend.

Good clarification Mike, now hopefully the whole forum can move forward.

This is simply not true as far as I understand it.
Mono was banned for posting too many items in the "For Sale" section. There was no mention of him offending in the original thread and the reason given is here by MikeH in his post #104387 on 25 03 2009.

"This suspension is not for anything other than abusing the facility of the for sale forum for which there are clear guidelines (drawn up from feedback from forum users) as to what is and isnt acceptable."

Let's all get our facts right before we post as I feel that this is becoming a Witch Hunt and I don't like it!
Clive these negative posts are getting boring, if you have a problem with this free forum then take it up with mike via pm. Anyone who continues to violate the easy to follow rules will be dealt with in the appropriate manner.
This paranoia and hype being festered by a few members is completely unfounded. This so called witch hunt was started because one guy stood out head and shoulders above everyone in abusing the system (he, by the way has not contacted mike to complain about his treatment on the forum by staff nor mods) if they cannot understand or deal with it, that is their problem, I would kindly ask them to stop the bitching as they are only making themselves look like old bickering women.
I received a number of emails from those who wanted to help out and appointed 6 moderators. Medwayjon, TonyN, GB72, Atticus_Finch, Madandra and Twiregolf and Brendy.

that's seven Mike.

I'll be counting your shots very, very carefully if I ever get the opportunity to play with you
that's seven Mike.

I'll be counting your shots very, very carefully if I ever get the opportunity to play with you

God, I knew my maths was rubbish but this is very embarrassing that I cant even count to 7!

On the score thing it reminds me of the story I was told by some one in the golf travel game about how Italian golfers...score 6, think 5 and write down 4!

I love golf in Italy. Great country, excellent courses that are usually pretty empty and very stylish golfers. However you do get the idea that the club championship may well be decided on a play off for who has the most cashmere sweaters!
Well said Mike, all clear and concise.

Looks like I missed the scrap somewhere ?!
I certainly have no problem with the Mods doing whatever they please, as they have put themselves forward to put the time in and police everything and keep us all in check, which hopefully now, shouldnt be too often.

Clive these negative posts are getting boring, if you have a problem with this free forum then take it up with mike via pm. Anyone who continues to violate the easy to follow rules will be dealt with in the appropriate manner.
This paranoia and hype being festered by a few members is completely unfounded. This so called witch hunt was started because one guy stood out head and shoulders above everyone in abusing the system (he, by the way has not contacted mike to complain about his treatment on the forum by staff nor mods) if they cannot understand or deal with it, that is their problem, I would kindly ask them to stop the bitching as they are only making themselves look like old bickering women.

I am sorry, but I felt I had to put the record straight. Mono wasn't banned for being offensive as stated in a previous post, and there has so far been no apology for the post. What's negative about that?
I've said my piece and will say no more for fear of being likened to a bickering old woman.
Clive you've asked me to get my facts right so can you please do the same. I at no point stated mono was offensive I said he continued to offend... by way of keep posting in the for sale forum multiple times.

Two different offenses for him and me and I've had my warning as did he.

Now thats cleared up lets leave it as that. Me and Mono have been responding too eachothers threads in good humour so i'm sure there is no ill feeling between us.
Minty, I apologise. I misunderstood your meaning of "Offend". As you state I took it to mean Mono had been offensive, I now realise this isn't what you meant.
As you say, let's leave it at that.
If we was in a pub now i'd shake your hand and buy you a beer Clive, and maybe some scampi fries. ;)

Onwards and upwards.
Give two men a golf club each and they will be friends for life.

Give two men a keyboard and a forum and I'll show you nursery-level behaviour.

All fora end up being silly from time to time. Some never get any better. Hopefully GM will recover from this extended bout of silliness and return to form soon.

There will always be people expressing themselves in here in a way or about something that displeases me/you. Let's not think we can solve anything in here - it's just a forum! Let's try and leave the egos on the 1st tee shall we?

Enjoy it for what it is and be dashed (no swearing is no fun!) grateful that the GM staff are as involved as they are and as sensible as they are.

Here endeth today's lesson!
Cheers for clearing it all up Mike.
I think I'm pretty safe with my postings, but it's nice to know!

BTW I think the moderators should look at your post about Italians, could contravene no1 on your list of unacceptable topics ;)
Give two men a golf club each and they will be friends for life.

Give two men a keyboard and a forum and I'll show you nursery-level behaviour.

All fora end up being silly from time to time. Some never get any better. Hopefully GM will recover from this extended bout of silliness and return to form soon.

There will always be people expressing themselves in here in a way or about something that displeases me/you. Let's not think we can solve anything in here - it's just a forum! Let's try and leave the egos on the 1st tee shall we?

Enjoy it for what it is and be dashed (no swearing is no fun!) grateful that the GM staff are as involved as they are and as sensible as they are.

Here endeth today's lesson!

What he said. ;)
All sensible stuff apart from the no swearing rule. I love a good swear and swearwords are some of the most wonderfully expressive ones in our fantastic language. They are also borderline essential when educating the unenlightened golfer on the relative merits of GPS rangefinders, belly putters, appropriate number of wedges to carry and custom fitting.

It is a good job I can self moderate and if not, there is always the trigger happy chris661 to weigh in like a hammer to crack a nut.


Some of the moderation is getting out of hand and rather tiresome. I posted a post today about the fact that being a PGA pro did not per se make someone an expert on every aspect of golf, nor anyone who was not a PGA pro a non-expert. That was not directed at Bob, nor did it refer to him, and indeed he would probably agree with it, but this post was deleted.

I strongly believe that was an unnecessary and clumsy example of over-moderation of a perfectly reasonable point and it pisses me off.
Is this from the Bob thread Ethan? I cropped it as there were complaints and took it back as far as possible and closed it. I wasnt going to cherry pick every post. Apologies if your sincere post was amongst the fall out.