Forum guidelines, moderators etc

Is this from the Bob thread Ethan? I cropped it as there were complaints and took it back as far as possible and closed it. I wasnt going to cherry pick every post. Apologies if your sincere post was amongst the fall out.

It was.

It was in response to a comment that only a PGA pro should post in Ask the Experts, and that anyone who was not a PGA pro was therefore not an expert, or words to that effect. I obviously do not agree with that assertion, on both aspects, and I think it is bad advice to give to people.
Couldn't agree more Ethan.

This forum is over moderated IMO which is equally as bad as a free for all, some of the posts being deleted are quite frankly ridiculous.

Brendy/Chris, your job is thankless but you need to lighten up or this forum is going to have more lurkers than posters.
It was.

It was in response to a comment that only a PGA pro should post in Ask the Experts, and that anyone who was not a PGA pro was therefore not an expert, or words to that effect. I obviously do not agree with that assertion, on both aspects, and I think it is bad advice to give to people.
50 posts were removed as they were heavily interspersed with rubbish posts. As I said, noone was going to sit and sift and moderate individual posts and make a sensible legible thread out of them.
Give two men a golf club each and they will be friends for life.

Give two men a keyboard and a forum and I'll show you nursery-level behaviour.

All fora end up being silly from time to time. Some never get any better. Hopefully GM will recover from this extended bout of silliness and return to form soon.

There will always be people expressing themselves in here in a way or about something that displeases me/you. Let's not think we can solve anything in here - it's just a forum! Let's try and leave the egos on the 1st tee shall we?

Enjoy it for what it is and be dashed (no swearing is no fun!) grateful that the GM staff are as involved as they are and as sensible as they are.

Here endeth today's lesson!
In light of the various threads/posts in past few days I had a quick look at this thread, ToonArmy summed things up nicely.