Fitness experts rate this Golf Workout


Assistant Pro
Feb 9, 2018
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The concept of periodisation is good.

The exercises chosen not soo much, seem a bit random with things like curls or reverse crunches not really adding a lot of value for golf.

The rep ranges also seem a bit on the high side for my preference, but an individual could easily modify that to something more appropriate like the 70-90% of max range and Prepilin's chart.


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Yeah for the strength section I thought 8-10 seemed a bit high and probably 4-6 but heavier weights better? At the moment I have started on 8 reps with 1 minute rest periods which fits perfectly into my lunch break- workout with warmup and down and stretching is about 55 mins..... But I am easing myself in with lighter weights so once I am more used to it might revert to heavier weights and less reps. I can see the benefit to the core for reverse crunches or maybe substitute with planks variations or something but did think curls a bit strange.

With regards phase 2 I think for power the exercises mentioned seemed good but again could incorporate other items like kettlebell swing, plyo box jumps etc?


Assistant Pro
Feb 9, 2018
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Use prepilins chart for rep ranges and weight load.

For phase 2, swings and jumps are good, also throwing, like med balls.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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How did this go looking for something similar

@Wolf you have any thoughts?
Thoughts are :

It's a badly thought out article and hugely unbalanced for full body muscular development and strength increases.

It's talks of periodized training as though that eludes solely to hypertrophy training, in fact periodized means working in different rep ranges and different training phases e.g Endurance, strength and hypertrophy.

It suggests that power (strength) phase is done immediately before the season post hypertrophy phase, yet still has you doing the same rep ranges as hypertrophy and with exercises that will help so minimally with this phase. Add in its asking you to do power cleans an exercise most would struggle with without good practice and with dumbells to is asking for trouble, power cleans are good but always for safety use a Barbell unless you're very experienced with this move . If your doing a power phase then reps go down to as little as 3-5 and longer rest periods as your looking to move a smuch weight as you can in a controlled yet explosive manner. You certainly wouldn't be using cable wood chops or push press, med ball work for a power phase unless your focus is solely on plyometircs in which case I'd argue it isn't a power phase at all, more a functional phase that promotes explosive movement, which is different to power.

Then factor in its asking someone to perform bicep Curls before doing Dumbell rows or Lat Pull downs is going to pre exhaust the bicep and restrict what you can achieve with the latter 2 exercises as the bicep is engaged when doing those so you should flip that round..

In summary all training should be periodized if you want to maximise strength and conditioning. Do you have to make this fit around your golf season? No..

You can periodize throughout the year all the whilst playing, you may not do as much strength phase during the playing season but you would still do hypertrophy and endurance work and can still do some strength work but maybe swap this out for plyometric work for explosive power rather than brute strength it also completely is devoid of any mobilisation work that will help flexibility and the swing as well as everyday life.

I could say more, the premise is right in that you can create a programme specific to golf however the structure of this one is hugely unbalanced and I could write a better one in 15minutes that could use throughout a season instead of putting a few random things together


Club Champion
Feb 25, 2017
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Thoughts are :

It's a badly thought out article and hugely unbalanced for full body muscular development and strength increases.

It's talks of periodized training as though that eludes solely to hypertrophy training, in fact periodized means working in different rep ranges and different training phases e.g Endurance, strength and hypertrophy.

It suggests that power (strength) phase is done immediately before the season post hypertrophy phase, yet still has you doing the same rep ranges as hypertrophy and with exercises that will help so minimally with this phase. Add in its asking you to do power cleans an exercise most would struggle with without good practice and with dumbells to is asking for trouble, power cleans are good but always for safety use a Barbell unless you're very experienced with this move . If your doing a power phase then reps go down to as little as 3-5 and longer rest periods as your looking to move a smuch weight as you can in a controlled yet explosive manner. You certainly wouldn't be using cable wood chops or push press, med ball work for a power phase unless your focus is solely on plyometircs in which case I'd argue it isn't a power phase at all, more a functional phase that promotes explosive movement, which is different to power.

Then factor in its asking someone to perform bicep Curls before doing Dumbell rows or Lat Pull downs is going to pre exhaust the bicep and restrict what you can achieve with the latter 2 exercises as the bicep is engaged when doing those so you should flip that round..

In summary all training should be periodized if you want to maximise strength and conditioning. Do you have to make this fit around your golf season? No..

You can periodize throughout the year all the whilst playing, you may not do as much strength phase during the playing season but you would still do hypertrophy and endurance work and can still do some strength work but maybe swap this out for plyometric work for explosive power rather than brute strength it also completely is devoid of any mobilisation work that will help flexibility and the swing as well as everyday life.

I could say more, the premise is right in that you can create a programme specific to golf however the structure of this one is hugely unbalanced and I could write a better one in 15minutes that could use throughout a season instead of putting a few random things together

I’ll give you 20 ;)

Fair enough back to the drawing board


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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£20 did you mean 😂

It can be done quite easily but this isn't a good example.

Noooooo wolf don’t do this to me.... I actually canned it for a while but have started back start January and see I’m making progress with it... taking a kaizen approach to it going up incrementally.

Still in phase one have added a mobility routine prior to workout and also try to do it on my rest days....

Might not be most efficient workout like you say @Wolf but I’m at least seeing progress.

Have increased the weights I’m doing between 28%-60%

Got my macros sorted too for nutrition.

Have lost 1.5% bodyfat, lost 7lbs weight and feel a bit of a difference in my body since 3rd jan so even if it’s not the best workout it’s still a bit of progress. Will see it out until close season where I am and possibly come back for a better plan.