Feel player


Jan 17, 2012
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I hear about people being feel players? When I'm out on my own I can feel the shot I want to play, but during a comp, under pressure the feel goes completely!! On 1 course practice gross +2, comp day +20, another course practice gross +1, comp +18. I spoke to another golfer who plays off 2, and he said he counts as taking the shot? What do others do? I play off 15.9, really want to bring the practice to comp day.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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i think there is a massive difference between knocking it round on your own to playing a comp with a card in your hand.

You just have to get used to playing with a card, helps to enjoy the company of the people you are playing with, def helps you to relax. i always play better if its with guys i know.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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What do others do? I play off 15.9, really want to bring the practice to comp day.

Play with someone else
Sign into a supplementary round before going out from time to time.

It is part of golf that the more it matters the harder it becomes to hit easy shots (it's almost the only thing the top pro's have in common with us handicap golfers).

There are basic practice drills that emulate this pressure - all based on penalties such as having to start again (putting) to adding a nominal extra shot to you score every time you miss a fairway on a particular side or throwing a brand new ball into a water hazard if your shot goes in etc etc They are all designed to toughen up your response to the negative threats.

However, and easier said than done, the alternative is to bring the comp day back to your practice - simply ignore that it's a comp and treat it exactly the same as a practice round (obviously you need to play your practice rounds to the rules of golf to make sense of this!). Another element is to match you pre round procedures across both disciplines ie if you run from the car to the 1st tee when practicing don't give yourself 2 hours on the putting green when playing a comp.