Favourite Forum Moment?

way too many to mention but:
  • meeting a big group of mates for life
  • a lot of forum and non forum orgaised trips with these guys
  • Chipping in from the clubhouse side of Blackmoor for an impossible shot in front of the baying gallery that did not think the ball could even stay on the green
  • Getting watsed with RickG on numerous occasions - southport was classic!
  • Playing with RickG as i still miss him - special person - and 36 holes at Centurion a few times including member invitation day where i still use the Bentley travel bag that i won for nearest the pin - the only time i have ever won that!
  • H4H for 15 years and the great nights out around it
  • Being Big Stu'd after H4H at North Hants - kebabs and puke involved! :D
  • The great big and small golf days arranged. One trip that sticks in the memory in Scotland was travelling from travelodge just in Scotland to Turnberry - unbeknown to me my sat nav was on shortest route and i was through the Trossacks national park and never saw a human for a couple of hours, lots of cattle grids, sheep and deap fears of believing i was in a Wicker Man set that i might not get out of - Hostel was another thought!!
  • Beating Smiffy 5 up after 5 at Whippersnappers v Old Farts at Woodhall in horrific weather 0- match ended there!
  • Seeing Pie Man appear like a drunken mirrage a couple of holes into H4H at Liphook - i think he was also Big Stu'd!
  • Having many guests down to my course over the last 15 years
  • Beating Richart on the 12 green at his place in a fousemes match - i may not have been the main reason for the win but i will always remember and remind him!! :cool:
Yes! I was trying to think of his name.
With all the posts he put up about how he could easily drive the ball over 300yds. Then someone posted a vid of his first forum meet. "On the tee",
"Timgolfy", we were all waiting in anticipation to watch a Roryesque drive, he then proceeded to top it left with a run of no more than 50yds!!😁
way too many to mention but:
  • meeting a big group of mates for life
  • a lot of forum and non forum orgaised trips with these guys
  • Chipping in from the clubhouse side of Blackmoor for an impossible shot in front of the baying gallery that did not think the ball could even stay on the green
  • Getting watsed with RickG on numerous occasions - southport was classic!
  • Playing with RickG as i still miss him - special person - and 36 holes at Centurion a few times including member invitation day where i still use the Bentley travel bag that i won for nearest the pin - the only time i have ever won that!
  • H4H for 15 years and the great nights out around it
  • Being Big Stu'd after H4H at North Hants - kebabs and puke involved! :D
  • The great big and small golf days arranged. One trip that sticks in the memory in Scotland was travelling from travelodge just in Scotland to Turnberry - unbeknown to me my sat nav was on shortest route and i was through the Trossacks national park and never saw a human for a couple of hours, lots of cattle grids, sheep and deap fears of believing i was in a Wicker Man set that i might not get out of - Hostel was another thought!!
  • Beating Smiffy 5 up after 5 at Whippersnappers v Old Farts at Woodhall in horrific weather 0- match ended there!
  • Seeing Pie Man appear like a drunken mirrage a couple of holes into H4H at Liphook - i think he was also Big Stu'd!
  • Having many guests down to my course over the last 15 years
  • Beating Richart on the 12 green at his place in a fousemes match - i may not have been the main reason for the win but i will always remember and remind him!! :cool:
Send my regards to Big Stu La,had some great banter with him over the years.
Yes! I was trying to think of his name.
With all the posts he put up about how he could easily drive the ball over 300yds. Then someone posted a vid of his first forum meet. "On the tee",
"Timgolfy", we were all waiting in anticipation to watch a Roryesque drive, he then proceeded to top it left with a run of no more than 50yds!!😁

Beau Desert
