What was you favourite chat up line.

First wife was " It's people like you who cause shortages " as her trolley in supermarket was plied high with sugar as she was off jam making.
Before her it was " fancy a ride on my tractor " 😜😂😂
When watching Rainworth miners welfare FC one Saturday afternoon. ( it was the year they got to Wembley). A drunken pal was talking to a girl. She was bragging she was on £100 a week, my pal said “ if you’re earning that much the first thing you should buy is some toothpaste”.
I met Missis T on a Saturday night. The following Tuesday we met at a fantastic pub called “The Flamingo” sadly now a farm foods. She was stood with her sister who was dead excited coz she was gonna ask this gorgeous lad for a dance and a date. When I walked up to Missis T and gave her a kiss on the cheek, her sisters face was a picture. I was the gorgeous lad. I have reminded her every now and then she fancied me. 😁👍
When watching Rainworth miners welfare FC one Saturday afternoon. ( it was the year they got to Wembley). A drunken pal was talking to a girl. She was bragging she was on £100 a week, my pal said “ if you’re earning that much the first thing you should buy is some toothpaste”.
I met Missis T on a Saturday night. The following Tuesday we met at a fantastic pub called “The Flamingo” sadly now a farm foods. She was stood with her sister who was dead excited coz she was gonna ask this gorgeous lad for a dance and a date. When I walked up to Missis T and gave her a kiss on the cheek, her sisters face was a picture. I was the gorgeous lad. I have reminded her every now and then she fancied me. 😁👍
Bet when she sees you rocking your speedos & crocs she feels she dodged a bullet 😂😂
"I'd like to see you again, will you give me your phone number?"

I think that was what I said in 1979 to the girl who eventually became my wife after our paths crossed a few times.
Can't remember before that and never needed a chat-up line since.
Me and a few mates went upto Stoke for a rave early 90's and we got talking to these girls from up near Newcastle. Anyway my mate Keith, who was a looker pulled the best looking one, like always, so we carried on. 1 of the girls was a big girl, so i gets talking to her, giving her the chat and out of nowhere i remembered a joke i'd heard.

I said to her " your a nice girl but you've got more chins than a singapore phone book" she slapped me accross the chops that hard i could still feel the stinging 2 days later:D
Club Kinetic perchance?
“Does your dad own a shotgun.”

“No of course not”

“ Ok fancy a dance”🕺

True story about the two-sport American athlete Bo Jackson. He was a serious hunter and loved his crossbow. His daughter brought a boyfriend home and Bo took him out to the back of the house and showed the kid how he could hit a bullseye from 50 yards away with his bow. He then wished him well with his daughter. :cool: