Epsom Golf Club - Surrey


Head Pro
Jan 26, 2017
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Hi all

I have written a lot on here about the frustration of trying to join a club and the awful experiences I have had both personally, on the phone and via email

Well, I visited Epsom Golf Club today and man was it a great experience.

I said hello to the Pro in the shop and he asked if I had been to the club before - he then took it upon himself to give me a tour of the pro shop area, clubhouse - all the members rooms and changing areas - the notice boards - explained the competitions ........ he couldnt have done more

I was then offered the chance to join the rollup but politely declined as I am still too damn shy to join in - however on two occasions during my first few holes I was asked by the players on their rounds if I wanted to join them and go round rather than be in my own - how nice is that

By the time I had reached the 5th it was bunching a little (nothing to be concerned about) when another single player caught me up. It turned out to be a lady member and I asked if she wanted to join me for the last 13 holes and apologised in advance for my poor play. She kindly accepted and I must say I had some of the nicest 13 holes I have ever had. During that time we had a lovely chat and she also explained an awful lot about the club and how it works. At the end of the round I was asked to play again which was lovely.

So having moaned about dozens of clubs I felt it right to write about one when they get it so right.

Well done Epsom and thank you

(I kept the names back out of politeness!!)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Know it very well. Drains brilliantly and is short but by no means easy. Top quality greens that get very quick in the summer and are elephant graveyards (contoured) in places. The first is a classic example. I don't think you can play when there is horse racing on (may be wrong) and I'm sure it's closed in Derby Week. That aside, it's a decent enough club and I've always been made very welcome there. When my mate was a member (his first club after starting golf) I know there was a lot of social events on too. Sounds great if they are trying to get you in roll ups. Tale them up. No-one will worry about your play. Get involved

Pathetic Shark

Tour Rookie
Oct 16, 2013
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Can I point out that I once scored in the car park next to the green on the long par-4 towards the grandstand? Then again, most people in the area did around that time. It was a well-known "scoring area" :)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Can I point out that I once scored in the car park next to the green on the long par-4 towards the grandstand? Then again, most people in the area did around that time. It was a well-known "scoring area" :)

Think that's the 5th. There is a short par 5 (11th from memory) that plays down the road leading to the grandstand and done the same thing in the summer looking out over London

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Great to hear. I've just been at a meeting tonight where we were talking about trying to introduce a similar friendly welcome at my club. You shouldn't need to of course but some people need a prod.

It sounds a great club to be a member of. Enjoy.


Assistant Pro
Oct 29, 2016
North Hampshire
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Went on a golf society day a couple of months ago, wasn't the best day out I've ever had. Our first tee group ended up teeing off almost 30 minutes late, seems that the pro shop were telling member that had just turned up on spec to go ahead of us. At the end of the round our society was enjoying a drink on the terrace when their was an almighty crash as a ball hit one of the glass tables, member playing the 18th hit a wayward shot right but didn't even bother to shout "fore" or even apologise after the event.

Other than that it was an OK course, the lack of bunkers was strange apparently most of the course is owned by the Jockey club and they do not allow them (all except for the 18th green, which is on the club's property).

Loved the 16th down the valley, I was the only player to get a on it par that day. 18th is a bit strange, you hit over a valley/trees to what looks like a huge field. You will be lucky to be able to see the flag for your second shot as the green is shielded by large hedges, I stood there for a minute or so, as the direction of the green was not obvious.